Arama Sonuçları - (( middle part. ) OR ( middle most. ))
Önerilen Konular
Önerilen Konular
- General 11
- Education 9
- Sociology 9
- History 8
- Culture 7
- Ethnology 7
- Equality 4
- Philosophy 4
- Social Structure 4
- Social structure 4
- Sociocultural Anthropology 4
- Study and teaching 4
- Archaeology 3
- Artificial Intelligence 3
- Artificial intelligence 3
- Educational Policy & Reform 3
- Ethnography 3
- History of Science 3
- Human Geography 3
- Human geography 3
- Language and languages 3
- Methodology 3
- Middle Eastern Culture 3
- Middle East 3
- Science 3
- Social Science 3
- Sociology, Urban 3
- Technology 3
- Urban Sociology 3
- Africa 2
Living in a World Heritage Site Ethnography of Houses and Daily Life in the Fez Medina /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Full-text access
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English Language Teaching Research in the Middle East and North Africa Multiple Perspectives /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Full-text access
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Queerly Cosmopolitan Bohemia and Belonging in a Brazilian Middle-of-Nowhere City /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot, 2019.Full-text access
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Authoritarianism and Resistance in Turkey Conversations on Democratic and Social Challenges /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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The Sociolinguistics of Iran's Languages at Home and Abroad The Case of Persian, Azerbaijani, and Kurdish /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Full-text access
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Distinguished Figures in Descriptive Geometry and Its Applications for Mechanism Science From the Middle Ages to the 17th Century /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Space Supporting Africa Volume 1: A Primary Needs Approach and Africa's Emerging Space Middle Powers /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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An Urban History of China
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.İçindekiler: “…INTRODUCTION -- PART ONE HISTORY OF URBAN HABITATION -- The Commencement of Urban Habitation -- The Urban Habitation of the Slavery Society -- The Urban Habitation in the Early Feudal Society -- The Urban Habitation in the Middle Stage of the Feudal Society -- Urban Habitation in Late Feudal Society -- The Features of the Modern Urban Dwelling Areas -- The Features of Spatial Structure of the Urban Residential Areas After 1949 -- The New Workers' Villages and Residential Environment of Industrial Cities in 1950s -- The "Villages in the City": A Phenomenon of On-the-Spot Urbanization -- PART TWO HISTORY OF CHINESE URBAN PUBLIC SQUARES -- Urban Public Squares and Social Public Life -- Chinese Traditional Squares: the Most Longevous Square Systems -- The Disruption of Traditional Squares and the Rise of New-Type Squares -- An Exploration of the Vigorous Growth of Urban Squares -- A Cultural Comparison between Chinese and Western Squares.…”
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Investigating Developmentalism Notions of Development in the Social Sphere /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Chapter 1: Introduction: Developmentalism: On a Trope of (Dis)Enchantment -- Part One: Discontentment and Disenchantment -- Chapter 2: The Danger of Development Today: An Inevitable Polemic -- Chapter 3: The Enchantment of Urbanization: Closer Look at Market's Narrative in Indian Cities -- Part Two: Dramatics and Enchantment -- Chapter 4: The Art of Showing: Imagining Development in Indian Mediascape -- Chapter 5: Crafting Development and Developing Craft: An On-going Dialogue -- Chapter 6: Documentaries and the Development Project: Filmmaking as a Discursive Practice -- Chapter 7: "Tayyari Jeet Ki": The Production of Childhood as a Cultural Trope of Developmentalism -- Part Three: Details of Discontents -- Chapter 8: Development, Marginality, and 'Contested Space' in th eCoastal Kerala, South India -- Chapter 9: Resurgence of Community in the Midst of Despair: Development's Changing Course in Northeast India -- Chapter 10: (Re)producing Middle Class" On Development as Middle Classes Mission -- Chapter 11: Frictions in Resistance: Imagining Post-neoliberal Developmental Possibilities.…”
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Inference in Argumentation A Topics-Based Approach to Argument Schemes /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…The richness and originality of medieval contributions -- Chapter 4. After the Middle Ages -- Chapter 5. Modern and contemporary approaches -- Part II: The Argumentum Model of Topics -- Chapter 6. …”
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Positive Aging and Precarity Theory, Policy, and Social Reality within a Comparative German Context /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Rent-Seekers, Profits, Wages and Inequality The Top 20% /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot, 2019.Full-text access
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New Perspectives on Aspect and Modality in Chinese Historical Linguistics
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Political power and social theory
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2012.İçindekiler: “…Free riding on revolution : conservatism and social change / Robin Archer -- Parties and the articulation of neoliberalism : from "the emergency" to reforms in India, 1975-1991 / Manali Desai -- "A new health order as part of the new social order" : the strategic response of the WHO to its member states / Nitsan Chorev -- The reconfiguration of the Palestinian national question : the indirect rule route and the civil society route / Silvia Pasquetti -- Transforming citizenship : the subjective consequences of local political mobilization / Rachel Meyer -- Political fields and religious movements : the exclusion of the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan / Sadia Saeed -- Racialized class formation : blacks in the professional middle class in the post-civil rights era / Eric S. …”
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Hong Kong Architecture 1945-2015 From Colonial to Global /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Part I Government-led modernity -- Chapter 1: Reconstruction and resettlement after the War -- Chapter 2: Modernism coming to town - government low-cost housing and public buildings -- Chapter 3: Design forces and their strategies -- Chapter 4: Government control, building regulations and their implications -- Part II Private forces command -- Chapter 5: Serving the middle class - private housing and shopping mall -- Chapter 6: Rail village and mega-structure. - Chapter 7: Commercial to Global -- Chapter 8: "Being Chinese in architecture" - growth of local architects -- Part III Backward and forward vision -- Chapter 9: Finding the roots and preserving our well-being -- Chapter 10: Pursuing excellence - towards a civic architecture.…”
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Ancient Engineers' Inventions Precursors of the Present /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
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Green Photonics and Electronics
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
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Light Metals 2017
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Alumina & Bauxite: Digestion and Calcination -- CFB Alumina Calciners - New and Future Generation Opportunities for Green Field Refineries -- Evolutional Development of Alkaline Aluminosilicates Processing Technology -- Characterization and Ore Dressing of Bauxite from Brazil -- Process Optimization for Diaspore Digestion Equilibrium using Response Surface Methodology -- Thermodynamic analysis and formation law of Q phase of calcium aluminate clinker -- Leaching Behavior of Alumina from Smelting Reduction Calcium Aluminate Slag with Sodium Carbonate Solution -- Part 2: Alumina & Bauxite: Bauxite Residues Technology -- Security Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization of Bauxite Residues -- Bauxite Residue Amendment Through the Addition of Ca and OR Mg Followed By Carbonation -- Application of Tricalcium Aluminate Instead of Lime for the recovery of aluminum in Middle-low Grade Bauxite in Calcification-Carbonization Process -- Low Temperature Reduction of Hematite in Red-Mud to Magnetite -- Recovery of Iron-, Titanium-bearing Constituents from Bauxite Ore Residue via Magnetic Separation Followed by Sulfuric Acid Leaching -- Processing diasporic red mud by the calcification-carbonation method -- Research of Flocculants and Dewatering Additives for Filtration of Red Mud -- Characterization of activated alumina production via spray pyrolysis -- Part 3: Alumina & Bauxite: Non-traditional Resources -- New process research on aluminium production from non-traditional aluminum resource by microwave chlorination -- Opportunities of pseudoboehmite processing from aluminum content raw material at sintering method -- Chemical Alumina Preparation by Using High Alumina Content Fly Ash -- A Novel Process of Alumina Production from Low-grade Bauxite Containing Sulfur -- Iron separation from bauxite through smelting-reduction process -- Thermodynamic behavior of lime desulfurization in sodium aluminate solution -- Part 4: Alumina & Bauxite: Poster Session -- A study on optimization ofprocessing parameters for synthesis of calcium hydroaluminosulfate using response surface methodology -- Part 5: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization: Alloy Development and Applications -- Design of New 6xxx Series Al Alloy Using the CALPHAD Thermodynamic Database -- Study of an Al-Ca Alloy with Low Young's Modulus -- Production Of 3004 Aluminum Alloy Sheet For Structural Applications From Twin Roll Casting -- Aluminum alloys with tailored TiB2 particles for composite applications -- Development of low expansion and high strength aluminium hybrid composite -- Part 6: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization: Solidification and Casting -- A model for a-Al(Mn,Fe)Si crystals -- Casting Characteristics of High Cerium Content Aluminum Alloys -- In-situ observation of fragmentation of primary crystals by ultrasonic cavitation in water -- The enhancement of mechanical properties of A356 alloy solidified at lower cooling rate via effectively grain refinement -- Secondary Aluminum Alloys Processed by Semisolid Process for Automotive Application -- Integrated casting-extrusion of an AA6082 aluminum alloy -- On Porosity Formation in Al-Si-Cu Cast Alloys -- Part 7: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization: Characterization -- Algorithm for Finding the Correlation between the Properties of Wrought Aluminum Alloys, the Chemical Composition and the Processing Parameters -- Analysis of an aluminium alloy containing trace elements -- Determination of aluminum oxide thickness on the annealed surface of 8000 series aluminum Foil by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy -- Test Uncertainty in Chemical Composition Analysis -- Real Time 3D Imaging and Laser Marking System for Industrial Traceability -- Production and Certification of Arconic Certified Reference Materials -- Characterization of Large Strain Extrusion Machining (LSEM) of AA7050 -- Interaction between fatigue micro-cracks and inclusion/matrix interface in high-strength Al alloy -- Influence of trace element additionson Fe bearing intermetallic solidification of a 6063 Al alloy -- Part 8: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization: Heat Treatment -- THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE HOMOGENIZATION TREATMENT OF AA7075 -- Precipitation modeling and validation of Al-5%Cu-0.4%Mn alloy using quench factor analysis -- Young's modulus of Al-Si-Mg-Cu based alloys under different heat treatment processes -- Intergranular Corrosion Investigation on EN-AW 6082 Redraw Rod -- The influence of process parameters and thermomechanical history on streaking defects in AA6060 extrusions -- Effect of Heat-treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sonicated Multicomponent AlMgSiCuZn Alloy -- Effect of Interrupted Quenching on Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys -- Part 9: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization: Plasticity and Mechanical Behavior -- New Yield Criterion for Description of Plastic Deformation of Face-Centered Cubic Single Crystals -- Quantifying As-cast and Homogenized AA7050 Mechanical Properties through Compression Testing -- Determining a Stable Texture Condition Under Complex Strain Path Deformations in Face Centered Cubic Metals -- Microstructural transition and elevated temperature tensile properties of modified Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys -- Effects of alloying elements on anneal-hardening behavior of aluminum alloy foils -- Increasing strength and corrosion resistance of AlMgSi alloys by tailor-made thermomechanical processing -- Microstructural optimization of a High Mechanical Properties (HMP) aluminum alloy by using CobaPress™ process -- Cyclic Stress-strain Behavior and Low Cycle Fatigue Life of AA6061 Aluminum Alloy -- Part 10: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization: Poster Session -- Corrosion of Al-Mg Alloys in Ethanol -- Warm pressing of Al powders: an alternative consolidation approach -- Part 11: Aluminum Reduction Technology: Dry Scrubbing, Alumina Transport and Dissolution -- Spreading of Alumina and Raft Formation on the Surface of Molten Cryolite -- Fluoride Capture Capacity of SGA: The Interplay between Particle and Pore Size Distribution -- Predictive Formulae for the Competitive Adsorption of HF and SO2 on Smeltergrade Alumina Used in Dry Scrubbing Applications -- Pot Gas Treatment at High Gas Temperatures -- Influence of Handling Parameter on Powder Properties -- Part 12: Aluminum Reduction Technology: Anode Effect and PFC Emissions -- Preventive Treatment of Anode Effects Using On-Line Individual Anode Current Monitoring -- Reduction in EGA Jebel Ali Potroom GHG Emissions -- Partial Anode Effect in a Two-Compartment Laboratory Alumina Reduction Cell -- Co-evolution of Carbon Oxides and Fluorides during the Electrowinning of Aluminium with Molten NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3 Electrolytes -- Part 13: Aluminum Reduction Technology: Cell Lining Materials -- Chemical stability of thermal insulating materials in sodium vapour environment -- AGING OF INSULATING LININGS IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS CELLS -- Cathode Wear Based on Autopsy of a Shut down Aluminium Electrolysis Cell -- SPL Recycling and Re-Processing -- Alternative applications of SPL: Testing ideas through experiments and mathematical modeling -- Part 14: Aluminum Reduction Technology: Cell Voltage and Pot Control -- Clustering Aluminium Reduction Cells -- Application of Multivariate Statistical Process Control with STARprobeTM Measurements in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells -- Study Of Impact Of The Anode Slots On The Voltage Fluctuations Of Aluminium Electrolysis Cell Using Bubble Layer Simulator -- Detecting, Identifying and Managing Systematic Potline Issues with Generation 3 Process Control -- Predicting Instability and Current Efficiency of Industrial Cells -- Part 14: Aluminum Reduction Technology: Electrolyte and Fundamentals -- Sodium in Aluminium as a Cell Performance Indicator: A Quantitative Framework -- Bauxite processing via chloride route to produce chloride products and subsequent electrolysis of aluminium chloride to produce aluminium metal -- Stability of Chlorides in Cryolitic Electrolyte -- Role of Heat Transfer in the Formation of Carbon Oxides in Smelting Cells -- Part 15: Aluminum Reduction Technology: Modelling and Cell Design -- Improving The Understanding Of BUSBAR Design And Cell MHD Performance -- LES turbulence modeling approach for molten aluminium and electrolyte flow in aluminum electrolysis cell -- MHD of Large Scale Liquid Metal Batteries -- Low energy consumption cell designs involving…”
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