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  1. 1

    Cross-sectoral relations in the delivery of public services /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.
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  2. 2

    On-Chip Power Delivery and Management Yazar: Vaisband, Inna P., Jakushokas, Renatas, Popovich, Mikhail, Mezhiba, Andrey V., Köse, Selçuk, Friedman, Eby G.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
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  3. 3

    Seeing is believing? approaches to visual research /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Elsevier JAI, 2004.
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  4. 4

    Emotion and schools understanding how the hidden curriculum influences relationships, leadership, teaching, and learning /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2013.
    İçindekiler: “…Templeton, Sabra Helton -- Types of professional and emotional coping among beginning teachers / Paul W. Richardson, Helen M.G. …”
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  5. 5

    Ferec ba'd eş-şidde : zorluk sonrası ferahlık, sıkıntı sonrası rahatlık : erken Osmanlı dönemi hikayeler kitabı /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2017.
  6. 6

    Advances in Robot Kinematics 2018

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…A dual Lie algebra approach, by Daniel Condurache -- An Algorithm for Trajectory Generation in Redundant Manipulators with Joint Transmission Accommodation, by Bahram Ravani, Kristopher Wehage -- Evaluation of Dynamic Relaxation to Solve Kinematics of Concentric Tube Robots, by Quentin Peyron, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Nicolas Andreff, Pierre Renaud -- Iterative Method for the Inverse Kinematics of a 3-Limb Parallel Mechanism with 3-DOF Using a 6-Limb Mechanism with 6-DOF, by Xinghai Liang, Yukio Takeda -- Optimal Object Placement using a Virtual Axis, by Martin Georg Weiß -- The Forward Kinematics of Doubly-Planar Gough-Stewart Platforms and the Position Analysis of Strips of Tetrahedra, by Josep M Porta, Federico Thomas -- Six-bar Linkage Design System with a Parallelized Polynomial Homotopy Solver, by Jeffrey Glabe, John Michael McCarthy -- Algebraic Analysis of a 3-RUU Parallel Manipulator, by Thomas Stigger, Abhilash Nayak, Philippe Wenger, Stéphane Caro, Martin Pfurner, Manfred Husty -- Singularities -- Kinematic analysis of planar tensegrity 2-X manipulators, by Matthieu FURET, Philippe Wenger, Max Lettl -- Rotational Mobility Analysis of the 3-RFR Class of Spherical Parallel Robots, by David Corinaldi, Luca Carbonari, Matteo Palpacelli, Massimo Callegari -- Randomized Planning of Dynamic Motions Avoiding Forward Singularities, by Ricard Bordalba, Lluís Ros, Josep M Porta -- Analysis of Kinematic Singularities for a Serial Redundant Manipulator with 7 DOF, by Zijia Li, Mathias Brandstötter, Michael Hofbaur -- A Geometric Method of Singularity Avoidance for Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Robots, by Nicholas Baron, Andrew Philippides, Nicolas Rojas -- The 3-PPPS parallel robot with U-shape Base, a 6-DOF parallel robot with simple kinematics, by Damien Chablat, Luc Baron, Ranjan Jha, Luc Rolland -- On the singularities of a parallel robotic system used in elbow and wrist rehabilitation, by Iosif Birlescu, Bogdan Gherman, Calin Vaida, Doina Pisla, Nicolae PLITEA, Adrian PISLA, Giuseppe Carbone -- Kinematic constraint maps and C-space singularities for planar mechanisms with prismatic joints, by Seyedvahid Amirinezhad, Peter Donelan -- Transversality and its applications to kinematics, by Seyedvahid Amirinezhad, Peter Donelan, Andreas Mueller -- Control and Dynamics -- Lateral Stability of a 3-DOF Asymmetrical Spherical Parallel Manipulator with a Universal Joint Featuring Infinite Torsional Movement, by Guanglei Wu, Huiping Shen -- On the Use of Instant Centers to Build Dynamic Models of Single-dof Planar Mechanisms, by Raffaele Di-Gregorio, Guanglei Wu, Huiping Shen -- Normal forms of robotic systems with affine Pfaffian constraints: A case study, by Krzysztof Tchon, Joanna Ratajczak, Janusz Jakubiak -- Experimental Identification of Stress-Strain Material Models of UHMWPE Fiber Cables for Improving Cable Tension Control Strategies, by Philipp Tempel, Felix Trautwein, Andreas Pott -- Modelling -- A General Discretization-based Approach for the Kinetostatic Analysis of Closed-loop Rigid/Flexible Hybrid Mechanisms, by Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Zhengtao Chen, Hao Wang -- A pure-inertia method for dynamic balancing of symmetric planar mechanisms, by Jan De Jong, Yuanqing Wu, Marco Carricato, Just Herder -- Stiffness and deformation of mechanisms with locally flexible bodies: a general method using expanded passive joints, by Gonzalo Moreno, Julio Frantz, Lauro Nicolazzi, Rodrigo de Souza Vieira, Daniel Martins -- Kinematic Characteristics of Parallel Continuum Mechanisms, by Oscar Altuzarra, Diego Caballero, Qiuchen Zhang, Francisco J. …”
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  7. 7

    Classroom behavior, contexts, and interventions

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2012.
    İçindekiler: “…Wiley, Melody Tankersley, Andrea Simms -- Treatment integrity in intervention research : models, measures, and future directions / Carl J. …”
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  8. 8

    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2017 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Aref, Juho Vihonen, Reza Ghabcheloo, Jouni Mattila -- A Novel Method for Geometric Robot Calibration Using Laser Pointer and Cameras, by Hubert Gattringer, Matthias Neubauer, Dominik Kaserer, Andreas Mueller -- Redundant Robotic Manipulator Path Planning for Real-Time Obstacle and Self-Collision Avoidance, by Tuomo Kivelä, Jouni Mattila, Jussi Puura, Sirpa Launis -- A Low-cost Experimental Device for Compliant Physical Human-Robot Interaction, by Dániel Rácz, Mátyás Takács, Péter Galambos, János Somló -- Using spring-damper elements to support human-like push recovery motions, by Ruth Malin Kopitzsch, Katja Mombaur -- Validation of Relevant Parameters of Sensitive Manipulators for Human-Robot Collaboration, by David Kirschner, Andreas Schlotzhauer, Mathias Brandstötter, Michael Hofbaur -- Optimization-based methods for planning and control of environment-aware robotic systems -- Preliminary design of an electropneumatic automatic machine for herbaceous grafting, by Guido Belforte, Gabriella Eula, Terenziano Raparelli, Silvia Sirolli, Pietro Piccarolo, Paolo Gay, Davide Ricauda, Lorenzo Comba -- A Falling Motion Strategy for Humanoids Based on Motion Primitives of Human Falling, by Libo Meng, Zhangguo Yu, Weimin Zhang, Xuechao Chen, Marco Ceccarelli, Qiang Huang -- Legged robot strategies for climbing stairs, by Mircea Nitulescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Sorin Manoiu-Olaru, Dong Hai Nguyen Van -- Kinematic Path Control of a Redundant Robot Arm in Sliding Mode, by Evgeniy Krastev -- Precise Positioning of a Robotic Arm Manipulator Using Stereo Computer Vision and Iterative Learning, by Kaloyan Yovchev, Denis Chikurtev, Nayden Chivarov, Nedko Shivarov -- A Receding Horizon Push Recovery Strategy for Balancing the iCub Humanoid Robot, by Stefano Dafarra, Francesco Romano, Francesco Nori -- Neural Networks for Real-Time, Probabilistic Obstacle Detection, by Tobias Werner, Josua Bloeß, Dominik Henrich -- Vision systems -- Cloud Robot Vision Services Extend High-performance Computing Capabilities of Robot Systems, by Florin Daniel Anton, Theodor Borangiu, Silvia Anton, Silviu Raileanu -- A robotic 3D vision system for automatic cranial prostheses inspection, by Maria Cristina Valigi, Silvia Logozzo, Gabriele Canella -- Automated, Depth Sensor Based Object Detection and Path Planning for Robot-Aided 3D Scanning, by Jakob Ziegler, Hubert Gattringer, Dominik Kaserer, Andreas Mueller -- Collision Avoidance System for Collaborative Robotics, by Stefano Mauro, Leonardo Sabatino Scimmi, Stefano Pastorelli -- Mobile robots and path planning design and construction of a demonstrative Heritagebot Platform, by Marco Ceccarelli, Daniele Cafolla, Matteo Russo, Giuseppe Carbone -- Estimation of the Traversal Time for a Fleet of Industrial Transport Robots, by Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Stephan Gspandl, Micheal Reip -- Adapting Edge Weights for Optimal Paths in a Navigation Graph, by Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Stephan Gspandl, Micheal Reip -- Advanced Modelling Techniques for Flexible Robotic Systems, by Mariapaola D'Imperio, Cristiano Pizzamiglio, Daniele Ludovico, Giancarlo Genta, Darwin Caldwell, Ferdinando Cannella -- Autonomous Mobile Manipulation using ROS, by Heiko Engemann, Patrick Wiesen, Stephan Kallweit, Harshavardhan Deshpande -- Automation and robotics for vehicles -- Team of Pneumatic ASi-controlled Climber Robots for Ships Inspection, by Enrico Ravina -- Elasto-kinematic characteristics of Car Sus-pensions with magnetorheological bushings, by Renato Brancati, Giandomenico Di Massa, Ernesto Rocca, Cesare Rossi, Sergio Savino, Francesco Timpone -- Delay-dependent criteria for robust lateral stability control of articulated vehicles, by Mojtaba Sharifzadeh, arash farnam, Adolfo Senatore, Francesco Timpone, Ahmad Akbari -- Comparison of modelling tools for the assessment of the parameters of driving assistance solutions, by Flavio Farroni, Guido Fusco, Luigi Pariota, Sebastian Rosario Pastore, Aleksandr Sakhnevych, Francesco Timpone -- Modeling, Simulation and Control of a 4WD Electric Vehicle with In-Wheel Motors, by Raffaele Iervolino, Aleksandr Sakhnevych -- Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Driving Applications, by Antonio Tota, mauro velardocchia, Levent Guvenc -- UAV: Innovation and new application fields in the future -- Electromagnetic characterization of installed antennas through UAVs, by Irene Aicardi, Pietro Bolli, Andrea Lingua, Fabio Paonessa, Marco Piras,Giuseppe Virone -- Remote Sensing from RPAS in Agriculture: an Overview of Expectations and Unanswered Questions, by Enrico Borgogno Mondino -- A Self-adapting Method for 3D Environment Exploration Inspired by Swarm Behaviour, by Jan Zelenka, tomas kasanicky, Ivana Budinska -- Analysis & Modelling of Powertrain Components for an Efficient UAV Design, by Mario Silvagni, Marcello Chiaberge, Federico Tessari -- Camera Selection and Flight Planning for Post Processing 3D Reconstruction Automatization, by Mario Silvagni, Marcello Chiaberge, Osman Abdalla Sidahmed Osman -- A modular Cloud Robotics architecture for data management and mission handling of UnmannedRobotic Services, by Marcello Chiaberge, Mario Silvagni, Claudio Sanguedolce, Gianluca Dara -- Application of an inspection robot composed by collaborative terrestrial and aerial modules for an operation in agriculture, by Roberto Grassi, Rea Pierluigi, Erika Ottaviano, Paolo Maggiore -- Industrial applications -- Airbrush robotic painting system: experimental validation of a colour spray model, by Lorenzo…”
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  9. 9

    International teacher education promising pedagogies (part A) /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2014.
    İçindekiler: “…Athanases -- Using action research to foster preservice teachers' reflection on themselves as learners : examining beliefs and changing practices / Carmen Montecinos, Andrea Ceardi, M. …”
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  10. 10

    Computational Kinematics Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics that was held at Futuroscope-Poitiers, France, in May 2017 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Part I: Applications -- Inherently Balanced Double Bennett Linkage, by Volkert Van der Wijk -- 3D revolute joint with clearance in multibody systems, by Narendra Akhadkar, Vincent Acary, Bernard Brogliato -- Kinematics and Bifurcation of a Twofold-Symmetric 8-bar Linkage, by Zhao Tang, Dimiter Zlatanov, Jian sheng Dai -- A Novel Kinematic Model of Spatial Four-bar Linkage RSPS for Testing Accuracy of Actual R-Pairs with Ball-bar, by Zhi Wang, Delun Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Huimin Dong, Shudong Yu -- Model Reduction Methods for optimal Follow-the-Leader Movements of Binary Actuated, Hyper-Redundant Robots, by Svenja Tappe, Dairong Yu, Jens Kotlarski, Tobias Ortmaier -- Kinematic Design of a Lighting Robotic Arm for Operating Room, by Juan Sebastian Sandoval Arevalo, Laurence Nouaille, Gérard Poisson, Yves Parmantier -- Elastostatic Modelling of a Wooden Parallel Robot, by Lila Kaci, Clément Boudaud, Sébastien Briot, Philippe Martinet -- Towards an autonomous airborne robotic agent, byDaniel Soto-Guerrero, Gabriel Ramírez Torres, Jean-Pierre Gazeau -- Autonomous March Control For Humanoid Robot Animation In A Virtual Reality Environment, by Victor Andaluz, Santiago Guaman, Jorge Sánchez -- Control Based On Linear Algebra For Mobile Manipulators, by Victor Andaluz, Paola Velasco, Edison Sásig, William Chicaiza -- Modeling And Kinematic Nonlinear Control Of Aerial Mobile Manipulators, by Victor Andaluz, Jessica Ortiz, Franklin Silva, Luis Proaño, José Perez, Alex Erazo, Christian Carvajal -- Path Planning Based On Visual Feedback Between Terrestrial And Aerial Robots Cooperation, by Jessica Ortiz Moreano, Víctor Andaluz, Cristhian Zapata, Alex Vega -- Part II: Biomechanics -- Dynamic analysis and control of a Hybrid serial/Cable driven robot for lower-limb rehabilitation, by Mourad Ismail Samir, Lahouar and Lotfi Romdhane -- Kinematic analysis of Active Ankle using computational algebraic geometry, by Shivesh Kumar, Abhilash Nayak, Bertold Bongardt, Andreas Mueller, Frank Kirchner -- Optimization of a Redundant Serial Spherical Mechanism for Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery, by Carl Nelson, Med Amine Laribi, Said Zeghloul -- Kinematic Analysis for a Prostate Biopsy Parallel Robot using Study parameters, by Doina Pisla, Iosif Birlescu, Bogdan Gherman, Paul Tucan, Calin Vaida, Nicolae Plitea, Nicolae Crisan, Corina Radu -- Optimum Walking of the Bioloid Humanoid Robot on a Rectilinear Path, by Alfonso Pamanes, Gabriela Reyes, Jesus Fierro, Victor Nunez -- A new experimental set-up for training multi-parameter gaits, by Sami Bennour, Houssein LAMINE, Lotfi Romdhane -- Part III: Cable Robots -- Comprehensive dynamic study of an unloaded walking within a cable-based gait trainer, by Houssein Lamine, Sami Bennour, Lotfi Romdhane -- A Cable-Driven Robot for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Inspired by the Mirror Therapy, by Lukas Tappeiner, Erika Ottaviano, Manfred Husty -- Computing cross-sections of the workspace of cable-driven parallel robots with 6 sagging cables, by Jean-Pierre Merlet -- Efficient Computation of the Workspace Boundary, its Properties and Derivatives for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, by Andreas Pott -- Application of the Rigid Finite Element Method to the Simulation of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, by Philipp Tempel, Andreas Schmidt, Bernard Haasdonk, Andreas Pott -- Part IV: Cams/Gear -- Evaluating the knot vector to synthesize the cam motion using NURBS, by Thi Thanh Nga Nguyen, Stefan Kurtenbach, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- Kinematics of biplanetary epicyclic gears, by Stanislaw Zawislak -- Part V: Optimization -- Dynamic synthesis of a multibody system: a comparative study between genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization techniques, by Mohamed Amine Ben Abdallah, Imed Khemili, Med Amine Laribi, Nizar Aifaoui -- Robust Design Methodology of Topologically optimized components under the effect of uncertainties, by Joshua Amrith Raj, Arshad Javed -- < Part VI: Parallel robots -- Kinematic and dynamic modeling and base inertial parameters determination of the Quadrupteron parallel manipulator, by Behzad Danaei, Alaleh Arian, Mehdi Tale Masouleh, Ahmad Kalhor -- Forward Kinematics of the General Triple-Arm Robot Using a Distance-Based Formulation, by Federico Thomas, Nicolas Rojas -- Parallel manipulators in terms of dual Cayley-Klein parameters, by Georg Nawratil -- An Approach for Type Synthesis of Overconstrained 1T2R Parallel Mechanisms, by Chenglin Dong, Haitao Liu, Qi Liu, Tao Sun, Tian Huang, Derek Chetwynd -- Transmission Quality Evaluation for a Class of Four-limb Parallel Schoenflies-motion Generators with Articulated Platforms, by Guanglei Wu, Shaoping Bai, Stéphane Caro -- Study of Redundantly Actuated DELTA-Type Parallel Kinematic Mechanisms, by Burkhard Corves, Seyed Amirreza Shahidi, Michael Lorenz, Sami Charaf Eddine, Mathias Hüsing -- 3-RRR Spherical parallel robot optimization with minimum of singularities, by Abdelbadia Chaker, Asma Jlassi, Abdelfattah Mlika -- 4haptic : A dexterous 4 d.o.fs haptic device based on Delta architecture, by Celestin Preault, Houssem Saafi, Med Amine Laribi, Said Zeghloul -- Error Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of a Planar 3-PRP Parallel Manipulator, by Jayant Mohanta, Santhakumar Mohan, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- Determination of workspace volume of parallel manipulators using Monte Carlo method, by Arkadeep Narayan Chaudhury, Ashitava Ghosal -- Kinematics of a 6-RUU Parallel Robots with Reconfigurable Platforms, by Guanglei Wu, Huimin Dong -- On the Motion/Force Transmissibility and Constrainability of Delta Parallel Robots, by Jan Brinker, Burkhard Corves, Yukio Takeda -- A Geometrical Approach for the Singularity Analysis of a 3-RRS Parallel Manipulator, by Halil Tetik, Gokhan Kiper -- The Collision-free Workspace of the Tripteron Parallel Robot Based on a Geometrical Approach, by Parnyan Ataei, Mehdi Tale Masouleh, Zolfa Anvari -- A Novel 3T1R Parallel Manipulator 2PaRSS and Its Kinematics, by Huiping Shen, Guowei Shao, Jiaming Deng, Ting-li Yang -- Multi-objective optimization of a tripod parallel mechanism for a robotic leg, by Matteo Russo, Saioa Herrero, Marco Ceccarelli, Oscar Altuzarra -- Robust Optimization of the RAF parallel robot for a prescribed workspace, by Med Amine Laribi, Abdelfattah Mlika, Lotfi Romdhane , Said Zeghloul -- Optimal Design of N-UU Parallel Mechanisms, by Yuanqing Wu, Marco Carricato -- Robust multi-objective design optimization of the 3-UPU TPM based on the GA-Krawczyk method, by El hraiech Safa, Chebbi Ahmed, Affi zouhaier, Romdhane Lotfi -- Part VII: Planar Robots -- Topology Optimization of a Reactionless Four-bar Linkage, by Sébastien Briot, Alexandre Goldsztejn -- Kinetostatic Analysis and Solution Classification of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism, by Philippe Wenger, Damien Chablat -- Design Optimization and Accuracy Analysis ofa Planar 2PRP-PRR Parallel Manipulator, by Santhakumar Mohan, Burkhard Corves, Philippe Wenger -- Operation modes of the planar 3-RRR manipulator, by Aravind Baskar, Sandipan Bandyopadhyay -- The Impact of Kinematic Redundancies on the Conditioning of a Planar Parallel Manipulator, by Joao Vitor Fontes, Hiparco Vieira, Maíra da Silva -- Holistic modular multilayer synthesis of planar linkages using parameterized mass properties, by Stefan Heinrich, Maik Berger -- Part VIII: Theoretical Kinematics -- Motion Interpolation in Lie Subgroups and Symmetric Subspaces, by Jon Selig, Yuanqing Wu, Marco Carricato -- Intrusion, Proximity & Stationary Distance, by Paul Zsombor-Murray -- A novel geometric analysis of the kinematics of the 3-RPS manipulator, by Teja Krishna Mamidi, Aravind Baskar, Sandipan Bandyopadhyay -- Constraint equations of inverted kinematic chains, by Manfred Husty, Thomas Stigger -- Local and Full-cycle Mobility Analysis of a 3-RPS-3-SPR Series-Parallel Manipulator, by Abhilash Nayak, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger -- Application of Intersection Theory to Singularity and Motion Mode Analysis of Mechanisms, by Samuli Piipponen, Andreas Mueller, Eero Hyry, Jukka Tuomela -- Rational Parametrization of Linear Pentapod's Singularity Variety and the Distance to it, by Arvin Rasoulzadeh, Georg Nawratil -- Inverse Kinematics of Anthropomorphic Arms Yielding Eight Coinciding Circles, by Bertold Bongardt -- Optimal Synthesis of Overconstrained 6R Linkages by Curve Evolution, by Tudor-Dan Rad, Hans-Peter Schröcker -- The Instantaneous Screw Axis of Motions in the Kinematic…”
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  11. 11

    The gradual release of responsibility in literacy research and practice /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…1. In the beginning: the historical and conceptual genesis of the gradual release of responsibility / P. …”
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  12. 12

    Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Oke, Oluseyi A. Adeyemi, Kazeem A. Bello, Adewale Adegbenjo -- Deformation Behavior of Ferrite/austenite Duplex Stainless Steel in Hot Compression Processing, by Hezong Li, Suxia Huang, Qiusheng Li, Xiaopin An, Facai Ren and Simon S. …”
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  13. 13

    Reproduction, health, and medicine /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.
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  14. 14

    21st century urban race politics representing minorities as universal interests /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2013.
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  15. 15

    Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control With Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…. -- A Response Surface Based Strategy for Accelerated Compressor Map Computation, by Dmitrij Ivanov, Dieter Bestle, and Christian Janke -- Surrogate-Based Shape Optimization of the ERCOFTAC Centrifugal Pump Impeller, by Remo De Donno and Stefano Rebay and Antonio Ghidoni -- CFD based Design Optimization of a Cabinet Nitrogen Generator, by Bárbara Arizmendi Gutiérrez and Edmondo Minisci -- Delaunay-based global optimization in nonconvex domains defined by hidden constraints, by Shahrouz Ryan Alimo, Pooriya Beyhaghi, and Thomas R. Bewley -- PART III: Applications of optimization in engineering design automation -- Optimized Vehicle Dynamics Virtual Sensing using Metaheuristic Optimization and Unscented Kalman Filter, by Manuel Acosta and Stratis Kanarachos -- On Combinatorial Problem Representation based Ascent Assembly Design Optimization, by Michael Hellwig, Doris Entner, Thorsten Prante, Alexandru-Ciprian Zavoianu, Martin Schwarz, and Klara Fink -- Onthe Optimization of 2D Path Network Layouts in Engineering Designs via Evolutionary Computation Techniques, by Alexandru-Ciprian Ziivoianu, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Doris Entner, Thorsten Prante, Michael Hellwig, Martin Schwarz, and Klara Fink -- Taking Advantage of 3D Printing so as to Simultaneously Reduce Weight and Mechanical Bonding Stress, by Markus Schatz, Robert Schweikle, Christian Lausch, Michael Jentsch and Werner Konrad -- Interactive Optimization of Path Planning for a Robot Enabled by Virtual Commissioning, by Ruth Fleisch, Doris Entner, Thorsten Prante, Reinhard Pfefferkorn -- Box-Type Boom Design using Surrogate Modeling: Introducing an Industrial Optimization Benchmark, by Philipp Fleck, Doris Entner, Clemens Munzer, Michael Kommenda, Thorsten Prante, Martin Schwarz, Martin Hachl, and Michael Affenzeller -- Knowledge Objects Enable Mass-Individualization, by Joel Johansson and Fredrik Elgh -- Free-form Optimization of a Shell Structure with Curvature Constraint, by Masatoshi Shimoda and Kenichi Ikeya -- Application of game theory and evolutionary algorithm to the regional turboprop aircraft wing optimization, by Pierluigi Della Vecchia, Luca Stingo, Fabrizio Nicolosi, Agostino De Marco, Elia Daniele, and Egidio D' Amato -- Industrial Application of Genetic Algorithms to cost reduction of a Wind Turbine equipped with a Tuned Mass Damper, by Jordi Pons-Prats, Marti Coma, Jaume Betran, Xavier Roca and Gabriel Bugeda -- PART IV: Optimization under uncertainty -- Aerodynamic Shape Optimization by Considering Geometrical Imperfections Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Evolutionary Algorithms, by Athanasios G. …”
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  16. 16

    8th RILEM International Conference on Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Pavements

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…. -- The Effect of Interface Bonding Criterion on Pavement Design Reinforcement, by Loizos Andreas et al. -- Debonding Mechanisms (bituminous interface) -- Development of a pull-off test to measure the bond strength of bituminous emulsions, by Leprince Lucas et al. -- Debonding In Airfield Pavement Hot Mix Asphalt Layers, by Garg Navneet et al. -- Impact of new High Inflation Pressure Aircraft Tyres on Asphalt Overlay Interface Debonding, by White Greg -- Localized debonding as a potential mechanism for near-surface cracking, by Hernando David et al. -- Experimental evidence of the viscoelastic behavior of interfaces in bituminous pavements - An explanation to top-down cracking?…”
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  17. 17

    Multibody Mechatronic Systems Proceedings of the MUSME Conference held in Florianópolis, Brazil, October 24-28, 2017 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Synthesis of Mechanisms and Robots -- Synthesis of precision flexible mechanisms using screw theory with a finite elements validation, by Martín Pucheta, Alejandro Gallardo -- Enumeration of kinematic chains with zero variety for epicyclic gear trains with one and two degrees of freedom, by Marina Baldissera de Souza, Rodrigo de Souza Vieira, Daniel Martins -- Mechanism Design and Kinematics Analysis of a Bat Robot, by Deming Kong, Jingshan Zhao -- Vector Analysis of the Cable Tension Conditions, by Thaís Muraro, Daniel Martins, Leonardo Sacht -- Actuated degree-of-control: a new approach for mechanisms design, by Estevan Hideki Murai, Roberto Simoni, Daniel Martins -- Analysis of self-aligning mechanisms by means of matroid theory, by Andrea Piga Carboni, Henrique Simas, Daniel Martins -- Review and classification of workpiece toggle clamping devices, by Mateus Viana de Oliveira Costa, Estevan Hideki Murai, Fabíola Rosa, Daniel Martins -- Supporting the laminated ferromagnetic pole piecesin a magnetic gear: a structure behaviour analysis from a multibody model, by Melaine Desvaux, Bernard Multon, Hamid Ben Ahmed, Stéphane Sire -- Kinematic Analysis -- Kinematic Analysis for a Planar Redundant Serial Manipulator, by Zijia Li, Mathias Brandstötter, Michael Hofbaur -- Workspace Analysis of a Parallel Manipulator Using Multi-Objective Optimization and Bio-Inspired Methods, by Rogério Sales Gonçalves, Joao Carvalho, Fran Sergio Lobato -- Modeling of a four-legged robot with variable center of mass as a cooperative multirobot system, by Cristiane Tonetto, Antônio Bento Filho, Altamir Dias -- Assembly sequence planning for shape heterogeneous modular robot systems, by Anelize Zomkowski Salvi, Roberto Simoni, Henrique Simas -- Static Analysis -- Kinetostatics and Optimal Design of a 2PRPU Shoenflies-Motion Generator, by Henrique Simas, Raffaele Di Gregorio -- Influence of the working mode on the maximum isotropic force capability maps for a 3RRR planar parallel manipulator, by Leonardo Mejia Rincon, Daniel Ponce, Juan Camilo Herrera Pineda, Henrique Simas, Daniel Martins -- Maximum isotropic force capability maps in planar cooperative systems: A practical case study, by Juan Camilo Herrera Pineda, Leonardo Mejia Rincon, Roberto Simoni, Henrique Simas -- Balancing conditions of the RSS'P spatial mechanism An alternative method using Natural Coordinates, by Mario Acevedo -- Dynamic Analysis -- Elastodynamic Performance of a Planar Parallel Mechanism under Uncertainties, by Fabian Andres Lara-Molina, Edson Hideki Koroishi, Thamiris Costa -- Complex modelling and dynamical analysis of parallel cable mechanisms, by Radek Bulín, Michal Hajžman, Pavel Polach -- A new methodology for the balancing of mechanisms using the Davies' method, by Julio Frantz, Leonardo Mejia Rincon, Henrique Simas, Daniel Martins -- The Dynamic Synthesis of an Energy-Efficient Watt-II-Mechanism, by Ferdinand Schwarzfischer, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- Multibody dynamic analysis of a High-AltitudeLong-Endurance aircraft concept, by Luciano Nitardi, Bruno Roccia, Sergio Preidikman, Fernando Flores -- Control of Mechatronic Systems -- High-Order Sliding Mode Control for Solar Tracker Manipulator, by Irandi Gutiérrez, Eusebio Eduardo Hernández Martínez, Armando Oropeza, Sajjad Keshtkar -- Towards a Servovision based Control of a Planar Parallel Manipulator, by Fernanda Colombo, Maíra da Silva -- Multibody Model of the VVER 1000 Nuclear Reactor Control Assembly and Simulation of Its Moving Parts Drop, by Pavel Polach, Michal Hajžman -- Single-state friction model for control purposes, by Fernando Villegas, Rogelio Hecker, Gustavo Flores -- Design and Optimal Control of a Robotic Speech-to-Sign Language Transliterating System, by Maykol Jiampiers Campos Trinidad, Erwin Daniel López Zapata, Renzo Sebastián Salazar Arévalo, Juan José Acostupa del Carpio -- Modelling and Simulation -- Robust Critical Inverse Condition Number for a 3RRR Robot Using Failure, by Hiparco Lins Vieira, João Fontes,Maíra da Silva, Andre Teofilo Beck -- Simulation of a Serial Robot Calibration through Screw Theory, by Lucas Kato, Tiago Pinto, Henrique Simas, Daniel Martins -- Comparative study of autonomous aerial navigation methods oriented to environmental monitoring, by Jorge Roberto López Cáceres, Manasses Antoni Mauricio Condori, Luis Alvaro -- Rojas Machado, Erwin Dianderas, Juan Pablo Vargas Machuca Bueno, Ricardo Raul Rodriguez Bustinza -- Simulation and experimental verification of a global redundancy resolution for a 3PRRR prototype, by João Fontes, Maíra da Silva -- A computational aeroelastic framework for studying non-conventional aeronautical systems, by Sergio Preidikman, Bruno Roccia, Marcos Verstraete, Luis Ceballos, Balakumar Balachandran -- ILQG Planner Applied to Dynamic Systems with Intermittent Contact, by Henrique Garcia, Leonardo Luna, Gustavo Jose Giardini Lahr, Glauco Caurin -- Cost Effective Provisioning of Electricity in Smart Nano-Grid Using GA and Optimized Heuristic, by Nabila Ahmad -- Prototypes and Experimental Validations Mathematical Modeling and Prototype Development of a Pneumatically-Actuated Bench for Sloping Terrain Simulation, by Marcia Regina Maboni Porsch, Nivia Maria Kinalski, Roberta Goergen, Andrei Fiegenbaum, Luiz Antônio Rasia, Antonio Carlos Valdiero -- An experimental characterization of roll hemming process, by José Eduardo Esquivel González, Giuseppe Carbone, Marco Ceccarelli, Juan Carlos Jauregui -- Experimental Characterization of a Feedforward Control for the Replication of Moving Resistances on a Chassis Dynamometer, by Elvis Bertoti, Jony Eckert, Rodrigo Yamashita, Ludmila Silva, Franco Giuseppe Dedini -- Experimental Setup of a Novel Four DOF Parallel Manipulator, by Marina Vallés, Pedro Araujo-Gómez, Vicente Mata, Angel Valera, Miguel Díaz-Rodríguez, Alvaro Page, Nidal Farhat -- Behaviour comparison between mechanical epicyclic gears and magnetic gears, by Melaine Desvaux, Bernard Multon, Hamid Ben Ahmed, Stéphane Sire -- Mechatronic Systems for Assistive Technology Design Optimization of a Cable-driven Parallel Robot in Upper Arm Training-Rehabilitation Processes, by Eusebio Eduardo Hernández Martínez, S.…”
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    New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science Theory and Industrial Applications /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Wittenbauer: their Influence on Evolution of Applied Mechanics in Russia at the Beginnings of XXth century, by Andrei Vukolov -- Applying Modern CAD Systems to Reconstruction of Old Design, by Gennadiy Timofeev, Olga Egorova and Ilya Grigorev -- Cable mechanisms -- Increase of Position Accuracy for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots using a Model for Elongation of Plastic Fiber Ropes, by Valentin Schmidt and Andreas Pott -- Pose-Independent Counterweighting of Cable-Suspended Payloads with Application to Rehabilitation, by Carl Nelson, Raphaël Thienpont and Ashish Shinde -- Preliminaries of a new approach for the direct kinematics of suspended cable-driven parallel robot with deformable cables, by Jean-Pierre Merlet -- Static Analysis of Planar 3-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots Carrying a Serial Manipulator, by Marc Gouttefarde -- Mechanism design and synthesis 1 -- Structural synthesis, Mobility Analysis and Creation of Complete Atlas of Multiloop Planar Multiple-jointed Kinematic Chains on Base All Possible Sets of Color Multiple Joints for Industrial Applications, by Ekaterina Ermoshina and Vladimir Pozhbelko -- Design and Development of a Triggered Type Underactuated Grasping Mechanism and its Application to an Experimental Test Bed, by Steven Grech and Michael Saliba -- Solving the minimum distance problem for the synthesis of mechanisms, by Igor Fernandez de Bustos, Vaness García Marina and Gorka Urkullu -- Mobile Robot with Multiple Modes Based on 4-URU Parallel Mechanism,by Zhihuai Miao, Jieyu Wang and Bing Li -- Mechanisms for biomechanics and surgery -- An experimental characterization of human knee joint motion capabilities, by Michał Olinski, Marco Ceccarelli, Daniele Cafolla and Antoni Gronowicz -- An Innovative Parallel Robotic System for Transperineal Prostate Biopsy, by Bogdan Gherman, Nicolae Plitea and Doina Pisla -- A 2PRP-2PPR planar parallel Manipulator for the purpose of Lower Limb Rehabilitation, by Jayant Mohanta and Santhakumar Mohan -- Singularity Analysis of a Wall-mounted Parallel Robot with SCARA MotionsLower Limb Exoskeleton with Hybrid Pneumaticaly Assisted Electric Drive for Neuroreabilitation, by Anton Aliseychik, Elena Kolesnichenko, Victor Glazunov, Igor Orlov, Vladimir Pavlovsky and Natalia Petrovskaya -- Mechanism design and synthesis 2 -- An Adjustable Constant Force Mechanism Using Pin Joints and Springs, by Patrice Lambert and Just L.…”
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