Arama Sonuçları - "solitons"
Önerilen Konular
Önerilen Konular
- Mechanics, Applied 4
- Applied Dynamical Systems 3
- Dynamics 3
- Nonlinear theories 3
- Solid Mechanics 3
- Solids 3
- Cotton soliton 2
- Multibody Systems and Mechanical Vibrations 2
- Multibody systems 2
- Vibration 2
- Analysis 1
- Artificial Intelligence 1
- Artificial intelligence 1
- Automated Pattern Recognition 1
- Biophysics 1
- Characterization and Analytical Technique 1
- Civil Engineering 1
- Civil engineering 1
- Complex Systems 1
- Computational Intelligence 1
- Computational Science and Engineering 1
- Computational intelligence 1
- Data processing 1
- Engineering Mechanics 1
- Laser 1
- Lasers 1
- Machinery 1
- Machinery and Machine Elements 1
- Materials 1
- Materials Engineering 1
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- "solitons" »
3-Boyutlu paracontact manifoldlarda cotton solitonlar/
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2023Konular: “…Cotton soliton 89534…”
Tez -
3-boyutlu hemen hemen 𝜶-parakosimplektik manifoldlarda cotton solitonlar /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi 2024Konular: “…Cotton soliton 89534…”
Tez -
Nonlinear Optics Principles and Applications /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Introduction to Nonlinear Optics -- Polarization Theory for Nonlinear Optical Medium -- Optical Three-Wave Coupling Processes -- Optical Four-Wave Coupling Processes -- Optical Kerr Effect and Self-Focusing -- Stimulated Scattering of Light -- Nonlinear Absorption and Refraction -- Optical Bistability and Its Instability -- Light Pulse Transmission in Fiber and Optical Soliton -- All-Optical Switches Based on Nonlinear Optics.…”
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e-Kitap -
Mechanics of Composite and Multi-functional Materials, Volume 7 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…From the Contents: Mechanics of Multifunctional Wings With Solar Cells for Robotic Birds -- Optimization of Magnetic and Electrical Properties of New Aluminium Matrix Composite Reinforced With Magnetic Nano Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) -- Manufacturing and Characterization of Non-Isotropic Membranes for Micro Air Vehicles -- Compliant Artificial Skins to Enable Robotic Sensing and Training by Touch -- Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for Structural Health Monitoring -- Soliton-based Sensor/Actuator for Delamination and Weak Bond Detection in Laminated Composites.…”
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e-Kitap -
Advances in Unconventional Computing Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and Algorithms /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Implementing Molecular Logic Gates, Circuits, and Cascades Using DNAzymes -- Enzyme-Based Reversible Logic Gates Operated in Flow Cells -- Modeling and Modifying Response of Biochemical Processes for Biocomputing and Biosensing Signal Processing -- Sensing Time Dependent Inflow Parameters with an Enzymatic Reaction -- Combinational Logic Circuit Based on BZ Reaction -- Associative Memory in Reaction-Diffusion Chemistry -- Calculating Voronoi Diagrams Using Chemical Reactions -- Light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky Computing through Simulated Evolution -- On Synthesis and Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations - a Bio-Inspired Approach -- Marangoni Flow Driven Maze Solving -- Chemotaxis and Chemokinesis of Living and Non-Living Objects -- Computing with Classical Soliton Collisions -- Soliton-Guided Quantum Information Processing -- Models of Computing on Actin Filaments -- Modeling DNA Nanodevices Using Graph Rewrite Systems -- Unconventional Computing Realized with Hybrid Materials Exhibiting the PhotoElectrochemical Photocurrent Switching (PEPS) Effect -- Organic Memristor Based Elements for Bio-Inspired Computing -- Memristors in Unconventional Computing: How a Biomimetic Circuit Element can be Used to Do Bioinspired Computation -- Nature-Inspired Computation: An Unconventional Approach to Optimization -- On Hybrid Classical and Unconventional Computing for Guiding Collective Movement -- Cellular Automata Ants -- Rough Set Description of Strategy Games on Physarum Machines -- Computing a Worm: Reverse-Engineering Planarian Regeneration -- An Integrated In Silico Simulation and Biomatter Compilation Approach to Cellular Computation -- Plant Roots as Excellent Pathfinders: Root Navigation Based on Plant Specific Sensory Systems and Sensorimotor Circuits -- Soft Plant Robotic Solutions: Biological Inspiration And Technological Challenges -- Thirty Seven Things to Do with Live Slime Mould -- Experiments in Musical Biocomputing: Towards New Kinds of Processors for Audio and Music -- Immunocomputing and Baltic Indicator of Global Warming -- Experimental Architecture and Unconventional Computing.…”
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e-Kitap -
The Mechanics of Ribbons and Möbius Bands
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Wunderlich's "On a Developable Möbius Band -- Gamma-Limit of a Model for the Elastic Energy of an Inextensible Ribbon -- "Wunderlich, Meet Kirchhoff": A General and Unified Description of Elastic Ribbons and Thin Rods -- Equilibrium Shapes with Stress Localisation for Inextensible Elastic Möbius and Other Strips -- Bending Paper and the Möbius Strip -- Roadmap to the Morphological Instabilities of a Stretched Twisted Ribbon -- The Shrinking Figure Eight and Other Solitons for the Curve Diffusion Flow -- Kinematical Aspects of Levi-Civita Transport of Vectors and Tensors Along a Surface Curve -- Non-Euclidean Ribbons -- The Second-Order L 2 Flow of Inextensible Elastic Curves with Hinged Ends in the Plane -- Buckling of Naturally Curved Elastic Strips: The Ribbon Model Makes a Difference -- Residual Stresses and Poisson's Effect Drive Shape Formation and Transition of Helical Structures -- Representation for a Smooth Isometric Mapping from a Connected Planar Domain to a Surface.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Advances in Dynamics, Patterns, Cognition Challenges in Complexity /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Vortices termination in the cardiac muscle -- 18. KDV soliton gas: interactions and turbulence -- 19. Multi-lump structures in the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines Contributions from the 3rd International Workshop, Perm, Russia /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…FM -- Measurement System of Impact Force and Specimen Deflection Based on Electromagnetic Induction Phenomena -- New cracks for hard contact of lithosphere plates with the base -- Dynamics of contour motion of belt drive by means of nonlinear rod approach -- On the method of low-frequency monitoring of the initial stress state of a body -- Mesomechanical response of a soft magnetic elastomer to AC Magnetization -- Splitting of strain solitons upon their interaction in the auxetic rod -- Analysis of acoustic second-harmonic generation in a multilayered structure with nonlinear interfaces -- Experimental and Analytical Examination in Solid Sensible Cylindrical Heat Storage Block consisted of Ferronickel Slag -- A complete direct approach to modeling of dielectric elastomer plates as material surfaces -- Harmonic balance method and stability of discontinuous systems -- Optimization of the dissipative properties of electroelastic bodies with electric circuits through the analysis of natural vibrations -- Multiscale dynamics of damage-failure transitions and structures control under intensive loading -- Influence of Sensors and Actuators on the Design of the Modal Control System -- Control of Beam Vibrations by Casimir Functions -- A modular solver for mechanical system dynamics under one-sided contact constraints -- Shock Absorption Effect of Semi-active Mass Control Mechanism for Structure -- Hierarchical Modeling of Damage and Fracture in a Structurally Inhomogeneous Materials Subjected to Deformation -- Effect of Lattice Misfit Strain on Surface Acoustic Waves Propagation in Barium Titanate Thin Films -- Control of Nanosensors Forming on Base of Aluminum Template -- Dynamic coupling characteristics of slender suspension footbridges with wind-resistant ropes.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1 Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2018 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…On Euler Buckling and Snap-Through -- Chap 18. Solitons in Cyclic and Symmetric Structures -- Chap 19. …”
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e-Kitap -
Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures.
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi American Society of Civil Engineers, 2021.İçindekiler: “… Model Validation by Benchmark Tests -- Tsunami Bore Formation or Soliton Fission -- Determining Site-Specific Inundation Flow Parameters -- Tsunami Design Parameters for Flow over Land -- 6.8 Structural Design Procedures for Tsunami Effects -- 6.8.1 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.8.2 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category III Critical Facilities and Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.8.3 Structural Performance Evaluation -- Load Cases -- Tsunami Importance Factors -- Load Combinations -- Lateral-Force-Resisting System Acceptance Criteria -- Structural Component Acceptance Criteria -- Acceptability Criteria by Component Design Strength -- Alternative Performance-Based Criteria -- Alternative Acceptability by Progressive Collapse Avoidance -- 6.8.4 Minimum Fluid Density for Tsunami Loads -- 6.8.5 Flow Velocity Amplification -- Upstream Obstructing Structures -- Flow Velocity Amplification by Physical or Numerical Modeling -- 6.8.6 Directionality of Flow -- Flow Direction -- Site-Specific Directionality -- 6.8.7 Minimum Closure Ratio for Load Determination -- 6.8.8 Minimum Number of Tsunami Flow Cycles -- 6.8.9 Seismic Effects on the Foundations Preceding Local Subduction Zone Maximum Considered Tsunami -- 6.8.10 Physical Modeling of Tsunami Flow, Loads, and Effects -- 6.9 Hydrostatic Loads -- 6.9.1 Buoyancy -- 6.9.2 Unbalanced Lateral Hydrostatic Force -- 6.9.3 Residual Water Surcharge Load on Floors and Walls -- 6.9.4 Hydrostatic Surcharge Pressure on Foundation -- 6.10 Hydrodynamic Loads -- 6.10.1 Simplified Equivalent Uniform Lateral Static Pressure -- 6.10.2 Detailed Hydrodynamic Lateral Forces.…”
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