Search Results - (( hard rock ) OR ( hand rock ))

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  1. 1

    İki arada bir derede : Afrika'da gördüklerim =. Between a rock and hard place. what i saw in Africa snap shots / by Tekalan, Şerif Ali

    “…Between a rock and hard place : what i saw in Africa snap shots.…”
  2. 2

    Women Through Anti-Proverbs by Litovkina, Anna T.

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “….-2 Anti-Proverbs -- Part II -- 3 A Woman's Nature as Represented in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 4 "Give a Girl Enough Rope and She'll Ring the Wedding Bell": The Nature of Young Women, Girls, Daughters and Brides as Represented in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 5 "Spinsters Live Longer Than Married Women Because Where There's Hope There's Life": Spinsters as Represented in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 6 "Behind Every Man Who Lives Within His Income Is a Wife Who Doesn't": The Figure of Wife as Portrayed in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 7 "Many a Widow Finds It Easy to Marry Again Because Dead Men Tell No Tales": Widows as Revealed Through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 8 "On the Matrimonial Sea, the Hand That Rocks the Cradle Very Seldom Rocks the Boat": Mothers as Revealed Through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 9 "When the Mother-In-Law Comes in at the Door, Love Flies Out of the Window": The Mother-in-Law as Reflected in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 10 "You Know a Bad Beginning Makes a Good Endin',".as the Old Woman Said: Generic Old Women as Represented in Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 11 "The Breasts on the Other Side of the Fence Look Greener": Women's Sexuality as Revealed Through Anglo-American Anti-Proverbs -- 12 "Never Send a Boy to Do a Man's Job-Send a Woman": Female Professions and Occupations -- Contents -- Conclusion -- References -- Index .…”
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  3. 3

    Social contexts of early education, and reconceptualizing play (II)

    Published Elsevier JAI, 2004.
    Table of Contents: “…Golbeck -- Beyond quality, advancing social justice and equity: interdisciplinary explorations of working for equity and social justice in early childhood education / Sheralyn Campbell, Glenda MacNaughton, Jane Page, Sharne Rolfe -- Between a rock and a hard place: teachers' experiences in meeting the Abbott mandate / Debra J. …”
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  4. 4

    Solar energy : technologies and the project delivery process for buildings / by Walker, Andy (Howard Andy)

    Published John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.
    Table of Contents: “…Delivering solar energy projects : HIstory and current use of solar energy ; Advantages of solar energy ; Solar energy project delivery process ; Integration of solar energy into the existing infrastructure -- The solar energy resource : Structure of the sun ; Nuclear fusion: the source of the sun's power ; The spectral nature of solar radiation ; Position of the sun in the sky ; Direct beam, diffuse, and global solar insolation in the plane of a solar collector surface ; Incident angle of direct beam sun on a surface ; The effect of shade ; Solar resource management ; Solar resource maps and data ; Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) weather data ; Forecasting the solar resource hours or days into the future ; Diagnosis of solar energy system performance using solar resource data ; Computer tools for analysis of solar position and solar resources ; Standards related to solar resource assessment -- Photovoltaics (PV, solar electricity) : Photovoltaic cells and modules ; Voltage and current characteristics of PV devices (the i-v curve) ; Open-circuit voltage and operating voltage of a PV cell ; Dependence of voltage and current on temperature ; different types of photovoltaic devices ; Standard ratings and performance indicators for PV modules ; Energy balance for a PV module, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) ; Power output of a PV module ; Photovoltaic system schematic design ; Photovoltaic system components ; Estimating the cost of a photovoltaic system ; Estimating electric use and solar fraction ; Recommended applications ; Simple hand calculation of photovoltaic system size and energy delivery ; Estimating the energy cost savings of a photovoltaic (solar electric) system ; Computer tools for analysis of photovoltaic systems ; Codes and standards for photovoltaic modules and systems ; Operation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems ; Case studies of photovoltaic system installations ; Example: Procurement specifications for grid-tied solar electric (photovoltaic) system -- Solar water heating : Different types of water heating solar collectors ; Solar water heating system schematic design ; Solar water heating system components ; Estimating the cost of a solar water heating system ; estimating building hot water use and solar fraction ; Recommended applications ; Simple hand calculation of solar water heating system size and energy delivery ; System thermodynamics and computer tools for analysis of solar water heating systems ; Codes and standards for solar water heaters ; Operation and maintenance of solar water heating systems ; Case studies of solar water heating system installations ; Example: Procurement specifications for a solar water heating system -- Solar ventilation air preheating : Operating principle of the transpired air heating solar collector ; Solar ventilation air preheat system schematic ; Solar ventilation air preheat system components ; Design considerations ; Recommended applications ; Estimating the cost of a solar ventilation air preheat system ; Simple hand calculations for size and performance of a solar ventilation air heating system ; Computer tools for analysis of solar ventilation preheat systems ; Codes and standards related to solar ventilation air preheating ; Maintenance of solar ventilation air preheating systems ; Case studies of solar ventilation air preheating system installations ; Example: Procurement specifications for solar ventilation preheat system -- Solar space heating and cooling : Site issues ; Building heat loss ; Solar heat gain through windows and opaque surfaces ; Materials and building components for passive solar space heating systems ; Thermal storage ; Heat distribution systems ; Solar space heating (passive or active) system schematic design ; Estimating the cost of a solar space heating system ; Estimating energy use and solar fraction ; Calculation of solar space heating system sizing and energy delivery ; Computer tools for analysis of passive solar heating ; Operation and maintenance of passive solar heating systems ; Case studies of passive solar heating systems ; Example: Procurement specifications for passive solar thermal storage wall -- Case studies of solar buildings : Residence in Golden, Colorado ; Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, Las Vegas, Nevada ; Research Support Facility (RSF) office building, Golden, Colorado -- Appendix A. …”
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  5. 5

    Visions of the 21st century family transforming structures and identities /

    Published Emerald, 2013.
    Table of Contents: “…Smith -- "We are both her mothers and I want the world to know that" : parent term selection among lesbian co-parents with children conceived through donor insemination / Rafael J. Colonna -- The hands that (yet) rock the cradle : unveiling the social construction of the family through the contemporary birthing ritual / Rosalina Pisco Costa -- The process through which men and women construct procreative identities : a narrative approach / Tamara G. …”
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  6. 6

    Power, voice and the public good schooling and education in global societies /

    Published Emerald, 2008.
    Table of Contents: “…. / David Urias -- The effects of the neo-liberal agenda on education in some African countries / Birgit Brock-Utne -- Schools as markets: bilking the young and powerless / Judith Brooks-Buck -- What to teach our global citizens: applying transnational civics frameworks in four post-communist states / Alison Price-Rom -- Schooling and education for the San (Ju/'hoansi) in Namibia: between a rock of colonialism and the hard place of globalization / Rodney K. …”
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  7. 7

    Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2019

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…Poster Session -- Addition of Dregs in Mixed Mortar: Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties -- Adhesion Study at Advanced Ages in Multipurpose Mortars -- Applications and Opportunities of Nanomaterials in Construction and Infrastructure -- Automated Optical Serial Sectioning Analysis of Phases in a Medium Carbon Steel -- Characterization of a Brazilian Bentonite for its Use in the Oil and Gas Industry -- Characterization of Tensile Properties of Epoxy Matrix Composites Reinforced with Fique Fabric Fiber -- Clay Smectite Synthetic: Characterization and Application in Nanocomposites -- Comparison of Performance between Granite Waste Pigments Based Paints and Soils Pigments Based Paints -- Development and Characterization of Recycled-HDPE/EVA Foam Reinforced with Babassu Coconut Epicarp Fiber Residues -- Evaluation of Microcapsules of PBSL/MMT-K and PBSL/OMMT-K Nanocomposites -- Evaluation of the Quality of Concrete with Waste of Construction and Demolition -- Evaluation of Two Different Pulsed Plasma Nitriding Conditions on Steel Properties -- Flexural Mechanical Characterization of Polyester Composites Reinforced with Jute Fabric -- Influence of Coupling Agent on the Modification Effects of Vanadium Tailing as a Polymer Filler -- Influence of Electron-beam Irradiation on the Properties of LDPE/EDPM Blend Foams -- Influence of the Areal Density of Layers in the Ballistic Response of a Multilayered Armor System Using Box-behnken Statistical Design -- Influence of the Blocks and Mortar's Compressive Strength on the Flexural Bond Strength of Concrete Masonry -- Influence of Two Solubilization Conditions at 718 Superalloy Hardness and Microstructure -- Irradiation Influence on the Properties of HMS-Polypropylene Clay/AgNPs Nanocomposites -- Limit Speed Analysis and Absorbed Energy in Multilayer Armor with Epoxy Composite Reinforced with Mallow Fibers and Mallow and Jute Hybrid Fabric -- Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Polymer (Ethylene Terephthalate - PET) Filled with Carbon Black -- Mineralogical Analysis of A Chrome Ore from South Africa -- Pilot Trial of Detoxification of Chromium Slag in Cyclone Furnace and Preparation of Glass-ceramics with the water-quenched melt -- Preparation of Refractory Material from Ferronickel Slag -- Process Improvement Study on the Gradation Uniformity of Steel Slag Asphalt Concrete Aggregate -- Research on the Interaction of Humic Acid with Iron Minerals -- Study of Different Process Additives Applied to Polypropylene -- Study of the Durability of Mortars with Effluent Sludge from Paper Industry Exposed to Salt Spray -- Study of the Incorporation of Residue of Ornamental Rocks in Ceramic Tiles -- Study of the Incorporation of Smectite in Powder Coating -- Study of the Mineralogical Composition of the Tailings of Coscotitlán, Hidalgo, Mexico -- The Influence of Clay Reinforcement on the Properties of Recycled Polymer Foams -- The Quality of Tiles in Red Ceramic in Northwest of Rio de Janeiro and Southeast of Minas Gerais.…”
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  8. 8

    Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2018

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Table of Contents: “…Poster Session -- Addition of Dregs in Mixed Mortar: Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties -- Adhesion Study at Advanced Ages in Multipurpose Mortars -- Applications and Opportunities of Nanomaterials in Construction and Infrastructure -- Automated Optical Serial Sectioning Analysis of Phases in a Medium Carbon Steel -- Characterization of a Brazilian Bentonite for its Use in the Oil and Gas Industry -- Characterization of Tensile Properties of Epoxy Matrix Composites Reinforced with Fique Fabric Fiber -- Clay Smectite Synthetic: Characterization and Application in Nanocomposites -- Comparison of Performance between Granite Waste Pigments Based Paints and Soils Pigments Based Paints -- Development and Characterization of Recycled-HDPE/EVA Foam Reinforced with Babassu Coconut Epicarp Fiber Residues -- Evaluation of Microcapsules of PBSL/MMT-K and PBSL/OMMT-K Nanocomposites -- Evaluation of the Quality of Concrete with Waste of Construction and Demolition -- Evaluation of Two Different Pulsed Plasma Nitriding Conditions on Steel Properties -- Flexural Mechanical Characterization of Polyester Composites Reinforced with Jute Fabric -- Influence of Coupling Agent on the Modification Effects of Vanadium Tailing as a Polymer Filler -- Influence of Electron-beam Irradiation on the Properties of LDPE/EDPM Blend Foams -- Influence of the Areal Density of Layers in the Ballistic Response of a Multilayered Armor System Using Box-behnken Statistical Design -- Influence of the Blocks and Mortar's Compressive Strength on the Flexural Bond Strength of Concrete Masonry -- Influence of Two Solubilization Conditions at 718 Superalloy Hardness and Microstructure -- Irradiation Influence on the Properties of HMS-Polypropylene Clay/AgNPs Nanocomposites -- Limit Speed Analysis and Absorbed Energy in Multilayer Armor with Epoxy Composite Reinforced with Mallow Fibers and Mallow and Jute Hybrid Fabric -- Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Polymer (Ethylene Terephthalate - PET) Filled with Carbon Black -- Mineralogical Analysis of A Chrome Ore from South Africa -- Pilot Trial of Detoxification of Chromium Slag in  Cyclone Furnace and Preparation of Glass-ceramics with the water-quenched melt -- Preparation of Refractory Material from Ferronickel Slag -- Process Improvement Study on the Gradation Uniformity of Steel Slag Asphalt Concrete Aggregate -- Research on the Interaction of Humic Acid with Iron Minerals -- Study of Different Process Additives Applied to Polypropylene -- Study of the Durability of Mortars with Effluent Sludge from Paper Industry Exposed to Salt Spray -- Study of the Incorporation of Residue of Ornamental Rocks in CeramicTiles -- Study of the Incorporation of Smectite in Powder Coating -- Study of the Mineralogical Composition of the Tailings of Coscotitlán, Hidalgo, Mexico -- The Influence of Clay Reinforcement on the Properties of Recycled Polymer Foams -- The Quality of Tiles in Red Ceramic in Northwest of Rio de Janeiro and Southeast of Minas Gerais.…”
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