Search Results - Topuzlu, Cemil, 1866-1958

Cemil Topuzlu

Professor Cemil Topuzlu (18 March 1866 – 25 January 1958), also known as Cemil Pasha, was a Turkish social democratic politician who served two terms as mayor of Istanbul. During his time in office he oversaw major developments in the city, including the creation of Gülhane Park.

He was also a leading surgeon in Turkey, who was internationally recognised for his pioneering work in several areas, including open chest cardiac massage, and described in several papers published in Ottoman Turkish (later in modern Turkish), French and German. Provided by Wikipedia
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    İstibdat, Meşrutiyet, Cumhuriyet devirlerinde 80 yıllık hâtıralarım / by Topuzlu, Cemil, 1866-1958

    Published İşaret Yayınları, 2017.