Search Results - (("turks history 17th century.") OR ("turks history 20th century."))
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 3
- Turks 3
- Türkler 3
- Binalar, yapılar 2
- Buildings, structures, etc 2
- Camiler 2
- Islamic architecture 2
- Mosques 2
- Tarih 2
- İslam mimarisi 2
- Emigration and immigration 1
- Greco-Turkish War, 1921-1922 1
- Greeks 1
- Göç ve göçme 1
- Mülteciler 1
- Nüfus transferi 1
- Population transfers 1
- Refugees 1
- Social aspects 1
- Sosyal yönleri 1
- Tarihi 1
- Yunan-Türk Savaşı, 1921-1922 1
- Yunanlılar 1
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- "turks history 17th century." »
Remembering one's roots : Mehmed Ali Paşa of Egypt's links to the Macedonian town of Kavala : architectural monuments, inscriptions & documents /
Published Bahçeşehir University Press, 2011.Subjects:Book -
Aslına dönüş : Mısır Valisi Mehmed Ali Paşa'nın Kavala kasabası ile bağları : mimari eserler, kitâbeler ve belgeler /
Published Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, 2011.Subjects:Book -
İnsan ve mekan yüzüyle mübadele : 1923'ten bugüne zorunlu göç /
Published İnkılap, 2017.Subjects: “…Population transfers Turks History 20th century. 14353…”