Electronic communication techniques /
Modern electronic communication /
Information theory and reliable communication /
Ağ teknolojileri ve telekomünikasyon /
Thermal management of telecommunications equipment /
Communication Systems /
İletişim sistemlerinin temelleri
Önümüzdeki yol /
LED-Based Visible Light Communications
Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Industry 4.0
Connected Vehicles Intelligent Transportation Systems /
CMOS-Compatible Key Engineering Devices for High-Speed Silicon-Based Optical Interconnections
Electromagnetic Theory and Plasmonics for Engineers
Hybrid Massive MIMO Precoding in Cloud-RAN
Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science Volume 1: Foundations /
Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies 2015 MedCT 2015 Volume 2 /
Communication Systems for Electrical Engineers
Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing ISSIP 2017 /
Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Feedback Control A Lyapunov-Based Approach /
Computational Science and Technology 5th ICCST 2018, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 29-30 August 2018 /