Search Results - "Myth"

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    Myths and legends : a selection of short stories /

    Published Longman, 2003
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    Vocabulary myths : applying second language research to classroom teaching / by Folse, Keith S.

    Published University of Michigan Press, 2004.
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    Rudolf Bultmann’da vahiy ve mitoloji/ by Çil, Ayşe

    Published Hece Yayınları, 2015.
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    Stranger than fiction : urban myths / by Healey, Phil

    Published Pearson Education, 2008
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    Stranger than fiction : urban myths by Key, Patty

    Published 2008 Penguin
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    The astructural bias charge myth or reality? /

    Published Emerald, 2016.
    Full-text access
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    The Spirit of Capitalism According to the Michelin Company Anthropology of an Industrial Myth / by Védrine, Corine

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…The Construction of a Myth -- 4. Reified Types of Myth and Company Ritual -- 5. …”
    Full-text access
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    Economics and world history : Myths and paradoxes / by Bairoch, Paul

    Published The University of Chicago Press, 1995.
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    The pollen path : a collection of Navajo myths / by Link, Margaret Schevill

    Published Kiva Published, 1998.
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    The Hardware Trojan War Attacks, Myths, and Defenses /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Full-text access
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    The entrepreneurial state : Debunking public vs private sector myths / by Mazzucato, Mariana

    Published Penguin Books, 2018.
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    Mit ve anlam / by Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1908-2009

    Published İthaki Yayınları, 2013.
    “…Myth and meaning.…”
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    Dakikalar içinde mitoloji : dünyanın en bilinen 200 çarpıcı fabl, destan ve efsanesi/ by Philip, Neil

    Published Kronik Kitap, 2023
    “…Myths in minutes.…”
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    Sisifos söyleni : deneme / by Camus, Albert

    Published Can Yayınları, 2013.
    “…Le mythe de sisyphe.…”
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    Evrimin İkonları : bilim mi, mit mi ? / by Wells, Jonathan

    Published Gelenek Yayıncılık, 2003.
    “…Icons of evolution : science or myth ?…”
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    Dinsel efsanelerin kökeni : İbrani dinlerin Marksist eleştirisi / by Pickard, John

    Published Ayrıntı Yayınları Basım Dağıtım San. ve Tic. A.Ş., 2022.
    “…Behind the myths : the foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.…”
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    Psikiyatrinin zorbalığı / by Masson, Jeffrey

    Published Doruk Yayıncılık, 1997.
    “…Against therapy : emotional tyranny and the myth of psychological healing…”
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    Kurtlarla koşan kadınlar : vahşi kadın arketipine dair mit ve öyküler / by Estes, Clarissa Pinkola

    Published AyrıntıYayınları, 2019.
    “…Women who run with the wolves: myths and stories of the wild woman archetype.…”
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    1780'den günümüze milletler ve milliyetçilik : program, mit, gerçeklik / by Hobsbawm, E. J.

    Published Ayrıntı, 2014.
    “…Nations and nationalism since 1780 : ''Programme, myth, reality.…”
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    Special issue the legacy of Stuart Scheingold /

    Published Emerald, 2012.
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction : Stuart Scheingold, a personal reflection / Austin Sarat -- The myth of the myth of rights / George I. Lovell -- "A madman full of paranoid guile" : the myth of rights in the modern American mind / Jeffrey R. …”
    Full-text access