Search Results - "Educational strategies & policy."
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Education 30
- Educational strategies & policy 30
- General 18
- Educational Policy & Reform 11
- Education and state 7
- Organization & management of education 6
- Research 5
- Comparative education 4
- Education, Higher 4
- Higher 4
- Higher & further education, tertiary education 3
- Multicultural Education 3
- Teaching Methods & Materials 3
- Administration 2
- Comparative 2
- Educational planning 2
- International education 2
- Organizations & Institutions 2
- Social aspects 2
- Study and teaching 2
- African American high school boys 1
- African American middle school boys 1
- African American schoolboys 1
- Aims & Objectives 1
- Aims and objectives 1
- Bologna process (European higher education) 1
- Climatic changes 1
- College graduates 1
- Democracy and education 1
- Digital communications 1
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Annual review of comparative and international education 2016 /
Published Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016.Subjects: Full-text access
e-Book -
Annual review of comparative and international education 2017.
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.Subjects: Full-text access
e-Book -
Motivation in education at a time of global change : theory, research, and implications for practice /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.Subjects: Full-text access
e-Book -
Integrating service-learning and consulting in distance education /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.Subjects: Full-text access
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Work-integrated learning in the 21st century : global perspectives on the future /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.Subjects: Full-text access
e-Book -
Strategies for fostering inclusive classrooms in higher education : international perspectives on equity and inclusion /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.Subjects: Full-text access
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The future of innovation and technology in education : policies and practices for teaching and learning excellence /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.Subjects: Full-text access
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Cross-nationally comparative, evidence-based educational policymaking and reform /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.Subjects: Full-text access
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Case study evaluation past, present and future challenges /
Published Emerald, 2015.Subjects: Full-text access
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Rethinking class and social difference /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Subjects: Full-text access
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School improvement networks and collaborative inquiry : fostering systemic change in challenging contexts /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.Subjects: Full-text access
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Institutional transformation to engage a diverse student body
Published Emerald, 2011.Subjects: Full-text access
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Post-socialism is not dead (re)reading the global in comparative education /
Published Emerald, 2010.Subjects: Full-text access
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Democrats, authoritarians and the Bologna process /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.Subjects: Full-text access
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Legal frontiers in education complex law issues for leaders, policymakers and policy implementers /
Published Emerald, 2015.Subjects: Full-text access
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The Obama administration and educational reform
Published Emerald, 2014.Subjects: Full-text access
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The impact of international achievement studies on national education policymaking
Published Emerald, 2010.Subjects: Full-text access
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The development of higher education in Africa prospects and challenges /
Published Emerald, 2013.Subjects: Full-text access
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Education strategy in the developing world revising the World Bank's education policy /
Published Emerald, 2012.Subjects: Full-text access
e-Book -
Paradoxes of the democratization of higher education
Published Emerald, c. 2016.Subjects: Full-text access