Search Results - "Habitus"
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Social Science 4
- General 3
- Sociology 3
- Education 2
- Political Science 2
- Postmodernism_Social aspects. Social change 2
- Postmodernizm_Sosyal yönler. Sosyal değişim 2
- Research 2
- Social aspects 2
- Social history_20th century. Social history_21st century 2
- Sosyal tarih 20. yüzyıl. Sosyal tarih 21. yüzyıl 2
- Architecture 1
- Audio-visual aids 1
- Business & Economics 1
- Climatology 1
- Colleges of higher education 1
- Colonialism & Post-Colonialism 1
- Colonialism & imperialism 1
- Education (Higher) 1
- History 1
- Human factors 1
- Hydraulic fracturing 1
- Inclusive Education 1
- Inclusive education 1
- Kaynaklar 1
- Labor 1
- Labor market 1
- Mainstreaming in education 1
- Methodology 1
- Mimari 1
International origins of social and political theory /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Marx as genealogist in zur kritik --"These days of shoah" : history, habitus, and realpolitik in Jewish Palestine, 1942-1943 -- Late-Victorian worlds : Alfred Marshall on competition, character, and anglo-saxon civilization -- Epistemic ruptures : history, practice, and the anticolonial imagination -- Empire and violence : continuity in the age of revolution -- Superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering : national liberation and the laws of war -- The sovereign society : historical rupture and the emergence of the "domestic" in 17th century Europe and East Asia -- About the editors -- Index.…”
Full-text access
e-Book -
Comparing European workers.
Published Emerald, 2011.Table of Contents: “…Dixon -- Work values and job rewards among European workers / Michael Wallace, Travis Scott Lowe -- The Islamic making of a capitalist habitus / Cihan Tugal -- Explaining cross-national variation in wage inequality / Vincent A. …”
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Seeing is believing? approaches to visual research /
Published Elsevier JAI, 2004.Table of Contents: “…Pole -- History through the lens: every picture tells a story / John Martin and Ruth Martin -- Snap happy: toward a sociology of "everyday" photography / Barbara Harrison -- Recording the "habitus" / Tim Dant -- Performance, self-representation and narrative: interviewing with video / Sarah Pink -- On using visual data across the research process: sights and insights from a social geography of people's independent learning in times of educational change / Pat Allatt and Caroline Dixon -- Images, interviews and interpretations: making connections in visual research / Alan Felstead, Nick Jewson, and Sally Walters -- Power, inequality, change and uncertainty: viewing the world through the development prism / Matt Smith and John Donnelly -- Using visuals to release pupils' voices: emotional pathways into enhancing thinking and reflecting on learning / Andrea Raggl and Michael Schratz -- The use of the visual medium for program evaluation / Rosalind Hurworth.…”
Full-text access
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Postcolonial sociology
Published Emerald, 2013.Table of Contents: “…Jansen -- The violences of knowledge : Edward Said, sociology, and post-Orientalist reflexivity / Jeffrey Guhin, Jonathan Wyrtzen -- Hybrid habitus : toward a post-colonial theory of practice / Claire Laurier Decoteau -- The possibilities of, and for, global sociology : a postcolonial perspective / Gurminder K. …”
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African American rural education : college transitions and postsecondary experiences /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- African American Rural Students: Exploring the Intersection of Place and Race -- Secondary Education Pathways -- Passport with No Access: The Habitus and Cultural Capital Influences of Rural, African American, and Low Socioeconomic Status Students' College Aspirations -- Black, Gifted, and Living in the "Country": Searching for Equity and Excellence in Rural Gifted Education Programs -- Black Males in Rural Contexts: Challenges and Opportunities -- #BlackGirlMagic: The (Mis)education of Gifted Black Girls from Economically Disadvantaged, Rural Communities -- Postsecondary Education Pathways and Experiences -- The Privileged Rural: The College Experiences of Rural African Americans -- Rural Pathways to Higher Education: The Role of Mathematics Achievement and Self-efficacy for Black Students -- Rural, Black, and Distant: Building Relationships to Foster Higher Education Access -- The Culturally Relevant Classroom Management Competence of Novice Teachers -- Advancing Rural Administrators and Teacher Leaders: Educational Opportunity in the Alabama Black Belt -- Outsiders within: Critical Perspectives of Black/African American Women Teaching Multicultural Counseling in Rural Appalachia -- Afterword -- About the Series Editors -- About the Authors -- Index.…”
Full-text access
e-Book -
Foundations of inclusive education research
Published Emerald, 2015.Table of Contents: “…/ Umesh Sharma, Hasheem Mannan -- Under the mentorship of John Dewey : democratic lessons for inclusive education / Scot Danforth -- Re-imagining inclusive research and practice : a focus on bourdieus concepts of habitus, capital, doxa and field / Joseph Seyram Agbenyega, Sunanta Klibthong -- Assembling all the jigsaw pieces together : the critical work of Dorothy Lipsky and Alan Gartner's Inclusion and school reform / David J. …”
Full-text access
e-Book -
Fields of knowledge science, politics and publics in the neoliberal age /
Published Emerald, 2014.Full-text access