Search Results - Moore, Keith
Keith Moore
}}Keith Moore (born 12 October 1960) is the author and co-author of several IETF RFCs related to the MIME and SMTP protocols for electronic mail, among others: *, defining a mechanism to allow SMTP clients and servers to avoid transferring messages so large that they will be rejected; *, defining a (rarely implemented) means to allow MIME messages to contain attachments whose actual contents are referenced by a URL; * amended by , defining a mechanism to allow non-ASCII characters to be encoded in text portions of a message header (but not in email addresses); * obsoleting , * obsoleting , * obsoleting , which together define a standard mechanism for reporting of delivery failures or successes in Internet email, *, standards for processes that automatically respond to electronic mail; and *, recommending the use of TLS for email submission and access, and the deprecation of cleartext versions of the protocols used for those purposes.
He has also written or co-written RFCs on other topics, including *, ''Use of HTTP State Management'' (recommending constraints on the use of "cookies" to address privacy concerns); *, ''On the use of HTTP as a Substrate'' (discussing the use of HTTP as a layer underneath other protocols); and *, describing the 6to4 mechanism for tunneling IPv6 packets over an IPv4 network.
He was born in Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University in 1985, and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Tennessee in 1996.
From 1996 to 1999 he served as a member of the Internet Engineering Steering Group as one of two co-directors for the Applications Area. Provided by Wikipedia