Search Results - Atay, Oğuz, 1934-1977
Oğuz Atay

In fact, four translations have so far been published: into Dutch, as , translated by Hanneke van der Heijden and Margreet Dorleijn (Athenaeum-Polak & v Gennep, 2011); into German, as , translated by Johannes Neuner (Binooki, 2016); into English, as 'The Disconnected', translated by Sevin Seydi (Olric Press, 2017: ): an excerpt from this won the Dryden Translation Prize in 2008 (Comparative Critical Studies, vol. V (2008) 99); into Greek, as , translated from Turkish by Νίκη Σταυρίδη, poetry sections by Δημήτρης Μαύρος, Gutenberg Editio Minor 34, 2022. . Provided by Wikipedia