Search Results - ("same" OR "some")
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Computational Intelligence 179
- Computational intelligence 179
- Artificial intelligence 141
- Artificial Intelligence 140
- Mechanics, Applied 93
- General 92
- Control engineering 89
- Social Science 84
- Telecommunication 66
- Signal processing 63
- Materials 62
- Signal, Speech and Image Processing 61
- Sociology 60
- Education 59
- Communications Engineering, Networks 58
- Control and Systems Theory 54
- Solid Mechanics 54
- Solids 54
- Analysis 47
- System theory 46
- Mathematics 45
- Characterization and Analytical Technique 44
- Data processing 44
- Automation 40
- Control, Robotics, Automation 40
- Machines, Tools, Processes 40
- Manufactures 40
- Robotics 40
- History 39
- Security Science and Technology 37
Educating second language teachers : the same things done differently /
Published Oxford applied linguistics, 2016.Book -
The signal and the noise : why so many predictions fail--but some don't /
Published Penguin Press, 2012.Book -
Domestic violence and sexuality : what's love got to do with it? /
Published Policy Press, 2014.Subjects: “…Same-sex partner abuse.…”
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e-Book -
Gay Life Stories Same-Sex Desires in Post-Revolutionary Iran /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Table of Contents: “…The Historical Contingencies and the Politics of Same-Sex Desire in Iran -- 4. The Construction of the Iranian Gay Subject Outside of Iran -- 5. …”
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e-Book -
Oğuznâme (Emsâl-i Mehmedalî) : XVI. yy. yazılmış Türk atasözleri kitabı
Published Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı, 1992.Book -
Güç : nasıl kazanır, nasıl elde tutarsınız /
Published MESS, 2010.“…Power : why some people have it and others don't.…”
Book -
A General Theory of Entropy Fuzzy Rational Foundations of Information-Knowledge Certainty /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…The relational structure between the general information definition and entropy -- Some reflections on the concept and measurement of entropy in info-knowledge -- The principle of opposites, epistemological -- Information measurement and entropy in information-knowledge certainty -- Fuzzy-paradigmatic reflections on possibility -- The fuzzy-stochastic entropy and the concept of a hybrid measures of uncertainty -- Comparative analytics: fuzzy-stochastic and non-fuzzy stochastic entropies -- Some simple epistemic reflections on information, knowledge and entropy.…”
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e-Book -
Transactional Lean: Preparing for the Digitalization Era A Systematic Approach to Industrialize Office Processes /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Introduction -- Insights and Prerequisites for Lean Office -- The Office-adapted Lean Tool System -- Office Cell Design -- Implementing the Lean Office -- Some Additional Aphorism.…”
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e-Book -
Compressive Sensing Based Algorithms for Electronic Defence
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
e-Book -
The Dynamics and Complexities of Interracial Gay Families in South Africa: A New Frontier Gay Relationships in South Africa /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1. Same-sex Intimacy in South Africa: an Introduction -- Chapter 2. …”
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e-Book -
New Advances on Chaotic Intermittency and its Applications
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Chapter 1: Introduction to chaotic intermittency -- Chapter 2: Other types of intermittency and some recent advances in the study of chaotic intermittency -- Chapter 3: Some applications of the chaotic Intermittency -- Chapter 4: Classical theory about noise effects in chaotic intermittency -- Chapter 5: New formulation of the chaotic intermittency -- Chapter 6: New formulation of the noise effects in chaotic intermittency -- Chapter 7: Application of the new formulation to pathological cases -- Chapter 8: Application to dynamical systems. …”
Full-text access
e-Book -
Between One Culture Essays on Science and Art /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
e-Book -
Interactive Granular Computations in Networks and Systems Engineering: A Practical Perspective
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Research Motivations -- Research Objectives and Selected Approaches -- Challenges of WisTech (based on IGrC) for CAS Modeling, Controlling, and Monitoring -- Main Overview of Results -- Guide to the Contents of the Book -- The Concept of Complex System -- Examples of Complex Systems -- Concept of Complex Systems Engineering (CSE) -- CSE Practice: CSE Crisis -- CSE Theory: Some Approaches -- TPGP: The Concept of the Theory - Practice Gap Problem.…”
Full-text access
e-Book -
Dilemmas of engagement evaluation and the new public management /
Published Elsevier JAI, 2007.Full-text access
e-Book -
Toward a critique of guilt perspectives from law and the humanities /
Published Emerald, 2005.Table of Contents: “…Baron -- Guilty professions : specters of sameness in Camus's The fall / Ravit Reichman -- The injustice of intersex : feminist science studies and the writing of a wrong / Iain Morland -- The cow and the plow : animal suffering, human guilt, and the crime of cruelty / Susan J. …”
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e-Book -
Special issue the discourse of judging /
Published Emerald, 2012.Table of Contents: “…: discourses of judging in undergraduate legal studies classrooms : judicial retention and same-sex marriage rulings / Renee Ann Cramer -- Kentucky's constitutional crisis and the many meanings of judicial independence / Emily Zackin -- Nomos and form : reading a jury of her peers / Matthew Anderson -- Talking about the European court : discourses of judging in the European Union / R. …”
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