Arama Sonuçları - "parallel computing"
Önerilen Konular
Önerilen Konular
- Computational Intelligence 9
- Computational intelligence 9
- Communications Engineering, Networks 6
- Telecommunication 6
- Artificial Intelligence 5
- Artificial intelligence 5
- Applied Dynamical Systems 3
- Big Data 3
- Big data 3
- Data processing 3
- Dynamics 3
- Nonlinear theories 3
- Bioinformatics 2
- Data Engineering 2
- Electronic Circuits and Systems 2
- Electronic circuits 2
- Engineering 2
- Signal processing 2
- Signal, Speech and Image Processing 2
- Algorithms 1
- Automated Pattern Recognition 1
- Automation 1
- Classical and Continuum Physics 1
- Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 1
- Computational and Systems Biology 1
- Computer Communication Networks 1
- Computer architecture 1
- Computer networks 1
- Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design 1
- Computer-aided engineering 1
Architectural Transformations in Network Services and Distributed Systems
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Vieweg, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Periodization of service development -- Energy efficiency -- Architectural transformations in Distributed Systems -- Clustering and Parallel Computing, performance models -- Cloud Computing, RAICs, Virtualization, SDN -- Smart Grid, Internet of Things, Fog Computing -- Mobile Communication from LTE to 5G, DIDO, SAT-based systems -- Data Security Guaranteeing Distributed Systems.…”
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Evolutionary Decision Trees in Large-Scale Data Mining
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Evolutionary computation -- Decision trees in data mining -- Parallel and distributed computation -- Global induction of univariate trees -- Oblique and mixed decision trees -- Cost-sensitive tree induction -- Multi-test decision trees for gene expression data -- Parallel computations for evolutionary induction.…”
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics ICCII 2017 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Cloud Computing for Geospatial Big Data Analytics Intelligent Edge, Fog and Mist Computing /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Big Data Scientific Workflows in the Cloud: Challenges and Future Prospects -- Trust Model based Scheduling of Stochastic Workflows in Cloud and Fog Computing -- Trust-Based Access control in Cloud Computing using Machine Learning -- Cloud Security Ontology (CSO) -- Cloud Based Supply Chain Networks - Principles and Practices -- Parallel Computation of a MMDBM algorithm on GPU mining with Big data -- Data Analytics of IoT Enabled Smart Energy Meter in Smart Cities -- A New and Secure Intrusion Detecting system for Detection of Anomalies within the Big Data -- Geospatial Big Data, Analytics and IoT: Challenges, Applications and Potential -- Geocloud4GI: Cloud SDI Model for Geographical Indications Information Infrastructure Network -- The Role of Geospatial Technology with IoT for Precision Agriculture.…”
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Advances in Network-Based Information Systems The 21st International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2018) /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…A Fuzzy-based System for Actor Node Selection in WSANs for Improving Network -- A Fuzzy-based Approach for Improving Peer Awareness and Group Synchronization in MobilePeerDroid System -- A Position Detecting System Using Supersonic Sensors for Omnidirectional Wheelchair Tennis -- Distributed Approach for Detecting Collusive Interest Flooding Attack on Named Data Networking -- An Energy-efficient Dynamic Live Migration of Multiple Virtual Machines -- Developing a Low-cost Thermal Camera for Industrial Predictive Maintenance Applications -- Effective Resource Allocation in Fog for Efficient Energy Distribution -- Efficient Energy Management using Fog Computing -- Deterrence System for Texting-While-Walking Focused on User Situation -- Slovak Broadcast News Speech Recognition and Transcription System -- Implementation of Mass Transfer Model on Parallel Computational System.…”
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Applications of Intelligent Technologies in Healthcare
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Introduction -- Quality Assessment and Classification of heart sounds using PCG signal -- Classification of Normal Heart beats using Spectral and non-spectral features for phonocardiography signals -- Segmentation of Chest Radiographs for Tuberculosis Screening Using Kernel Mapping and Graph Cuts -- Survey Analysis of Automatic Detecting and Grading of Cataract using Different Imaging Modalities -- A privacy risk assessment for the Internet of Things in Healthcare -- Parallel Computation on Large Scale DNA Sequences -- Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mobile Fitness Applications: A Survey -- Cloud-assisted IoT-based smart respiratory monitoring system for asthma patients -- Blood cells counting and segmentation using Image Processing techniques -- SmartAssist- Smartphone Based Drug Compliance for Elderly People and People with Special Needs -- An Overview of OCT Techniques for Detection of Ophthalmic Syndromes -- Fully automated identification of heart sounds for the analysis of cardiovascular pathology -- Modeling and Simulation of Resource constrained Vaccination Strategies and Epidemic outbreaks -- Big Data in Healthcare: A Survey -- Conclusion.…”
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High-Performance Computing of Big Data for Turbulence and Combustion
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications Proceedings of the International Conference CoMFoS15 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Fracture Mechanics -- Strong but slippery adhesion of mushroom-shaped polysaccharide gels -- Bridging the scales between discrete and continuum dislocation models -- Phase field crack growth model with Hydrogen embrittlement -- On singularities in 2D linearized elasticity -- Part 2: Shape Optimization -- Two-Parameter Topological Expansion of Helmholtz Problems with Inhomogeneity -- Solution of shape optimization problem and its application to product design -- Shape optimization by GJ-integral: Localization method for composite material -- Shape optimization approach by traction method to inverse free boundary problems -- Part 3: Earthquakes and Inverse Problems -- Synthesis of seismic wave envelopes based on the Markov approximation -- Propagation velocity of pulse-like rupture along earthquake faults -- Inverse Source Problem for a Wave Equation with Final Observation Data -- Part 4: Fluid Mechanics and Interface Dynamics -- The contribution of Kawada to the analytical solution for the velocity induced by a helical vortex filament and modern applications of helical vortices -- A new model for fungal hyphae growth using the thin viscous sheet equations -- On Boundary Conditions for Hele-Shaw Problem -- Part 5: Industrial Applications -- Computer Simulation of the Phase Separation of Polymeric Materials for Industrial Applications -- Highly parallel computation of generalized eigenvalue problem in vibration for automatic transmission of vehicles using Sakurai-Sugiura method and supercomputers -- Mathematical analysis of synchronization from the perspective of network science -- Index.…”
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Innovative Computing, Optimization and Its Applications Modelling and Simulations /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…A Performance Analysis of DF Model in the Energy Harvesting Half-duplex and Full-Duplex Relay Networks -- A Model of Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization Framework Adjustable According to Problems -- Domain Model Definition for Domain-Specific RuleGeneration Using Variability Model -- A set-partitioning-based model to save cost on the import processes -- Combining Genetic Algorithm with Variable Neighborhood Search for MAX-SAT -- Enzyme classification on DUD-E database using Logistic Regression Ensemble (Lorens) -- Consolidation of Host-Based Mobility Management Protocols in Wireless Mesh Network -- Application of parallel computing technologies for numerical simulation of air transport in the human nasal cavity -- Genetic Algorithms-based Techniques for Solving Dynamic Optimization Problems with Unknown Active Variables and Boundaries -- Text Segmentation Methods: A Critical Review -- On-Line Power Systems Security Assessment Using Data Stream Random Forest Algorithm Modification -- EnhancedSecurity of Internet Banking Authentication with Extended Honey Encryption (XHE) Scheme -- An Enhanced Possibilistic Programming Model with Fuzzy Random Confidence-Interval for Multi-Objective Problem -- A Crowdsourcing Approach for Volunteering System -- One Dimensional Vehicle Tracking Analysis in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks -- Parallel Coordinates Visualization Tool on the Air Pollution Data for Northern Malaysia -- Application of Artificial bee colony algorithm for model parameter identification -- A novel weighting scheme applied to improve the text document clustering techniques -- A Methodological Framework To Emulate The Visual Of Malaysian Shadow Play With Computer-Generated Imagery -- Performance Evaluation of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete by Using Polymeric Waste Polyethylene.…”
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Emergent Computation A Festschrift for Selim G. Akl /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
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Soft Computing: Theories and Applications Proceedings of SoCTA 2016, Volume 1 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…Modified Critical-Path and Top-Level attributes (MCPTL) based Task Scheduling Algorithm in Parallel Computing -- Critical Path Problem for Scheduling using Genetic Algorithm -- A Robust Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Using DWT and SVD -- A Novel and Secure Authentication Secret Key Generation Scheme Using Bilinear Self- Pairing Map Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography -- Study and Comparatively Analysis of various Vulnerabilities occur in Google Chrome -- Secure Framework for Data Security in Cloud Computing -- An Improved Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm -- Neural Network Based prediction of Productivity parameters -- Rigorous Data Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Indian Classical Raga Using RapidMiner -- EPQ Model with Product Stewardship Approach -- Loss and Cost Minimization with Enhancement of Voltage Profile of Distribution Systems Using a Modified Differential Evolution Technique -- Integration of GIS, Spatial Data Mining and Fuzzy Logic for Agricultural Intelligence -- Patient-specific Modeling for Pattern Identification in Clinical Events Using Data Mining Models and Evolutionary Computing -- Teaching Learning Based Optimization on Hadoop -- Analysis and Parameter Estimation of Micro Strip Circular Patch Antennas Using Artificial Neural Networks -- Vibrational Frequencies of Parallelogram Plate with Circular Variations in Thickness -- Study and Comparative Analysis of Various Image Spamming Techniques -- On Comparing Performance of Conventional Fuzzy System with Recurrent Fuzzy System -- Application of PSO Clustering for Selection of Chemical Interface Materials for Sensor Array Electronic Nose -- Panorama Generation using Feature based Mosaicing and Modified Graph-cut Blending -- Application of fuzzy multi-criteria approach to assess the water quality of river Ganges -- Efficient multiprocessor scheduling Using Water Cycle Algorithm.…”
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Proceedings of International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development ICT4SD 2015 Volume 1 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Security Analysis of Different LFSR Based Ciphers to Propose a Novel Approach Compatible with Parallel Computing Platform, Providing Resistance Against Various LFSR Based Attacks -- Chapter 38. …”
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing ICRCWIP-2014 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Vein Bio-Metric Template Security using Overlapped Shares Accounting for Minimum Storage -- Miniaturization of MEMs Based Smart Patch Antennas for Bio-Medical Applications -- Authentication of Primary User at Physical Layer through Approximation in Cognitive Radio -- Data Based Correlation Scheme -- A Comparative analysis of Different LFSR Based Ciphers and Parallel Computing Platforms for Development of Generic Cipher Compatible on Both Hardware and Software Platforms -- Generation of Automatic Variable Key to Make Secure Communication -- Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm Based Distributed Query Plan Generation in Distributed Database -- A Novel Mems Based Frequency Tunable Rectangular Patch Antenna -- Design and Optimization of Band Stop Filter using Metamaterial Structures for K-Band Applications -- Low Cost Crash Protection System for Heavy Motor Vehicles -- Effect of Parasitic Elements on the Performance of Buck-Boost Converter Used in PV System -- Effective Medium Approximation for Defining the Unavoidable Resistance of Solar Cell Front Contact -- A Novel Low Power Design Approach to Exploit the Power Usage of AMBA APB Bridge -- Solar Wind & Diesel Hybrid Energy System: A Review -- Analysis and Optimization of Stability for 6T SRAM Cell using 180nm Technology. …”
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Invasive Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Memristor-Based Nanoelectronic Computing Circuits and Architectures Foreword by Leon Chua /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Advances in Physarum Machines Sensing and Computing with Slime Mould /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access