Search Results - "biopolitics"

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  1. 1

    Biology and political behavior

    Published Emerald, 2011.
    Table of Contents: “…Tullberg, Jan Tullberg -- The biopolitics of primates / Johan M. G. van der Dennen -- Measuring social and political phenotypes / Levente Littvay -- Political science and behavior genetics / Evan Charney -- From genes to politics / Rebecca J. …”
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  2. 2

    The world of biology and politics organization and research areas /

    Published Emerald, 2013.
    Table of Contents: “…A critical but optimistic evaluation of biopolitics / Robert H. Blank, Michael Bang Petersen -- The politics of evolutionary theory and biopolitics in the future / Albert Somit, Steven A. …”
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  3. 3

    Politics and the life sciences the state of the discipline /

    Published Emerald, 2014.
    Table of Contents: “…Blank -- Biology and political theory / Joseph Losco -- Introduction to methodological issues in biopolitics / Patrick Stewart -- Comparative politics, world politics and international relations in biopolitical perspective / Samuel M. …”
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  4. 4

    Biopolicy the life sciences and public policy /

    Published Emerald, 2012.
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  5. 5

    The Discourse of Security Language, Illiberalism and Governmentality / by MacDonald, Malcolm N., Hunter, Duncan

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Locating the discourse -- Chapter 3: Postdisciplinary security discourse -- Chapter 4: Disciplinarity and discourse -- Chapter 5: Analysing security discourse -- Chapter 6: Biopolitics, governmentality, and the banopticon -- Chapter 7: Discourse of citizenship and security -- Chapter 8: Discourse of Olympic security -- Chapter 9: Discourse of nuclear proliferation -- Chapter 10: Discourse of post-9/11 US security organisations -- Chapter 11: Language, illiberalism and governmentality.…”
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  6. 6

    Decolonising sambo : transculturation, fungibility and black and people of colour futurity / by Tate, Shirley Anne

    Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- Chapter 1: Introduction: Sambos Social Etymology and White European Settler Colonial Transculturation -- Chapter 2: Naming: The Fungibility of Subjection, Transculturation and Colonial Inferiority -- Chapter 3: Consuming Sambo and Necropolitical Love/Hate: Humour, Childrens Books and Sweets -- Chapter 4: Biopolitics and Racialising Assemblages: Australian Colonial Breeding Out/In and the Nation -- Chapter 5: Contemptible Commemoration: Racial Capitalism and Love/Care for Long Dead Sambo -- Chapter 6: Post-Race Racial Libidinal Economies: Markets and Contemptible Collectables -- Chapter 7: Racisms Affects in Scandals Refusals: Transracial Intimacy, Post-Race Power and the Love of the American People -- Chapter 8: Conclusion: Black/People of Colour Futurities Decolonising Mind, Affect, Being and Power -- Bibliography -- Index.…”
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  7. 7

    Critical perspectives on addiction

    Published Emerald, 2012.
    Table of Contents: “…Roberts -- Intervention : reality TV, whiteness, and narratives of addiction / Jessie Daniels -- Drawing the line at drinking for two : governmentality, biopolitics, and risk in state legislation on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders Deborah A. …”
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  8. 8

    Feminism and a Vital Politics of Depression and Recovery by Fullagar, Simone, O'Brien, Wendy, Pavlidis, Adele

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
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  9. 9

    Death Matters Cultural Sociology of Mortal Life /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…Creswell -- Chapter 11: Frames of Death: Media Audience Framing of a Lethal Drone Strike; Henrik Fürst & Karin Idevall Hagren -- Chapter 12: To Make Pets Live, and to Let them Die: The Biopolitics of Pet Keeping; David Redmalm -- Chapter 13: Mortality and Culture: Do Death Matters Matter?…”
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  10. 10

    Recent Trends in Social Systems: Quantitative Theories and Quantitative Models

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Table of Contents: “…-- When Statistics are Moved by Words. Biopolitic of International Migration Flows in Contemporary Italy -- Romanian Diaspora and Its President -- Microcredit and Quality of Life: An Analysis Model -- Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of the Entrance Draft Tests from Mathematics -- Methods and Models of Social Planning in Italy -- Social Sustainability in Urban Regeneration: Indicators and Evaluation Methods in the EU 2020 Programming -- Stopping the Evil or Settling for the Lesser Evil: An Experimental Study of Costly Voting with Negative Payoffs in a TRS Electoral System -- Public Values and Social Communication -- ABOUT "The Using Value" of Religion in the Academic Studies -- Christian Tradition in the Modern Public Sphere. …”
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