Search Results - ("fable" OR "table")

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  1. 1

    Fable / by Young, Adrienne

    Published Yabancı Yayınları, 2022.
  2. 2

    International Steam Tables Properties of Water and Steam based on the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97 / by Kretzschmar, Hans-Joachim, Wagner, Wolfgang

    Published Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer Vieweg, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…Equations for Transport Properties and Other Properties -- Part B Tables of the Properties of Water and Steam -- Part C Diagrams of the Properties of Water and Steam. …”
    Full-text access
  3. 3

    The Periodic Table II Catalytic, Materials, Biological and Medical Applications /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…The Renaissance of Base Metal Catalysis enabled by Functional Ligands -- The Periodic Table, Zeolites and Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts -- Synthesis and properties of zeolites guided by periodic considerations -- The Periodic Table as a Guide to the Construction and Properties of Layered Double Hydroxides -- Perovskite, A Solid State Chameleon: Illustrating Elements, their Properties and Location in the Periodic Table -- The Periodic Table's Impact on Bio-inorganic Chemistry and Biology's selective use of metal ions -- A Periodic Table for Life and Medicines -- Interactions between metal ions and DNA.…”
    Full-text access
  4. 4

    The Periodic Table I Historical Development and Essential Features /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…The Discovery of the Elements in the Periodic Table -- Chemical Valency: Its impact on the proposal of the Periodic Table and some thoughts about its current significance -- Periodic trends revealed by photoelectron studies of transition metal and lanthanide compounds -- The History, relevance and applications of the Periodic Table in geochemistry -- Chemistry at the Edge of the Periodic Table; The Importance of Periodic Trends on the Discovery of the Noble Gases and the Development of Noble-Gas Chemistry -- The Periodic Table as a Career Guide: A Journey to Rare Earths -- Discovery of the Transuranium Elements Inspired the Rearrangement of the Periodic Table and the Approach for finding New Elements.…”
    Full-text access
  5. 5

    Masallar / by Aisopos

    Published Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2018.
    Subjects: “…Aesop's fables Translations into Turkish. 55388…”
  6. 6

    Kelile ve Dimne / by Beydeba

    Published Damla Yayınevi, 2006.
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    King Arthur and the knights of the round table /

    Published Pearson Education, 2008
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    The sword and the circle : King Arthur and the knights of the round table / by Sutcliff, Rosemary

    Published Dutton, 1981.
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    CRC handbook of chemistry and physics : a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data /

    Published CRC, 2012.
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    Mühendislik formülleri /

    Published Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, 2010.
    Subjects: “…Engineering Tables. 30637…”
  11. 11

    Kelile ve Dimne / by Beydeba

    Published Karanfil, 2012.
    Subjects: “…Fables, Persian Translations into Turkish. 62645…”
  12. 12

    Structure determination of organic compounds : tables of spectral data / by Pretsch, Ernö

    Published Springer, 2009.
    Subjects: “…Organic compounds Spectra Tables. 14505…”
  13. 13

    Structure determination of organic compounds : tables of spectral data / by Pretsch, Ernö

    Published Springer, 2009.
    Subjects: “…Organic compounds Spectra Tables. 14505…”
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    Metal mesleğinde tablolar /

    Published Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Bakanlığı, 2000.
    Subjects: “…Metal-work Tables. 53917…”
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    Matheson gas data book / by Yaws, Carl L.

    Published McGraw-Hill, 2001.
    Subjects: “…Gases, Compressed Tables. 60834…”
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    Uluğ Bey'in Astronomi Cetvelleri / by Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

    Published T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 2012.
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    Die Bemessung im Eisenbetonbau / by Mörsch, Emil

    Published Verlag Konrad Wittwer, 1950
    Subjects: “…Reinforced concrete construcyion Tables, calculations, etc. 38459…”
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    Infrared and raman characteristic group frequencies : tables and charts / by Socrates, George

    Published John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2000.
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    Conservation of wood artifacts : a handbook : with 69 figures and 35 tables / by Unger, Achim

    Published Springer, 2001.
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    Dakikalar içinde mitoloji : dünyanın en bilinen 200 çarpıcı fabl, destan ve efsanesi/ by Philip, Neil

    Published Kronik Kitap, 2023