Green composites : Materials manufacturing and engineering /
Machining : fundamentals and recent advances /
Mechanical engineering education /
Micro and Nano Machining of Engineering Materials Recent Developments /
Management Science Foundations and Innovations /
Optimization in Industry Present Practices and Future Scopes /
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Science Selected Extended Papers of ICAMMS 2018 /
Measurement in Machining and Tribology
Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Advanced Machining and Manufacturing Processes
Computational Methods for Application in Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 Developments towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution /
Progress in Lean Manufacturing
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Diagnostic Techniques in Industrial Engineering
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management A Guide to a Specialized MBA Course /
Application of Lasers in Manufacturing Select Papers from AIMTDR 2016 /
Design of Experiments in Production Engineering
Challenges in Higher Education for Sustainability
A Brief History of Mechanical Engineering