Arama Sonuçları - signal processing fast processing digital techniques
Önerilen Konular
Önerilen Konular
- Computational Intelligence 9
- Computational intelligence 9
- Signal processing 9
- Signal, Speech and Image Processing 8
- Artificial Intelligence 5
- Artificial intelligence 5
- Communications Engineering, Networks 4
- Telecommunication 4
- Computer Communication Networks 2
- Computer networks 2
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2
- Data mining 2
- Algorithms 1
- COMPUTERS / General 1
- Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics 1
- Computer architecture 1
- Computer vision 1
- Control and Systems Theory 1
- Control engineering 1
- Digital techniques 1
- Digital video 1
- Electric power production 1
- Electrical Power Engineering 1
- Electronic Circuits and Systems 1
- Electronic circuits 1
- Fourier Analysis 1
- Fourier analysis 1
- Image processing 1
- Image processing-Digital techniques 1
- Logic Design 1
Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Understanding Digital Signal Processing
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Fundamentals of Image, Audio, and Video Processing Using MATLAB : With Applications to Pattern Recognition.
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.Full-text access
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Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB with Application to Digital Communications
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Single channel phase-aware signal processing in speech communication : theory and practice /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi John Wiley & Sons, 2016.Full-text access
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Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications Proceedings of Third International Conference INDIA 2016, Volume 2 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Load Encroachment Detection Algorithm for Digital Signal Processor Based Numerical Relay -- Chapter 26. …”
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Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications Proceedings of Third International Conference INDIA 2016, Volume 1 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…B. (Branch and Bound) Technique -- Chapter 74. Denoising Knee Joint Vibration Signals Using Variational Mode Decomposition -- Chapter 75. …”
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Proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices ICICCD 2016 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…An Efficient Handoff Using RFID Tags -- Chapter 91. A Robust and Fast Technique to Detect Copy Move Forgery in Digital Images Using SLIC Segmentation and SURF Keypoints -- Chapter 92. …”
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies IC3T 2015, Volume 1 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Advances in Systems, Control and Automation ETAEERE-2016 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Recent Developments in Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices Proceedings of ICCD 2017 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Machine Learning in VLSI Computer-Aided Design
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (AMLTA2018)
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…Content -- -- Part(1) Swarm intelligence and optimzation -- A Hybrid Grey Wolf-Bat Algorithm for Global Optimization -- Fractional Order Sliding Mode PID Controller/Observer for Continuous Nonlinear Switched Systems with PSO Parameter Tuning -- Modified Optimal Foraging Algorithm for Parameters Optimization of Support Vector Machine -- Pareto based Bat Algorithm for Multi Objectives Multiple Constraints Optimization in GMPLS Networks -- Fish Image Segmentation using Salp Swarm Algorithm -- Swarming behaviors of chicken for predicting posts on Facebook branding pages -- Enhancing AGDE algorithm using population size reduction for global numerical optimization -- Simulated Annealing based Quantum Inspired Automatic Clustering Technique -- Hybrid grasshopper optimization algorithm and support vector machines for automatic seizure detection in EEG Signals -- A Novel Genetic Algorithm Based k-means Algorithm for Cluster Analysis -- Pairwise Global Sequence Alignment using Sine-Cosine Optimization Algorithm -- An automated fish species identification system based on crow search algorithm -- Part(2) Fuzzy Logic and applications -- Design and implementation of Fuzzy PID controller into Multi agent Smart Library System Prototype -- Fuzzy Logic controller with color vision system tracking for mobile manipulator robot -- Interactive Fuzzy Cellular Automata for Fast Person Re-Identification -- Decision Support System for Determination of Forces Applied in Orthodontic based on Fuzzy Logic -- Part (3) Advanced Machine Learning and Applications -- Behaviorally-Based Textual Similarity Engine for Matching Job-Seekers with Jobs -- Machine Learning: A Convergence of Emerging Technologies in Computing -- Discrimination of Satellite Signals from Opencast Mining of Mineral Ores of Hematite and Uranium using Digital Image Processing and Geostatistical Algorithms -- Detecting Cross-Site Scripting Attacks using Machine Learning -- Text Mining Approach to Extract Associations between Obesity and Arabic Herbal Plants -- A Reinforcement Learning-based Adaptive Learning System -- Performance Evaluation of SVM-Based Amazighe Named Entity Recognition -- Trained Neural Networks Ensembles Weight Connections Analysis -- An Empirical Analysis of User Behavior for P2P IPTV Workloads -- Intelligent Decision Framework to Explore And control Infection Of Hepatitis C Virus -- Supervised Rainfall Learning Model using Machine Learning Algorithms -- Reducing Stage Weight Estimation Error of Slow Task Detection in MapReduce Scheduling -- Analysis of Complete-Link Clustering for Identifying Multi-attributes Software Quality Data -- Student Profile in E-learning Environment Based on Two-Dimensional Ontologies -- Comparative Sentiment Analysis on a Set of Movie Reviews using Deep Learning Approach -- Medical Equipment Failure Rate Analysis Using Supervised Machine Learning -- Part(4) Big data and classification -- Big-Data Aggregating, Linking, Integrating and Representing using Semantic Web Technologies -- Computer Aided Diagnostic System for Automatic Detection of Brain Tumor through MRI Using Clustering Based Segmentation Technique and SVM Classifier -- Feature selection using Genetic algorithm for big data -- Prediction of Liver Diseases Based on Machine Learning Technique for Big Data -- Stance Detection in Tweets Using a Majority Vote Classifier -- A Comparative Study of Classification Methods for Flash Memory Error Rate Prediction -- Opinion extraction and classification of real time YouTube cooking recipes comments -- A Framework for Big Data Analysis in Smart Cities -- Performance Enhancement of Distributed Clustering for Big Data Analytics -- Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis of Cascaded H-Bridge MLI using k-NN Classifier based on PPCA -- Improved Production Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) Using Intelligent-Manufacturing Execution Systems (I-MES) -- Improving Land-Cover and Crop-Types Classification of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images -- GPU-based CAPSO with N-Dimension Particles -- Machine Learning and Big Data Processing: A Technological Perspective and Review -- Harnessing the power of Big Data in Science -- Building Online Social Network Dataset for Arabic Text Classification -- Breast Cancer Detection and Classification using Thermography: A Review -- An Optimized K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Extending Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime -- Efficient Sentiment Analysis Approach Using Feature Selection and Classifier Ensemble -- Part(5) Intelligent Systems and Applications -- Development of an Ontology Based Solution for Energy Saving Through a Smart Home in the City of Adrar in Algeria -- Embeddings of Categorical Variables for Sequential Data in Fraud Context -- Hybrid Information Filtering Engine for Personalized Job Recommender System -- Behaviorally-Based Textual Similarity Engine for Matching Job-Seekers with Jobs -- Adaptive Task Scheduling on Multicore Processors -- PFastNCA: Parallel Fast Network Component Analysis for gene regulatory network -- Robots That Can Mix Serious With Fun -- Dialect versus MSA Sentiment Analysis -- Energy Aware Optimized Hierarchical Routing Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks -- Multi-filter Score-level Fusion for Fingerprint Verification -- Color Image Segmentation of Fishes with Complex Background in Water -- Analysis of Credit Risk Prediction using ARSkNN -- Dental Age Estimation in East Asian Population with Least Squares Regression -- Text Mining Approach to Analyse Stock Market Movement -- Stock Market Real Time Recommender Model Using Apache Spark Framework -- Patient Fingerprint Minutiae based Medical Image Watermarking and Adaptive Integrity -- Toward a Secure and Robust Medical Image Watermarking in Untrusted Environment -- Gray matter volume abnormalities in the reward system in first-episode patients with major depressive disorder .…”
Full-text access
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Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 2 Proceedings of the International Conference on CIDM, 5-6 December 2015 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Fast Multiplication with Partial Products Using Quaternary Signed Digit Number System -- Chapter 42. …”
Full-text access
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Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems Proceedings of ICAIECES 2015 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Differential Illumination Enhancement Technique for a Night Time Video -- Chapter 12. Low Cost Appliance Control System for Home Automation and Energy Management Using Image Processing -- Chapter 13. …”
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