Search Results - "wave"
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- Mechanics, Applied 70
- Telecommunication 61
- Solids 46
- Solid Mechanics 45
- Materials 41
- Analysis 40
- Characterization and Analytical Technique 39
- Microwaves, RF Engineering and Optical Communications 37
- Communications Engineering, Networks 34
- Computational Intelligence 33
- Computational intelligence 33
- Electronic Circuits and Systems 30
- Electronic circuits 30
- Vibration 30
- Engineering Fluid Dynamics 29
- Fluid mechanics 29
- Multibody Systems and Mechanical Vibrations 27
- Multibody systems 27
- Data processing 24
- Signal processing 24
- Signal, Speech and Image Processing 24
- Artificial Intelligence 23
- Artificial intelligence 23
- Continuum Mechanics 21
- Continuum mechanics 21
- Aerospace Technology and Astronautics 20
- Aerospace engineering 20
- Astronautics 20
- Electronics 20
- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 20
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Havadan gelen katil /
Published Palme Yayınevi, 2019.Subjects: “…Electromagnetic wave.…”
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Blast Waves
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Some Basic Air Blast Definitions -- The Rankine-Hugoniot Relations -- Formation of Blast Waves -- Ideal High Explosive Detonation Waves -- Cased Explosives -- Blast Wave Propagation -- Boundary Layers -- Particulate Entrainment and Acceleration -- Instabilities -- Measurement Techniques -- Scaling Blast Parameters -- Blast Wave Reflections -- Height of Burst Effects -- Structure Interactions -- External Detonations -- Internal Detonations -- Simulation Techniques -- Some Notes on Non-ideal Explosives -- Modeling Blast Waves.…”
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Magnetoelastic Waves
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Part 1. Magnetoelastic Waves In Electroconductive Nonferromagnetic Media: Main equations and relations of the theory of magnetoelasticity -- Propagation of magnetoelastic waves in electr0conductive isotropic and anisotropic media -- Magnetoelastic waves in electroconductive half-space -- Part 2. …”
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Kuantum mekaniğine giriş : kimyadaki uygulamaları ile /
Published Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2010.Subjects:Book -
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Microwave and mmWave Engineering with Generalized Macroscopic Electrodynamics /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- PART 1: GENERAL LAWS OF CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS AND ELEMENTS OF MACROSCOPIC GENERALIZED THEORY -- General definitions, concepts and relations of macroscopic -- Electrodynamics Boundary conditions -- Integral and complex forms of electrodynamics equations -- Classification of electromagnetic phenomena Wave equations of classic electrodynamics -- Electrodynamics potentials -- The Green function -- Main classes of solutions -- Wave equations of generalized electrodynamics -- PART 2: ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN INFINITE SPACE AND WAVE PHENOMENA ON THE MEDIA BOUNDARY -- Plane, cylindrical and spherical electromagnetic waves -- PART 3: ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN GUIDE AND RESONANCE STRUCTURES -- Hollow waveguides -- Strip-slot and rib-dielectric transmission lines -- Periodic structures -- Dielectric waveguides and light guides -- PART 4: ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS IN THE FINITE GUIDING STRUCTURES AND CAVITIES -- Closed resonant cavities -- Open cavities -- Forced waves and oscillations -- Excitation of waveguide and cavities -- MathCAD programs -- Conclusion.…”
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e-Book -
Shock Wave Interactions Selected Articles from the 22nd International Shock Interaction Symposium, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4-8 July 2016 /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…shock/shock interactions -- shock/boundary-layer interactions -- shock wave reflections and diffractions -- shock wave propagation in condensed and heterogeneous materials -- dynamics of explosion and blast waves -- compressible multi-phase flows -- nozzles and jets -- transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows -- shock focusing.…”
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Wave Propagation and Diffraction Mathematical Methods and Applications /
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Some Analytical and Numerical Methods in the Theory of Wave Propagation and Diffraction -- Spectral Methods in the Theory of Wave Propagation -- Ray Method of Investigating the Wave Evolution over Arbitrary Topography -- Analytical and Numerical Solutions of Wave Diffraction Problems -- Wave Diffraction by Convex Bodies in Semibounded Regions -- Propagation and Evolution of Transient Water Waves.…”
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Elastic wave propagation and generation in seismology /
Published Cambridge University Press, 2003.Subjects: “…Elastic wave propagation. 61546…”
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Resonant Scattering and Generation of Waves Cubically Polarizable Layers /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…The mathematical model -- Maxwell's equations and wave propagation in media with nonlinear polarizability -- The reduced frequency-domain model -- The condition of phase synchronism -- Packets of plane waves -- Energy conservation laws -- Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution -- Weak formulation -- Existence and uniqueness of a weak solution -- The equivalent system of nonlinear integral equations -- The operator equation -- A sufficient condition for the existence of a continuous solution -- A sufficient condition for the existence of a unique continuous solution -- Relation to the system of nonlinear Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems -- Spectral analysis -- Motivation -- Eigen-modes of the linearized problems -- Spectral energy relationships and the quality factor of eigen-fields -- Numerical solution of the nonlinear boundary value problem -- The finite element method -- Existence and uniqueness of a finite element solution -- Error estimate -- Numerical treatment of the systemof integral equations -- Numerical quadrature -- Iterative solution -- Numerical spectral analysis -- Numerical experiments -- Quantitative characteristics of the fields -- Description of the model problems -- The problem with the Kerr nonlinearity -- The self-consistent approach -- A single layer with negative cubic susceptibility -- A single layer with positive cubic susceptibility -- A three-layered structure -- Conclusion and outlook -- A Cubic polarization -- A.1 The case without any static field -- A.2 The case of a nontrivial static field -- B Tools from Functional Analysis -- B.1 Poincar´e-Friedrichs inequality -- B.2 Trace inequality -- B.3 Interpolation error estimates -- Notation -- References -- Index.…”
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e-Book -
Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Power Amplifiers for Millimeter-Wave Systems -- Overview of Millimeter-Wave Wireless Systems -- Technologies for Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers -- Power Amplifier Classes of Operation -- Linear-Mode Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers -- Switch-Mode Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers -- Stacked Power Amplifiers at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies -- EDA Approach to Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifier Design -- Future Trends in Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers.…”
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Wave Dynamics of Generalized Continua
Published Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…From the Contents: Waves in a viscous solid with cavities -- Waves in viscous, dispersive, nonlinear, preliminary deformable layer with a free surface -- Waves in solids with porosity filled by an electrically non-conducting liquid (Biot medium) -- Waves in a solid with porosity filled by electrically conducting liquid located in a constant electric field -- Piezoelastic waves.…”
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Visualization of Shock Wave Phenomena
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1: Holographic visualization of shock wave phenomena -- Chapter 2: Shock Waves in Gases -- Chapter 3: Shock Wave Diffraction -- Chapter 4: Shock Wave Interaction with Bodies of Various Shapes -- Chapter 5: Shock Wave Focusing in Gases -- Chapter 6: Shock Wave Mitigation -- Chapter 7: Shock Wave Propagation over Interface -- Chapter 8: Explosion in Gases -- Chapter 9: Underwater Shock Waves -- Chapter 10: Applications of Underwater Shock Wave Research to Medicine -- Chapter 11: Miscellaneous Topics -- Chapter 12: Concluding Remarks.…”
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e-Book -
Handbook of Ocean Wave Energy
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- The Successful Product Innovation -- Sketching WECs and their Environment -- Rules of Thumb for Wave Energy -- References.…”
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Control of Wave and Beam PDEs The Riesz Basis Approach /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Mechanics of viscoelastic materials and wave dispersion /
Published Iste ; 2010.Table of Contents: “…Elements of anisotropic elasticity and complements on previsional calculations / Yvon Chevalier -- Elements of linear viscoelasticity / Yvon Chevalier -- Two useful topics in applied viscoelasticity: constitutive equations for viscoelastic materials / Yvon Chevalier and Jean Tuong Vinh -- Formulation of equations of motion and overview of their solutions by various methods / Jean Tuong Vinh -- Torsional vibration of rods / Yvon Chevalier, Michel Nugues and James Onobiono -- Bending vibration of a rod / Dominique Le Nizhery -- Longitudinal vibration of a rod / Yvon Chevalier and Maurice Touratier -- Very low frequency vibration of a rod by Le Rolland-Sorin's double pendulum / Mostefa Archi and Jean-Baptiste Casimir -- Vibrations of a ring and hollow cylinder / Jean Tuong Vinh -- Characterization of isotropic and anisotropic materials by progressive ultrasonic waves / Patrick Garceau -- Viscoelastic moduli of materials deduced from harmonic responses of beams / Tibi Beda [and others] -- Continuous element method utilized as a solution to inverse problems in elasticity and viscoelasticity / Jean-Baptiste Casimir.…”
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