Search Results - "solar radiation"

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  1. 1

    Solar Architecture Strategies, Visions, Concepts. by Schittich, Christian

    Published De Gruyter, 2012.
    Subjects: “…Architecture and solar radiation.…”
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  2. 2

    Physics of solar energy / by Chen, C. Julian

    Published John Wiley & Sons, [2011]
    Table of Contents: “…Frontmatter -- Color Plates -- Introduction -- Nature of Solar Radiation -- Origin of Solar Energy -- Tracking Sunlight -- Interaction of Sunlight with Earth -- Thermodynamics of Solar Energy -- Quantum Transitions -- -Junctions -- Semiconductor Solar Cells -- Solar Electrochemistry -- Solar Thermal Energy -- Energy Storage -- Building with Sunshine -- Appendix A: Energy Unit Conversion -- Appendix B: Spherical Trigonometry -- Appendix C: Quantum Mechanics Primer -- Appendix D: Statistics of Particles -- Appendix E: AM1.5 Reference Solar Spectrum -- List of Symbols -- Bibliography -- Index.…”
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  3. 3

    Sun, wind, and light : architectural design strategies / by Brown, G. Z.

    Published Wiley, 2014.
  4. 4

    Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems Smart Sustainable Energy Systems /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Table of Contents: “…NPC Multilevel Inverters Advanced Conversion Technology in APF -- Optimization Study of Hybrid Renewable Energy System in Autonomous Site -- Ensemble of Support Vector Methods to Estimate Global Solar Radiation In Algeria -- Study of percentage effect of Polymer blends system on physical properties using MM/QM approach -- Optimization and characterization of Nanowires Semiconductor based-Solar Cells -- Using Phase Change Materials (PCMs) to reduce energy consumption in buildings -- Optimization of Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide Thin Film Solar Cell (CIGS).…”
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  5. 5

    Proceedings of the Third International Afro-European Conference for Industrial Advancement - AECIA 2016

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Table of Contents: “….- Statistical modeling for improvement of numerical-model-based solar radiation forecasts.- A two-stage Feature Extraction Approach for ECG signals -- Contribution on character modelling for handwritten Arabic text recognition.…”
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  6. 6

    Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Systems Principles, Design, and Applications / by Al-Waeli, Ali H. A., Kazem, Hussein A., Chaichan, Miqdam Tariq, Sopian, Kamaruzzaman

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
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  7. 7

    Nanostructured Materials for Next-Generation Energy Storage and Conversion Photovoltaic and Solar Energy /

    Published Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
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  8. 8

    Intelligent Systems and Applications Proceedings of the 2018 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 2 /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…A Query Inversion Technique for Detection of Unexpected Values in Relational Databases -- Solar Radiation Time Series Analytics based on Hadoop Integrated Programming Language Environment (RHIPE) -- Performance Modeling and Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 EDCAF for VANETs -- Towards Road Safety: A Social Perception -- Evacuee Pre-Needs Assessment using Decision Tree Algorithm of MDRRMC-Daraga Records -- Inter-Cell Interference Coordination in LTE Self Organizing Network -- CIRA: An Architecture for Building Configurable Immersive Smart-Rooms -- CIRA: An Architecture for Building Configurable Immersive Smart-Rooms -- Design and Implementation of Modular IoT Platform for Home Monitoring -- The Intelligent System Design for Eliminating Blind Spots of PTZ Controlled CCTV with Raspberry Pi and Multiple Pi Cameras -- An Agent-based Modelling Framework for Driving Policy Learning in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles -- Compressive Sensing based ECG Biometric System -- Analytics in the Industrial Internet ofThings -- Design of a Network Sensing System based on Android Platform -- An Open Source Software Architecture for Smart Buildings -- Event Localization based on Direction of Arrival using Quasi Random Deployment in Internet of Things -- Traffic Surveillance for Smart City in Internet of Things Environment -- Towards Energy-Efficient RF-Enabled Sensor Networks in Internet of Things -- Big Data Channel Awareness in Cooperative D2D Wireless Fusion Networks in IoT -- A Multi-Tiers AI and IoT Architecture -- Petri Nets and Machines of Things that Flow -- Watch IT Version-II: An Assistive Device for Hearing and Speaking Impaired -- Bivariate Markov Model based Analysis of ECG for Accurate Identification and Classification of Premature Heartbeats and Irregular Beat-Patterns -- Enhancing Efficiency of Ejection Fraction Calculation in the Left Ventricle -- Application of Clustering Technique with Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps for the Epidemiological Analysis of Leprosy -- Near Real-Time Data Labeling usinga Depth Sensor for EMG based Prosthetic Arms -- U-ISLES: Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation using U-Net -- A Novel Approach using Voting from ECG Leads to Detect Myocardial Infarction -- A Multi-Objective Pareto-Optimal Wrapper based Framework for Cancer-Related Gene Selection -- An Efficient Compressive Sensing Method for Connected Health Applications -- Can LANA CITS Support Learning in Autistic Children? …”
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  9. 9

    Solar energy : technologies and the project delivery process for buildings / by Walker, Andy (Howard Andy)

    Published John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.
    Table of Contents: “…Delivering solar energy projects : HIstory and current use of solar energy ; Advantages of solar energy ; Solar energy project delivery process ; Integration of solar energy into the existing infrastructure -- The solar energy resource : Structure of the sun ; Nuclear fusion: the source of the sun's power ; The spectral nature of solar radiation ; Position of the sun in the sky ; Direct beam, diffuse, and global solar insolation in the plane of a solar collector surface ; Incident angle of direct beam sun on a surface ; The effect of shade ; Solar resource management ; Solar resource maps and data ; Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) weather data ; Forecasting the solar resource hours or days into the future ; Diagnosis of solar energy system performance using solar resource data ; Computer tools for analysis of solar position and solar resources ; Standards related to solar resource assessment -- Photovoltaics (PV, solar electricity) : Photovoltaic cells and modules ; Voltage and current characteristics of PV devices (the i-v curve) ; Open-circuit voltage and operating voltage of a PV cell ; Dependence of voltage and current on temperature ; different types of photovoltaic devices ; Standard ratings and performance indicators for PV modules ; Energy balance for a PV module, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) ; Power output of a PV module ; Photovoltaic system schematic design ; Photovoltaic system components ; Estimating the cost of a photovoltaic system ; Estimating electric use and solar fraction ; Recommended applications ; Simple hand calculation of photovoltaic system size and energy delivery ; Estimating the energy cost savings of a photovoltaic (solar electric) system ; Computer tools for analysis of photovoltaic systems ; Codes and standards for photovoltaic modules and systems ; Operation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems ; Case studies of photovoltaic system installations ; Example: Procurement specifications for grid-tied solar electric (photovoltaic) system -- Solar water heating : Different types of water heating solar collectors ; Solar water heating system schematic design ; Solar water heating system components ; Estimating the cost of a solar water heating system ; estimating building hot water use and solar fraction ; Recommended applications ; Simple hand calculation of solar water heating system size and energy delivery ; System thermodynamics and computer tools for analysis of solar water heating systems ; Codes and standards for solar water heaters ; Operation and maintenance of solar water heating systems ; Case studies of solar water heating system installations ; Example: Procurement specifications for a solar water heating system -- Solar ventilation air preheating : Operating principle of the transpired air heating solar collector ; Solar ventilation air preheat system schematic ; Solar ventilation air preheat system components ; Design considerations ; Recommended applications ; Estimating the cost of a solar ventilation air preheat system ; Simple hand calculations for size and performance of a solar ventilation air heating system ; Computer tools for analysis of solar ventilation preheat systems ; Codes and standards related to solar ventilation air preheating ; Maintenance of solar ventilation air preheating systems ; Case studies of solar ventilation air preheating system installations ; Example: Procurement specifications for solar ventilation preheat system -- Solar space heating and cooling : Site issues ; Building heat loss ; Solar heat gain through windows and opaque surfaces ; Materials and building components for passive solar space heating systems ; Thermal storage ; Heat distribution systems ; Solar space heating (passive or active) system schematic design ; Estimating the cost of a solar space heating system ; Estimating energy use and solar fraction ; Calculation of solar space heating system sizing and energy delivery ; Computer tools for analysis of passive solar heating ; Operation and maintenance of passive solar heating systems ; Case studies of passive solar heating systems ; Example: Procurement specifications for passive solar thermal storage wall -- Case studies of solar buildings : Residence in Golden, Colorado ; Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, Las Vegas, Nevada ; Research Support Facility (RSF) office building, Golden, Colorado -- Appendix A. …”
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  10. 10

    Proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices ICICCD 2016 /

    Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Table of Contents: “…Prediction Models for Global Solar Radiations, Diffused Radiations & Direct Solar Radiations Using ANFIS -- Chapter 5. …”
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