Search Results - Milbank, John
John Milbank

Milbank founded the radical orthodoxy movement. His work crosses disciplinary boundaries, integrating subjects such as systematic theology, social theory, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy, political theory, and political theology. He first gained recognition after publishing ''Theology and Social Theory'' in 1990, which laid the theoretical foundations for the movement which later became known as radical orthodoxy. In recent years he has collaborated on three books with philosopher Slavoj Žižek and Creston Davis, entitled ''Theology and the Political: The New Debate'' (2005), ''The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic'' (2009), and ''Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology'' (2010). Milbank delivered the Stanton Lectures at Cambridge in 2011. Milbank's friendship and substantial intellectual common ground with David Bentley Hart has been noted several times by both thinkers. Provided by Wikipedia