Search Results - "Pedagog"
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Education 25
- Computational Intelligence 10
- Computational intelligence 10
- General 10
- Study and teaching 9
- Research 7
- Language and languages 6
- Applied Linguistics 5
- Applied linguistics 5
- Artificial Intelligence 5
- Artificial intelligence 5
- Language Teaching and Learning 5
- Methodology 5
- Computer-assisted instruction 4
- Computers & Technology 4
- Educational equipment & technology, computer-aided learning (CAL) 4
- Higher 4
- Language Education 4
- Sociology 4
- Teaching Methods & Materials 4
- Teaching skills & techniques 4
- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 3
- Computer Modelling 3
- Computer simulation 3
- Data processing 3
- Educational technology 3
- Engineering Fluid Dynamics 3
- Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer 3
- Fluid mechanics 3
- Heat engineering 3
Using Pedagogic Intervention to Cultivate Contextual Lexical Competence in L2 An Investigation of Chinese EFL Learners /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Table of Contents: “…-- Chapter 3: CLIC-Related Concepts & A CLIC Conceptual Model -- Chapter 4: In Search of Theoretical Foundations for CLIC Instructional Methods -- Part Two: A Pedagogical Experiment on CLIC Cultivation -- Chapter 5: Empirical Research Methodology -- Chapter 6: Preparation of the Data -- Chapter 7: Effects of Pedagogical Intervention -- Part Three: Further Thoughts on CLIC Pedagogy -- Chapter 8: CLIC Pedagogy: Reflections.…”
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Self-study of language and literacy teacher education practices : culturally and linguistically diverse contexts /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.Table of Contents: Full-text access
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Inquiry and Research Skills for Language Teachers
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1: Introduction to Research -- Chapter 2: Exploring and Developing Puzzles -- Chapter 3: Designing Pedagogically Exploitable Pedagogic-Research Activities (PEPRAs) -- Chapter 4: Generating the Pieces of the Puzzle -- Chapter 5: Putting the Pieces Together -- Chapter 6: Understanding the Puzzle and the Emerging Picture -- Chapter 7: Developing Critical Reflection Practices via Reflective Writing for Pre-service Language Teachers -- Chapter 8: Educational Research Course Designs Across the World.…”
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Computer Vision and Audition in Urban Analysis Using the Remorph Framework
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Introducing the Question -- Situating the Question in the General Field of Inquiry -- Computer Vision in Urban Studies: Theory, Techniques and Rules of Application -- Computer Audition in Urban Studies: Theory, Techniques and Rules of Application -- Remorph is a pedagogical framework -- Future Trends in "Smart" Urban Analysis.…”
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From pedagogy to quality assurance in education : an international perspective /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Table of Contents: “…Part I: Introduction -- Chapter 1: From Pedagogy to Quality Assurance in Education: An International Perspective -- Part II: Education and Schools -- Chapter 2.1: Critical Thinking Pedagogy and Quality Assurance in the United States -- Chapter 2.2: Proposal to Promote Quality of Education: A View from Spain -- Chapter 2.3: The Management and Assurance of Quality in Romanian Schools -- Chapter 2.4: Pedagogical Approaches and Initiatives for Educational Quality Assurance in Turkey -- Chapter 2.5: Congruence Between Pedagogical and Assessment Approaches: A Case of One Large Province in South Africa -- Part III: Special Education -- Chapter 3.1: Inclusion of Children with Special Needs as an Opportunity to Increase the Quality of Teaching in Israel -- Chapter 3.2: Inclusion, Diversity and Quality in the Mexican Educational Context: Perceptions of Teachers in the State of Sonora (Mexico) -- Part IV: Higher Education and Adult Education -- Chapter 4.1: Pedagogy and Quality Assurance in Thai Higher Education Institutions -- Chapter 4.2: Quality Assurance in Adult Education in Latvia -- Index.…”
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Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children The Grammar of Upbringing /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Le Fils: (Re)Turning and assembling Reminders -- Part III: Postscript -- 6. Towards a pedagogical understanding of upbringing. .…”
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Inclusive pedagogy across the curriculum
Published Emerald, 2015.Table of Contents: “…Teaching and learning for all / Joanne Deppeler, Tim Loreman, Ron Smith -- Conceptualising inclusive pedagogy : the inclusive pedagogical approach in action / Lani Florian -- Strengthening literacy and numeracy in early childhood / Joseph Seyram Agbenyega -- Literacy learning : designing and enacting inclusive pedagogical practices in classrooms / Annette Woods, Barbara Comber, Radha Iyer -- Effective and inclusive mathematics teaching and learning / Helen Forgasz, Jill Cheeseman -- The role of values in teaching and learning science / Deborah Corrigan, Kathy Smith -- Inclusive pedagogy in physical education / Gerald Griggs, Richard Medcalf -- Enhancing inclusion in geography classrooms / Michael Phillips, Stephen Cranby -- Music: naturally inclusive, potentially exclusive? …”
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Variational Methods in Molecular Modeling
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Variational Methods in Statistical Thermodynamics - A Pedagogical Introduction -- Square-Gradient Models for Inhomogeneous Many-body Systems -- Classical Density Functional Theory for Molecular Systems -- Classical Density Functional Theory of Polymeric Fluids and Ionic Liquids -- Variational Perturbation Theory for Electrolyte Solutions -- Self-Consistent-Field Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymeric Systems -- Variational Methods for Biomolecular Modeling -- A Theoretician's Approach to Nematic Liquid Crystals and Their Applications -- Dynamical Density Functional Theory for Brownian Dynamics of Colloidal Particles -- Introduction to the Variational Monte Carlo Method in Quantum Chemistry and Physics.…”
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Computational and Statistical Methods in Intelligent Systems
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…An Analytical Modeling for Leveraging Scalable Communication in IoT for Inter-Domain Routing -- Multi-Hybrid SMOTE Cost Sensitive Ensemble Approach for Software Defect Prediction -- Alternative Approach to Fisher's Exact Test with Application in Pedagogical Research -- Development of the Forecasting Component of the Decision Support System for the Regulation of Inter-regional Migration Processes -- Using Blockchain Technology to Improve N-version Software Dependability -- Enhancing Feature Selection with Density Cluster for Better Clustering -- Enhancing Concurrent ETL Task Schedule with Altruistic Strategy -- A Binary Percentile Sin-Cosine Optimisation Algorithm Applied to the Set Covering Problem -- Particular Analysis of Normality of Data in Applied Quantitative Research -- Towards Smartphone-based Navigation for Visually Impaired People.…”
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Human-Computer Systems Interaction Backgrounds and Applications 4 /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Imperceptible Sensor Infrastructure for rule-Based Active Safety Prevention in the Household -- A Tactile Pen and the Presentation of Texture Sensation with a Visual Display -- Direction of Echo Arrival Estimation by Indirect Determination of Phase Shift -- Visual and Auditory Attention Stimulator for Assisting Pedagogical Therapy -- Usefulness of Keystroke Dynamics Features in User Authentication and Emotion Recognition -- A Discrete Dynamic System Approach to Studying Project Management Processes Using the General Theory of Linear Max Plus Systems -- Sparsely Synchronized Distributed/Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Road Traffic Network Division -- Decision Method Choice in a Human Posture Recognition Context -- TFD-Based Dynamic Resource Reservations for SD and HD Video Transmission over a Multiservice Network.…”
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Strategies for fostering inclusive classrooms in higher education : international perspectives on equity and inclusion /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- Part I Concepts and principles -- Introduction to strategies for fostering inclusive classrooms in higher education -- Part II Global practices and challenges -- Chapter 1: Global perspectives on academic integrity -- Chapter 2: Valuing knowledge(s) and cultivating confidence: contributions of student-faculty pedagogical partnerships to epistemic justice -- Chapter 3: Cultural mediation pedagogy and its ability to enable bridge-building between two coexisting groups that do not meet -- Chapter 4: The minimal link of a thing in common: a framework for academic outreach in widening participation in Australia -- Chapter 5: Decolonizing the classroom in social justice learning: perspectives on access and inclusion for participants living with disabilities -- Chapter 6: Rethinking the support programmes for the marginalised students in higher education through the lens of social justice -- Chapter 7: Innovating curriculum: integrating global citizenship and equity education for student success -- Chapter 8: An equity-based model of teaching and learning: bridging the academic literacy skills divide in the english classroom in South Africa -- Chapter 9: Service-learning as a methodology to promote equity and inclusion: best practice experience in Ecuador -- Chapter 10 The role of educational technology in promoting the inclusion of rural clinical schools for ophthalmology teaching using virtual patients -- Chapter 11 Toward a transformative transition: a critical pedagogical approach to social-psychological interventions in first-year seminar -- Chapter 12 Considerations for using critical pedagogy as the vehicle to promote social justice in higher education -- Chapter 13 Online: a new geography' of learning that supports female access to higher education -- Chapter 14 Adopting the international standard becoming a human-centred organization (ISO 27500)' supports a strategic approach to internationalisation -- Chapter 15 Improving inclusive learning through technology mediated co-inquiry -- About the authors -- Name index -- Subject index.…”
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Theory and method in higher education research.
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- Theorising Practices of Relational Working across the Boundaries of Higher Education -- Uses of Corpus Linguistics in Higher Education Research: An Adjustable Lens -- Dialogues with Data: Generating Theoretical Insights from Research on Practice in Higher Education -- The Use of Instrumental Variables in Higher Education Research -- Participatory Pedagogy and Artful Inquiry: Partners in Researching the Student Experience -- Rolling Out the Mat: A Talanoa on Talanoa as a Higher Education Research Methodology -- Rethinking Diversity: Combining Sen and Bourdieu to Critically Unpack Higher Education Participation and Persistence -- Deleuzian Approaches to Researching Student Experience in Higher Education -- Investigating Policy Processes and Discourses in Higher Education: The Theoretical Complementarities of Bernstein's Pedagogic Device and Critical Discourse Studies -- Framing Theory for Higher Education Research -- Research into Quality Assurance and Quality Management in Higher Education -- Knowledge with Impact in Higher Education Research.…”
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Social constructivist teaching affordances and constraints /
Published Emerald, 2002.Table of Contents: “…Roth -- Constructing ideas about history in the classroom : the influence of competing forces on pedagogical decision making / Bruce A. VanSledright and Jennifer Hauver James -- Westward expansion and the ten-year-old mind : teaching for historical understanding in a diverse classroom / Cynthia M. …”
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Going Global through Social Sciences and Humanities: A Systems and ICT Perspective Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference "Going Global through Social Sciences and Humanit...
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Training a Pre-Service Foreign Language Teacher Within the Linguo-Informational Educational Environment -- Peculiarities of Psychological Culture Development For Gifted Senior Pupils in Rural Settings Developing Professional Competences with Interactive Teaching Methods at Tertiary Education -- Providing Professional Self-Realization for Technical University Students when Teaching the Humanities -- Peculiarities of Psychological Culture Development For Gifted Senior Pupils in Rural Settings -- Intellectics Fundamentals in a Professional Activity of a Future Bachelor -- Nomadic School: Problem of Access to Quality Education -- Peculiarities of Leadership Potential Development in Educational Environment -- Regional Aspects in a New Engineering Way of Thinking Development of Bachelors of Techniques and Technology -- Conditions Affecting the Professional and Project Training of Engineering Personnel -- An English Language Textbook: A Friend Or A Foe -- Combinatorial Linguodidactics as a New Direction in the Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching -- Self-instructed Distance e-Learning of Foreign Languages in the Far North of the Russian Federation -- Research on Teacher Career Motivation in the Russian Pedagogical University Context.…”
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New directions in educational ethnography /
Published Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- Introduction: new directions in educational ethnography: shifts, problems, and reconstruction -- Against all odds: the ethnography of hope among Haitian youth in difficult circumstances -- Using queer theory to read the hushing of boys reading: "a thought of a method" of queer educational ethnography -- Where machines rant, recite poems, and take outrageous selfies: an ethnography of a teachers' facebook group -- Relying on local contexts to foster and thwart black student academic success: an ethnographic account of teachers fostering academic success for (some) black students -- The emergence of critical presence ethnography: capturing the ripples of self in educational contexts -- (critical) educational ethnography: methodological premise and pedagogical objectives -- A critical ethnographic approach to transforming norms of whiteness in marginalized parents engagement and activism in schools -- Ethnography as subject, ethnography as object: experimenting with research in a college writing classroom -- Teaching through discussion: a mixed qualitative methods study of educator facilitation practices in a small group learning context using ethnographic and conversation analytic approaches -- About the authors -- Index.…”
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Teaching and learning practices for academic freedom /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- Part I: Practicing Academic Freedom -- Chapter 1: Introduction to Teaching and Learning Practices for Academic Freedom -- Chapter 2: From a Century of Defeats: The Slow Emergence of Academic Freedom from the Courts in the Early 20th Century -- Chapter 3: Robbed of Academic Freedom Imposition of a Coercive Attendance Policy on Students -- Chapter 4: Balancing the Freedom to Teach with the Freedom to Learn: The Critical Role of Assessment Professionals in Ensuring Educational Equity -- Chapter 5: Sustaining Academic Freedom in the Transition to Online Degrees -- Chapter 6: Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech: The Assault of Vulnerability -- Chapter 7: The Iron Cage University -- Part II: Academic Freedom in Research -- Chapter 8: Universities as Institutions of Higher Education Between Formation and Research -- Chapter 9: With Swinish Phrase Soiling Their Addition: Epistemic Injustice, Academic Freedom, and the Shakespeare Authorship Question -- Chapter 10: A University Beyond Aid: The Challenge to the Academic Freedom and Success of Ghanaian Universities of Over-Reliance on Donor Funding -- Chapter 11: Research Ethics Committees and the Quest for Academic Freedom: An Example of Faculty Voices, Issues of Ownership of Personal Beliefs and Pedagogical Practices within Higher Education -- About the Authors -- Name Index -- Subject Index.…”
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Increasing student engagement and retention using classroom technologies classroom response systems and mediated discourse technologies /
Published Emerald, 2013.Table of Contents: “…Creative approaches in higher education : an introduction to using classroom-mediated discourse technologies / Patrick Blessinger, Charles Wankel -- Enhancing learning and teaching using electronic voting systems : the development of a framework for an institutional approach for their introduction / Amanda Jefferies, Marija Cubric, Mark Russell -- Using the Phoebe Pedagogic Planner to enhance student learning and engagement in undergraduate psychology courses / Mark J. …”
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Integrating the sciences and society challenges, practices, and potentials /
Published Elsevier JAI, 2008.Table of Contents: “…Myers and Garth Massey -- Teaching sociology to science and engineering students: some experiences from an introductory science and technology studies course / Trevor Pinch -- Why sociology courses combined with a required STS project are mutually enhancing: the WPI experience / John Wilkes and Peter Campisano -- Advancing educational reform: lessons from a collaborative workshop among engineering educators and sociologists / Roberta Spalter-Roth and Peter F. Meiksins -- Pedagogical partnerships: faculty learning communities as a foundation for linking science and society / Anne F. …”
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