Search Results - "2 preparation."
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- Chemical & Biochemical 3
- Ceramic materials 2
- Nanocomposites (Materials) 2
- Polymers 2
- Biophysics 1
- Biopolymers 1
- Boron compounds 1
- Carbon compounds 1
- Catalysis 1
- Ceramics 1
- Chemistry, Inorganic 1
- Chemistry, Technical 1
- Chimie inorganique 1
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- Energy Harvesting 1
- Energy harvesting 1
- Environmental Chemistry 1
- Environmental chemistry 1
- Industrial Chemistry 1
- Inorganic Chemistry 1
- Inorganic chemistry 1
- Machine learning 1
- Mathematical statistics 1
- Methodology 1
- Mineralogical chemistry 1
- Nanochemistry 1
- Piezoelectric ceramics 1
- Polymères 1
- Polystyrene 1
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Membranes Materials, Simulations, and Applications /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…1 Poly (Hexahydrotriazine) Membranes Prepared By Coupling Reaction between Diamines and Aldehydes -- 2 Preparation and Characterization of Hybrid Membranes Based on Poly(Ether-B-Amide) -- 3 Preparation of Membranes Based on PolySulfone (PSU) and Graphene Oxide (GrO) by Electrospinning -- 4 Ceramic Crossflow Filtration in Food and Dairy Applications -- 5 Sulfated TiO2-ZrO2 Membrane as-synthesized by Sol-Gel Method: Application in the Olefin Oligomerization -- 6 CO2/N2 Separation in Postcombustion Processes by Means of Alumina-Supported-Ionic-Liquid Membranes -- 7 Synthesis of Catalytic Membranes for the Oxidation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater -- 8 Ion Transport through Biomimetic Nanochannel Membranes -- 9 Synergies between Pulsatile Flow and Spacer Filaments in Reverse Osmosis Modules -- 10 Obtaining the Tortuosity Factor as a Function of Crystallinity in Polyethylene Membranes -- 11 Three Dimensional Modelling, and Simulation of Multilayer Spacers for Spiral Wound Membrane Modules.-12 Biofouling Studies on Thin Film Composite Membranes in Reverse Osmosis Desalination Processes -- 13 Photo-Oxidation Treatment of the Reject Stream of a Nanofiltration Membrane System -- 14 Cleaning Strategies for a Membrane Bioreactor to Produce Permeate with a Quality Suitable for Indirect Reuse -- 15 Effect of the Transport Properties on the Design of a Plant and on the Economy of The Sweetening Process of Natural Gas Using Membranes -- 16 Fouling Modeling and Optimization of Membrane Module Design for Brackish and Sea Water Desalination in the Mexican Pacific Coast - Project Description and Progress -- 17 Research on Polymer Membranes and Teaching Performed in Unam Campus Morelia.…”
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Rubber-Clay Nanocomposites : Science, Technology, and Applications /
Published John Wiley & Sons, [2011]Table of Contents: “…Clays and Clay Minerals / Fa̐za Bergaya, Maguy Jaber, Jean-Fraṅois Lambert -- Organophilic Clay Minerals / Fa̐za Bergaya, Maguy Jaber, Jean-Fraṅois Lambert -- Industrial Treatments and Modification of Clay Minerals / Cinzia Della Porta -- Alkylammonium Chains on Layered Clay Mineral Surfaces / Hendrik Heinz -- Chemistry of Rubber₆Organoclay Nanocomposites / Luca Giannini, Attilio Citterio, Maurizio Galimberti, Dafne Cozzi -- Section II: Preparation and Characterization of Rubber₆Clay Nanocomposites. …”
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Nanostructured Photocatalysts Advanced Functional Materials /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Synthesis of novel titania and its photocatalytic activity -- Preparation of controllable crystalline titania and study on the photocatalytic properties -- Controllable synthesis and photocatalytic activities of TiO2 nanocrystals -- Nanostructured elemental photocatalysts: development and challenges -- Development of visible light responsive morphology controlled TiO2 photocatalyst -- Development of advanced nanoarchitectures for photocatalytic treatment of NOx: challenges and prospects -- Preparation of TiO2 nanotubes-based electrophotocatalysts and their application in organic pollutants oxidation -- Hollow core-shell titania photocatalysts for selective organic synthesis -- Design of film photocatalysts deposited on rotating disk for degradation of organic dyes in wastewater -- Photocatalyst prepared using ion beam -- F-doping on the photocatalytic activity and microstructures of nanocrystalline TiO2 Powders -- Photocatalytic decomposition of NH3 over Fe-doped TiO2 prepared by solid-state impregnation -- Surface-functionalized TiO2 photocatalyst -- Design of nanostructured thin film photocatalysts and their advanced functions -- Silica-supported TiO2 photocatalyst supported on hydrophobic modified silica support -- Photodegradation of aromatic pollutants in water over TiO2 supported on molecular sieves -- Layered double hydroxide photocatalysts for CO2 conversion in H2O -- Plasmonic photocatalysts -- Bismuth contaning complex oxides nano- and microstructures: shape control and associated visible‐light‐driven photocatalytic activities -- Synthesis and Facet-dependent photocatalytic activity of layered BiOCl -- Synthesis of square Bi2WO6 nanoplates as high-activity visible-light-driven photocatalysts -- Formation of novel BiOCl/Bi2O3 and WO3/BiOCl/Bi2O3 for efficient visible-light photocatalysis -- Visible light responsive photocatalysts and photoelectrodes using WO3 semiconductor for degradation of various organic compounds and water splitting -- Z-scheme semiconductor photocatalyticsystems -- Silica-supported metal complex photocatalyst -- Metal-organic-framework (MOF) and porous-coordination-polymer (PCP) based photocatalyst -- Photocatalytic CO2 reduction to CO by ZIF-9/TiO2 -- Nanometal loaded metal-organic-framework photocatalysts. .…”
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Biopolymer nanocomposites : processing, properties, and applications /
Published John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2013.Table of Contents: “…Wiley Series on Polymer Engineering and Technology; Title page; Copyright page; Foreword; Contributors; CHAPTER 1: Bionanocomposites: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Nanocrystalline Cellulose; CHAPTER 2: Preparation of Chitin Nanofibers and Their Composites; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Isolation of Chitin Nanofibers from Different Sources; 2.3 Characterization of Chitin Nanofibers Obtained from Crab, Prawn, and Dry Chitin Powder; 2.4 Preparation of Chitin Nanofibers from Edible Mushrooms; 2.5 Preparation of Chitin Nanofiber Nanocomposites…”
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Polystyrene : synthesis, characteristics, and applications /
Published Nova Publishers, [2014]Table of Contents: “…Introduction and Background; 2. Preparation of Gigaporous Polystyrene Microspheres.…”
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Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition.
Published Manning Publications Co. LLC, 2021.Table of Contents: “…4.1.5 Using a trained model to generate predictions on new data -- 4.1.6 Further experiments -- 4.1.7 Wrapping up -- 4.2 Classifying newswires: A multiclass classification example -- 4.2.1 The Reuters dataset -- 4.2.2 Preparing the data -- 4.2.3 Building your model -- 4.2.4 Validating your approach -- 4.2.5 Generating predictions on new data -- 4.2.6 A different way to handle the labels and the loss -- 4.2.7 The importance of having sufficiently large intermediate layers -- 4.2.8 Further experiments -- 4.2.9 Wrapping up -- 4.3 Predicting house prices: A regression example -- 4.3.1 The Boston housing price dataset -- 4.3.2 Preparing the data -- 4.3.3 Building your model -- 4.3.4 Validating your approach using K-fold validation -- 4.3.5 Generating predictions on new data -- 4.3.6 Wrapping up -- Summary -- 5 Fundamentals of machine learning -- 5.1 Generalization: The goal of machine learning -- 5.1.1 Underfitting and overfitting -- 5.1.2 The nature of generalization in deep learning -- 5.2 Evaluating machine learning models -- 5.2.1 Training, validation, and test sets -- 5.2.2 Beating a common-sense baseline -- 5.2.3 Things to keep in mind about model evaluation -- 5.3 Improving model fit -- 5.3.1 Tuning key gradient descent parameters -- 5.3.2 Leveraging better architecture priors -- 5.3.3 Increasing model capacity -- 5.4 Improving generalization -- 5.4.1 Dataset curation -- 5.4.2 Feature engineering -- 5.4.3 Using early stopping -- 5.4.4 Regularizing your model -- Summary -- 6 The universal workflow of machine learning -- 6.1 Define the task -- 6.1.1 Frame the problem -- 6.1.2 Collect a dataset -- 6.1.3 Understand your data -- 6.1.4 Choose a measure of success -- 6.2 Develop a model -- 6.2.1 Prepare the data -- 6.2.2 Choose an evaluation protocol -- 6.2.3 Beat a baseline -- 6.2.4 Scale up: Develop a model that overfits.…”
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Ultra-high temperature ceramics : materials for extreme environment applications /
Published ACers--Wiley, [2014]Table of Contents: Full-text access
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Lead-Free Piezoelectrics.
Published Springer, 2011.Table of Contents: “…10.2 Brief Description of Preparation Method -- 10.3 Selection of Reactive Template and Batch Formulation -- 10.4 Preparation of Reactive Template Particles -- 10.5 Tape Casting -- 10.6 Calcination -- 10.7 Cold-Isostatic Pressing -- 10.8 Sintering -- 10.9 Improvement of Piezoelectric Properties -- 10.10 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 11: Crystal Growth and Electric Properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-BaTiO3 Single Crystals -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Crystal Growth of NBBT Single Crystals -- 11.2.1 Polycrystalline Material Synthesis -- 11.2.2 Crystal Growth of NBBT -- 11.3 Composition Dependence of NBBT Crystal Structure -- 11.4 Electric Properties of NBBT Crystals -- 11.4.1 Dielectric Properties -- 11.4.2 Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties -- 11.5 Electric Properties of Mn-Doped NBBT95/5 Crystal -- 11.6 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 12: Nonstoichiometry in (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 Ceramics -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Preparation and Characterization -- 12.3 Nonstoichiometry by Means of A-Site Intrinsic Disorders in (Bi0.5+xNa0.5+y)TiO3 -- 12.4 Nonstoichiometry by Means of B-Site Extrinsic Doping in (Bi0.5Na0.5)(Ti1-zDz)O3 -- 12.5 Electrical Conduction -- 12.6 Summary -- References -- Part IV: Bismuth Layer Structured Ferroelectric -- Chapter 13: Resonator Characteristics of Bismuth Layer Structured Ferroelectric Materials -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Resonance Characteristics of BLSF for Oscillator Applications -- 13.2.1 Materials for Resonators of Signal Processor Applications -- Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of BLSF -- 13.2.2 Vibration-Mode Selection for Oscillator Application -- 13.2.3 TE2-Mode Vibration Generated by Double Layer Structured Plate of BLSF Ceramics -- Sample Preparation for Layered Ceramic Resonator -- Compositional Optimization for SBN-Based Ceramic Materials.…”
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Introduction to Refractories for Iron- and Steelmaking.
Published Springer International Publishing AG, 2020.Table of Contents: “… Input-Output in LD Converter -- Reactions in BOF -- Reaction Equilibrium in BOF Steel Making -- Bottom-Stirring Practice in LD Converter -- 2.3.4 Secondary Refining Process -- 2.4 Type of Processes and Special Consideration -- 2.4.1 Ladle Furnaces -- Refining of Liquid Steel -- Steel Alloying -- Stirring Liquid Bath in Ladles -- Chilling Effect on Alloy Addition -- Preheating of Steel Ladle -- 2.4.2 RH-Degasser -- Basics of RH Process -- Multifunctional Burner (MFB) in RH-OB -- Ultra-Low Carbon Steel in RH Vessel -- 2.4.3 CAS-OB -- Basics of CAS-OB -- CAS-OB Reheating -- Refractory Erosion and Snorkel Life -- References -- Chapter 3: Blast Furnace Refractory -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Demand on Refractory Lining -- 3.2.1 Refractory Practice in Stack -- 3.2.2 Refractory Practice in Bosh and Belly -- 3.2.3 Refractory Practice in TJ Area -- Use of Ramming Masses in Blast Furnace Lining -- 3.2.4 Refractory Practices in Hearth -- Source and Quality of Graphite -- Hot-Pressed Carbon -- Thermal Conductivity -- Corrosion Resistance -- 3.3 Refractory Maintenance Practice -- 3.3.1 Robotic Stack Gunning -- Arrangements for Robotic Gunning -- Blast Furnace Wall Cleaning -- 3.3.2 Grouting Refractory -- Decisions on Grouting in Stack and Bosh -- Preparation for Grouting -- Decision on Grouting in Hearth Side Wall -- 3.3.3 TiO2 Injection [18] -- 3.4 Consideration to Prolong Blast Furnace Campaign -- 3.4.1 Designing Features -- Design on Thermal Gradient -- Heat Conduction in a Multilayer Refractory Lining in Straight Wall -- Heat Flux Calculation through Circular Wall -- Design on Thermo-Mechanical Stress.…”
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Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences A Practical Introduction with Examples in SPSS and Stata /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access