Search Results
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Humanitarian assistance
- İnsani yardım 6
- Emergency management 3
- History 3
- Tarih 3
- Acil durum yönetimi 2
- Arab-Israeli conflict 2
- Arap-İsrail çatışması 2
- Filistin 2
- Mülteciler 2
- Palestine 2
- Refugees 2
- Afet yönetimi 1
- Business logistics 1
- Civil rights 1
- Cultural assimilation 1
- Devlet politikası 1
- Forced migration 1
- Government policy 1
- Göçmenler 1
- Immigrants 1
- Kültürel asimilasyon 1
- Logistics 1
- Lojistik 1
- Mecburi göç 1
- Medeni haklar 1
- Names, Turkish 1
- Politics and government 1
- Siyaset ve yönetim 1
- Turks 1
Humanitarian logistics : meeting the challenge of preparing for and responding to disasters /
Published Kogan Page, 2014.Book -
Humanitarian Logistics : meeting the challenge of preparing for and responding to disasters and complex emergencies/
Published Kogan Page Inc, 2023.Book