Arama Sonuçları - "turbulence"

Sonuçları Daraltın
  1. 1

    Aviation Turbulence Processes, Detection, Prediction /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…Part I Background -- Nature of aviation turbulence -- A History of Weather Reporting from Aircraft and Turbulence Forecasting for Commercial Aviation -- Instabilities Conducive to Aviation Turbulence -- Turbulence events interpreted by vortex rolls -- Part II Turbulence Detection Methods and Applications -- Airborne in situ measurements of turbulence -- Doppler radar measurements of turbulence -- Remote Turbulence Detection using Ground-Based Doppler Weather Radar -- Relations between lightning and convective turbulence -- LIDAR-based turbulence intensity for aviation applications -- Part III Nowcasting, forecasting, and verification -- A Summary of Turbulence Forecasting Techniques Used by the National Weather Service -- An Airline Perspective: Current and Future Vision for Turbulence Forecasting and Reporting -- Automated Turbulence Forecasting Strategies -- Aviation turbulence forecast verification -- Aviation turbulence ensemble techniques -- Part IV Observational and modeling studies -- Multi-scale observational and numerical modeling studies of the turbulence environment -- Processes underlying near-cloud turbulence -- Modeling Studies of Turbulence Mechanisms Associated with Mesoscale Convective Systems -- Numerical Modeling and Predictability of Mountain Wave-Induced Turbulence and Rotors -- Gravity waves generated by jets and fronts and their relevance for clear-air turbulence -- Turbulence and waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere -- Similarity of stably geophysical stratified flows -- Part V Future developments -- Airborne remote detection of turbulence with forward-looking LIDAR -- Clear-air turbulence in a changing climate -- Application of Aviation Turbulence Information to Air-Traffic Management (ATM) -- Research needs.…”
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  2. 2

    Turbulence and Interactions Proceedings of the TI 2015 Conference, June 11-14, 2015, Cargèse, Corsica, France /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
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    Turbulent Cascades II Proceedings of the Euromech-ERCOFTAC Colloquium 589 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Infrared Dynamics and Decay of Helicity in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence -- Chapter 2. Dual Cascades in Axisymmetric Turbulence -- Chapter 3. …”
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    Advances in industrial mixing : a companion to the handbook of industrial mixing /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Wiley, 2016.
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    Business planning for turbulent times new methods for applying scenarios /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Earthscan, 2010.
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    Business Planning for Turbulent Times : New Methods for Applying Scenarios. Yazar: Ramirez, Rafael

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.
    İçindekiler: “…Swarm Planning: A New Design Paradigm Dealing with Long-Term Problems Associated with Turbulence -- 8. Designing More Effective Political Governance of Turbulent Fields: The Case of Healthcare -- 9. …”
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    Physics of Turbulent Jet Ignition Mechanisms and Dynamics of Ultra-lean Combustion / Yazar: Biswas, Sayan

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Introduction -- Ignition Mechanisms -- Schlieren Image Velocimetry (SIV) -- Supersonic Jet Ignition -- Combustion Instability at Lean Limit -- Ignition by multiple turbulent jets -- Impinging Jet Ignition -- Flame Propagation in Microchannels -- Summary and outlook -- Appendix -- Conclusion.…”
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  8. 8

    Progress in Wall Turbulence 2 Understanding and Modelling /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…On the Size of the Eddies in the Outer Turbulent Wall Layer: Evidence from Velocity Spectra -- Sensitized-RANS Modelling of Turbulence: Resolving Turbulence Unsteadiness by a (Near-wall) Reynolds Stress Model -- Coherent Structures in Wall-bounded Turbulence -- Attached Eddies and High-order Statistics -- DNS of Turbulent Boundary Layers in the Quasi-laminarization Process -- Numerical ABL Wind Tunnel Simulations with Direct Modeling of Roughness Elements through Immersed Boundary Condition Method -- Three-dimensional Nature of 2D Hairpin Packet Signatures in a DNS of a Turbulent Boundary Layer -- Wall Pressure Signature in Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layers -- Three-dimensional Structure of Pressure-Velocity Correlations in a Turbulent Boundary Layer -- Computation of Complex Terrain Turbulent Flows Using Hybrid Algebraic Structure-based Models (ASBM) and LES.…”
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  9. 9

    Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Combustion

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…RANS of premixed turbulent flames -- 8. Large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion -- 9. …”
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    The Essence of Turbulence as a Physical Phenomenon With Emphasis on Issues of Paradigmatic Nature / Yazar: Tsinober, Arkady

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…PART 1: INTRODUCTION - The phenomenon and the problem of turbulence -- 1 The phenomenon of turbulence -- 2 The problem of turbulence -- 3 What equations describe turbulence adequately? …”
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  11. 11

    DNS of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows A First Principle Approach / Yazar: Sengupta, Tapan K., Bhaumik, Swagata

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…DNS of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flow: An Introduction -- DNS of Navier-Stokes Equation -- Receptivity and Instability.…”
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    Unsteady Turbulent Flow Modelling and Applications Yazar: Roos Launchbury, David

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Vieweg, 2016.
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    Applied computational fluid dynamics and turbulence modeling : Practical tools, tips and techniques / Yazar: Rodriguez, Sal

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing, 2019.
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    Turbulence, empowerment and marginalisation in international education governance systems /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Prelims -- Part I: Conceptualizing turbulence, empowerment and marginalisation -- Turbulence, empowerment and marginalised groups -- Literature review - turbulence in education governance systems -- Epistemological underpinnings and methodologies for researching marginalised groups in international educational governance systems -- Part II: Five international cases of turbulence, empowerment, and marginalisation -- the turbulence Black, Asian, minority ethnicity chief executive officers of small, medium and empty MATs face in England's education system; the structures -- the turbulence black, Asian, minority ethnicity chief executive officers of small, medium and empty MATs face in England's education system; the agency -- Empowering school principals to overcome turbulence in school partnerships through governance systems for equity, renewal and peace: Northern Ireland -- Supervisors in the Arab education system: between governability, duality and empowerment, through a state of turbulence -- Turbulence in efforts at curriculum renewal for educational equity: a critical analysis of a primary curriculum review exercise in Trinidad and Tobago -- Empowering superintendents in the United States to empower societal innovators for equity and renewal in the community -- Part III: Turbulence, empowerment and marginalisation: knowledge to action -- Turbulence, empowerment, and marginalised groups: a comparative analysis of five international education governance systems -- Conclusions: turbulence, empowerment and marginalised groups -- About the contributors -- Appendix 1 sample invitation letter to interview to the researched -- Appendix 2 -- Appendix 3 -- Appendix 4 -- Appendix 5 -- Appendix 6 -- Index.…”
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    Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Combustion Systems Theory and Applications / Yazar: Modest, Michael F., Haworth, Daniel C.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…Introduction -- Chemically Reacting Turbulent Flows -- Radiation Properties, RTE Solvers, and TRI Models -- Radiation Effects in Laminar Flames -- Turbulence/Chemistry/Radiation Interactions in Atmospheric Pressure Turbulent Flames -- High-Pressure Combustion Systems -- Summary, Conclusions and Future Prospects.…”
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    High-Performance Computing of Big Data for Turbulence and Combustion

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Focusing Phenomenon in Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equation -- Space-Time Resolution for Transitional and Turbulent Flows -- Finite Difference Methods for Incompressible and Compressible Turbulence -- Physical and Numerical Instabilities in Simulations of Re-acting and non-Reacting Flows -- Low-Rank Approximation of Multidimensional Data.…”
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  17. 17

    Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century?

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part I HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES -- 1 From Tennekes & Lumley to Townsend and to George a slow march to freedom -- 2 A 50 Year Retrospective and the Future -- Part II TURBULENT BOUNDARY LAYERS -- 3 Study of the streamwise evolution of turbulent boundary layers to high Reynolds numbers -- 4 Towards the direct numerical simulation of a self-similar adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer flow -- 5 Analysis of velocity structures in a transitionally rough turbulent boundary -- 6 Streamwise relaxation of a shock perturbed turbulent -- Part III JETS -- 7 Turbulence and Data Analytics in the 21st Century The Round Free Jet -- 8 The Sound-field Produced by Clustered Rockets During Start up -- 9 Variable Viscosity Jets Entrainment and Mixing Process -- 10 POD Mode Robustness for the Turbulent Jet -- Part IV ENVIRONMENTAL FLOWS AND WIND ENERGY -- 11 Large Eddy Simulation of environmental flows from the laboratory-scale numerical experiments toward full-scale -- 12 Big data from Big experiments TheWindEEE Dome -- 13 Visualizing Wind Farm Wakes Using SCADA Data Supplemental Analysis -- 14 Turbulent and Deterministic Stresses in the Near Wake of a Wind Turbine Array -- 15 Evaluation of Higher Order Moments and Isotropy in the Wake of a Wind Turbine Array -- Part V DATA MANIPULATION -- 16 Turbulent Flow Physics and Control The role of big data analyses tools -- 17 Data-driven methods in fluid dynamics Sparse classification from experimental data -- 18 Conversion of measured turbulence spectra from temporal to spatial domain -- 19 Effects of unsteady Coanda blowing on the wake and drag of a simplified blunt vehicle -- 20 Challenges for Large Eddy Simulation of Engineering Flows -- 21 Coarse Grained Simulation and Turbulent Material Mixing -- 22 Non-classical Exponential Decay Regimes in Multi-Scale Generated Isotropic Turbulence -- 23 A minimal flow unit for turbulence, combustion and astrophysics -- 24 Linear Stability Analysis of Compressible Channel Flow with Porous Walls -- 25 Dissipation and topological features conditioned by velocity level-crossings in wall turbulence.…”
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    Machine Learning Control - Taming Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence Yazar: Duriez, Thomas, Brunton, Steven L., Noack, Bernd R.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Glauser -- 6 Taming real world flow control experiments with MLC -- 6.1 Separation control over a backward-facing step -- 6.2 Separation control of turbulent boundary layers -- 6.3 Control of mixing layer growth -- 6.4 Alternative model-based control approaches -- 6.5 Implementation of MLC in experiments -- 6.6 Suggested reading -- 6.7 Interview with Professor David Williams -- 7 MLC tactics and strategy -- 7.1 The ideal flow control experiment -- 7.2 Desiderata of the control problem - from the definition to hardware choices -- 7.3 Time scales of MLC -- 7.4 MLCparameters and convergence -- 7.5 The imperfect experiment -- 8 Future developments -- 8.1 Methodological advances of MLC -- 8.2 System-reduction techniques for MLC - Coping with high-dimensional input and output -- 8.3 Future applications of MLC -- 8.4 Exercises -- 8.5 Interview with Professor Belinda Batten -- Glossary -- Symbols -- Abbreviations -- Matlab® Code: OpenMLC -- Bibliography -- Index. .…”
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    Modeling of Gas-to-Particle Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flows Yazar: Garrick, Sean C., Bühlmann, Michael

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Chapter 1.Fundamentals of gas-to-particle mass transfer -- Chapter 2.Particle dispersion and mass transfer in turbulent shear flows -- Chapter 3.LES of particle dispersion and gas-to-particle mass transfer in turbulent shear flows.…”
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    Fractal Flow Design: How to Design Bespoke Turbulence and Why

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…Urban heat island and fractal sunshade -- Mixing and diffusion in regular/fractal grid turbulence -- Fractal grid generated turbulence: a bridge to practical combustion applications -- Fractal orifices in pipe -- Fractal/multiscale wake generators -- Stochastic analysis of a fractal grid wake.…”
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