Arama Sonuçları - (inscriptions OR ((interactions OR construction) OR instructional)), turkish

  • Gösterilen 1 - 16 sonuçlar arası kayıtlar. 16
Sonuçları Daraltın
  1. 1

    Çanakkale kitabeleri /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2014.
    Konular: “…Inscriptions, Turkish History. Çanakkale (Turkey) 4753…”
  2. 2

    Eski Türk yazıtları / Yazar: Orkun, Hüseyin Namık, 1902-1956

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 1994.
    Konular: “…Inscriptions, Old Turkic Turkish language Writing. 80589…”
  3. 3

    Word Order in Turkish

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Sumru Özsoy -- Part I: The Syntax of Word Order -- How to Derive the Directionality of Verb Ellipsis in Turkish Coordination from General Word Order; Jaklin Kornfilt -- On the Ban on Postverbal Wh-phrases in Turkish Syntax; Selçuk İşsever -- Eliminating Scrambling: The Variation of Word Order in Turkish; Serkan Şener -- Derivation of Fronting Constructions in Turkish: Feature Cyclicity or Cyclic Linearization; A. …”
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  4. 4

    Köli Çor yazıtı ve anıt mezar kompleksi / Yazar: Mert, Osman

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Atatürk Üniversitesi, 2015.
  5. 5

    Turkish Origin Migrants and Their Descendants Hyphenated Identities in Transnational Space / Yazar: Kaya, Ayhan

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Home-State Politics towards Turkish Emigrants -- 6. Politics of Transnational Space -- 7. …”
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  6. 6

    Beykoz Kitabeleri /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Beykoz Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, 2017.
  7. 7

    İngilizce (kullana)bilmek? / Yazar: Karataylı, Tuba Zehir

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Black Swan Publishing House, 2010.
    Konular: “…English language Study and teaching Turkish speakers. 43808…”
  8. 8

    Historical Earthquake-Resistant Timber Framing in the Mediterranean Area HEaRT 2015 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…Cooperating Timber and Stone Antiseismic frames in Historic Structures of Greece -- The Role of a Post-Byzantine Timber Roof Structure in the Seismic Behavior of a Masonry Building - The Case of a Unique Type of Timber-Roofed Basilicas in Cyprus (15th-19th century) -- Historic Earthquake-Resistant Constructive Techniques Reinforced by Wooden Logs in Algeria -- A Comparative Evaluation of the Results of Two Earthquakes: Istanbul and Lisbon Earthquake in 18th Century -- Some Examples of Turkısh Houses Wıth Wooden Frame in the Seısmıc Zone Anatolıa -- Traditional Timber Housing Structure in Zeyrek -- Possible Precursors of Pombalino cage -- Local Seismic Cultures: The use of timber frame structures in the South of Portugal -- The use Of Wood With an Anti-Seismic Function in the Architecture of Palermo During the 18th Century.…”
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  9. 9

    Tekne mekaniği el kitabı : Teknelerdeki mekanik sistemleri doğru tasarlamak ve yanlışları bulmak / Yazar: Gerr, Dave

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Amatör Denizcilik Federasyonu, 2013.
  10. 10

    Modern bilimin oluşumu / Yazar: Westfall, Richard S.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi TÜBİTAK, 2008.
  11. 11

    Emotion management and feelings in teaching and educational leadership /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Prelims -- Introduction -- Section I: Culture and context in the study of emotion in education -- Chapter 1: A call to study educator emotion as a contextualised phenomenon -- Chapter 2: Organising in schools: it's all about emotion -- Section II: Educational management and emotion in different cultural arenas -- Chapter 3: Exploring emotion management strategies of junior high school teachers in Shanghai, China -- Chapter 4: A female school leader and emotional management: coping in 'special measures' in a secondary school in England -- Chapter 5: A restorative approach to valuing emotion management in educational leadership: the case of Liberians and Palestinian Arabs in Israel -- Chapter 6: Emotion expression among Arab deputy-principals in Israel: the key role of the local culture -- Chapter 7: Muslim women mobilising emotionality -- Chapter 8: Factors affecting emotional management in highly complex schools: the case of two Spanish schools -- Section III: Cross-cultural understandings of educators' feelings and emotions -- Chapter 9: New principals' emotions: interactions with 'inherited' school cultures -- Chapter 10 There is always light at the end of the tunnel: emotions of a Turkish school leader in a temporary education center for Syrian children -- Chapter 11 The effects of shame in school leadership: the case of Turkish principals -- Chapter 12 Building teachers' trust in principals and colleagues: a study of critical incidents in Chilean schools -- Chapter 13 Understanding willpower and its role in leadership: a study on how educational leaders from different multicultural backgrounds perceive willpower -- Index.…”
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  12. 12

    Disputes in everyday life social and moral orders of children and young people /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2012.
    İçindekiler: “…/ Alexandra Kent -- "Pretend I was Mummy" : children's production of authority and subordinance in their pretend play interaction during disputes / Charlotte Cobb-Moore -- Being doggy : disputes embedded in preschoolers' family role-play / Polly Björk-Willén -- Working towards trouble : some categorial resources for accomplishing disputes in a correctional youth facility / Jakob Cromdal, Karin Osvaldsson -- Tattling and dispute resolution : moral order, emotions and embodiment in the teacher-mediated disputes of young second language learners / Asta Cekaite -- Challenging and orienting to monolingual school norms in Turkish American children's peer disputes and classroom negotiations at a U.S. …”
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  13. 13

    Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2017 Explorations of Chaos and Complexity Theory /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Chapter1: Complexity Theory as a New Lens in IR: System and Change -- Chapter2: The Chaotic Awareness Reality and the Complexity in Turkish Novels -- Chapter3: An Assessment on Positive Reflections of the Restructuring of Public Banks after February 2001 Financial Crisis in Turkey and 2008 Global Crisis to Turkish Finance Sector -- Chapter4: The Relevance of Organizational Intelligence -- Chapter5: The Views of Trainee Substitute Teachers on Organizational Socialization (Istanbul Sample) -- Chapter6: Prerequisites to getting rid of Chaos in Collaborative Learning Classroom: Addressing the Chaos Theory -- Chapter7: The Concept of Self-Organized Criticality: The Case Study of the Arab Uprising -- Chapter8: Migration Process and Its Effects on Mental Health -- Chapter9: Exploratory Factor Analysis in the Measurement of the four dimensions of sustainable leadership construct -- Chapter10: A Comparative Analysis of the Fractal Leadership Practices of Female and Male School Principals -- Chapter11: Veteran Principals' Views over the Effect of Positive Discipline on Classroom Management for Novice Teachers -- Chapter12: Evaluation of Teaching Practice Performance of Students of Secondary Mathematics Education by Fuzzy Logic -- Chapter13: Revisiting the environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for Turkey -- Chapter14: Complexity in Abstract Poetry -- Chapter15: We Need Resilient School Leaders in the face of Chaos and Complexity -- Chapter16: Supervision of Turkish Education System and Living Chaotic Situations -- Chapter17: Inter-Organizational Symbiosis Scale (Inorsyms) -- Chapter18: Game Theory and John Forbes Nash in the History of Economic Thought -- Chapter19: The Relationship between the Mathematical Thinking Levels and Conflict Management Strategies of School Directors -- Chapter20: Complexity in Management: Problems and Strategies -- Chapter21: Al-Qaeda: A Model For 'Sustainable Disorder'? …”
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  14. 14

    Analyzing gender, intersectionality, and multiple inequalities global, transnational and local contexts /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2011.
    İçindekiler: “…Analyzing gender, intersectionality, and inequality in global, transnational and local contexts / Marcia Texler Segal, Esther Ngan-ling Chow -- Globalization and multiple inequalities / Sylvia Walby -- Strategies of feminist research in a globalized world / Judith Lorber -- Masculinity research and global society / Raewyn Connell -- A theoretical view of the globalizing sex industry : world system position, local patriarchy, and state policy in South Korea / Kyoung-Ho Shin -- Globalization and locality : the gendered impact of the economic crisis on intersectionality, migration, and work in China / Esther Ngan-ling Chow, Yuchun Zou -- Gender, division of labor, and social mobility in small-scale restaurants in China / Tong Xin -- Gender and labor within the Turkish context of local development in the era of globalization / Dilek Hattatoglu -- Constructing gender across borders : a transnational approach / Peggy Levitt -- Transnational migration and transformation among African women in the United States : change-agents locally and globally / Mary Johnson Osirim -- An intersectional approach to the complexity of social support within German-Ukrainian transnational space / Anna Amelina -- Social security and aged widows in conflict situations : social transformation at the international border in northwest India / Abha Chauhan -- Diversity, activism, and global concerns in the U.S. peace movement / Laura Toussaint -- Women's absence in peace-building policies : the case of the feminist organizations in Israel / Rachel Amram.…”
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  15. 15

    Beauty and the Norm Debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Reshaping "Turkish" Breasts And Noses: On Cosmetic Surgery, Normative Femininities, And Bodily Autonomy -- 12. …”
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  16. 16

    8th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Energy Efficient Clean Metallurgical Technology -- Flash Ironmaking from Magnetite Concentrate in a Laboratory Reactor: Experimental and CFD Work -- Synthesis of Chromite for Subsequent Carburization by Methane-hydrogen Gas Mixture -- Effects of Hydrogen-enriched Reduction on Metallurgical Properties of Iron-Bearing Burdens under BF Operation with Cog Injection -- Microwave-intensified Reduction of Biochar-containing Briquettes -- Refractory Challenges in Lead Recycling Furnaces -- Synthesis of Carbide Ceramics via Reduction of Adsorbed Anions on an Activated Carbon Matrix -- Part 2: Simulation of High Temperature Process -- A CFD Based Algorithm for Kinetics Analysis of the Reduction of Hematite Concentrate by H2+CO Mixtures in a Drop Tube Reactor -- A Continuous Dynamic Process Model to Design a Carbon Profile toward Yield Improvement -- Alloy Yield Prediction Model Based on the Data Analysis in EAF Steelmaking Process -- Analysis of Jet Behavior and Surface Fluctuations in the Meniscusof Fluid in a Physical Model of a Beam Blank Mold and CFD Modelling -- CFD Study of Gas-liquid Phase Interaction Inside a Submerged Lance Smelting Furnace for Copper Smelting -- Debottlenecking High Temperature Metallurgical Plants through Modeling and Simulation -- Assessment of Slag Entrainment in a RH Degasser through Physical Modelling Using Circulating Fluids of Different Densities/Oil Systems for Simulating Steel Melt/Slag -- Part 3: Fundamental Research of Metallurgical Process -- Investigate on the Phase Composition of Vanadium Slag with High CaO Content and Influence of P2O5 on Crystallization Kinetics of Spinels -- Thermal Analysis Kinetics of the Solid-State Reduction of Nickel Laterite Ores by Carbon -- Thermodynamic and Experimental Investigations of High Temperature Refractory Corrosion by Molten Slags -- Thermodynamic Calculation on the Reactivity between Slag and Ti-stabilized Stainless Steel -- Part 4: Alloys and Materials Preparation -- Development of a Novel, Low-cost Titanium Extraction Process for Bulk or Powder Applications -- Evolution of Non-metallic Inclusions in Solid Fe-Al-Ti-N Alloy during Heating -- Preparation of Low-carbon Ti2O3 by Carbon thermal Reduction of the Mixture of Titanium Dioxide and Activated Carbon under Vacuum Condition -- Pyrometallurgical Studies for Manganese Extraction Using Turkish Ore Reserves -- Trace Elements Behavior during the Oxidation of Liquid SiMn Alloy -- Effect of Microalloy Elements V And Mg on Organization at High Heat Input Welding Shipbuilding Structure Steel -- Part 5: Extraction and Recovery of Metals -- Effect of Carbon Reductant On The Formation of Copper Doped Titanium Oxycarbonitride by Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation -- Cohering Behavior of Scrap Powder in Kiln by a Novel Natural Stacking Method -- Direct-to-blister Copper Smelting with the ISASMELT™ Process -- Improving Separation of Cu-Fe from Copper Slag by Mineral Phase Reconstruction -- Phase Transformation of High Calcium Type Tin, Iron-bearing Tailings during Magnetizing Roasting Process -- Sensitivity of Contactless Ultrasound Processing to Variations of the Free Surface of the Melt with Induction Heating -- Extraction of Zinc from Willemite by Sodium Salt Roasting and Ammonia-leaching Process -- Part 6: Ironmaking and Steelmaking -- Influence of Puhrstahl Heraeus Refining Process on Aluminum Consumption in Interstitial-Free Steel Smelting Process -- Formation Mechanisms of Inclusions in Spring Steels -- Investigation on Coal Combustion Behaviors under the Oxygen Blast Furnace -- Inclusion Control with Ca Treatment to Improve Castability of a Low Carbon Al Killed Steel -- High Temperature Mineralization Mechanism of Granules during Iron Ore Sintering Process -- Reduction Behaviors of Sinter Made from Magnetite Concentrates in Reducing Process Simulated COREX Shaft Furnace -- Part 7: Treatment and Recycling of Slag/Wastes -- Introduction of Matte Droplets in Copper Smelting Slag -- Dissolution Behavior of Fe from Glassy Oxide Phase in Steelmaking Slag -- Penetration Depth of Microwave in Tire Rubber -- Effect of TiO2 on Thermophysical Properties and Structure of P-bearing Steelmaking Slags -- Analysis for Optimum Conditions for Recovery of Valuable Metals from E-Waste through Black Copper Smelting -- Precipitation Behavior of MxTi3-xO5 in the Titanium-Bearing Electric Furnace Slag -- Part 8: Utilization of Complex Ores -- Evaluation of Molybdenum Concentrates -- Intensification of Gold Leaching from a Multi-refractory Gold Concentrate by the Two-stage Roasting-alkaline Sulfide Washing-cyanidation Process -- The Recovery of Cobalt from Copper Converter Slag by Reduction-sulfurization Smelting at High Temperature -- Roasting of Celestite in Laboratory Scale Rotary Furnace -- The Experimental Study of CaCO3 in the Vanadium Extraction Process -- The Extraction of Zinc from Zinc Ferrite by Calcified Roasting and Ammonia Leaching Process -- Part 8: Poster I -- A New Method to Detect the High Temperature Distribution in the Ironmaking and Steelmaking Industry -- A Study for Reconstructing the Three-dimensional Temperature Field of a Blast Furnace Raceway Based on Monte Carlo Method -- Behaviour of Silicon in Nickel Laterite by Carbothermic Reduction in Vacuum -- Effect of CaO Addition on the Behavior of Vanadium and Phosphorus during Oxidation and Leaching Process -- Effect of Inner Shape on Blast Furnace Performance for Iron Making -- Effect of Lance Configurations on Coal Flow and Combustion Characteristics -- Effect of Silicon on Removal of Phosphorus from High Phosphorus Si-Mn alloy by CaO-Based Slag -- Effect of Super Gravity on the Solidification Structure and C Segregation of High Carbon Steel -- High Temperature Distribution Measurement of the Blast Furnace Raceway through Imaging Techniques and Optimization Algorithms -- Kinetics and Reduction Behavior of Self-reducing Briquettes Containing Blast Furnace Dust -- Model Analysis of the Phenomena of Pulverized Coal Injection in Blast Furnace -- Sintering Performance of Blends Containing High Proportion of Limonite Iron Ore Fines -- Thermodynamics Study on Phosphorus Distribution between 2CaO•SiO2-3CaO•P2O5 Solid Solution and Liquid Slag -- Two-step Copper Smelting Process at Dongying Fangyuan -- Part 9: Poster II -- Comparison of the Ringing Characteristics between Acid and Alkaline Iron Ore Pellets Powder in Kiln -- Comprehensive Utilization of Ludwigite Iron Concentrate by Gas-based Direct Reduction -- Decarburization of Spent Petrochemical Catalysts via Microwave Oxidation Roasting -- Effect of FeO Content in Laterite Nickel Slag on the Corrosioin Behaviour of Refractory Materials -- Effects of Blowing Conditions on the Dispersion States of Materials Charged into Bottom Blown Oxygen Smelting Furnace -- Effects of Pre-oxidation and Additives on Carbothermic Reduction of Ilmenite Concentrate -- Influence of Converter Slag on Decomposition Behavior of Limestone during BOF Steelmaking Process -- Influence of Hot Charge on Blast Furnace Performance for Iron Making -- Investigation and Application of Evolution System of Stock Surface Gas Flow Distribution in Blast Furnace -- Investigation of the Carbothermic Reduction of Chromium-containing Vanadium Extraction Residue -- Molecular Dynamics Study of the Structural Properties with Varying -- One-step Extraction of Lead from Spent Lead-acid Battery Paste via Reductive Sulfur-fixing Smelting: Thermodynamic Analysis -- Removal of Cd(II) Ion from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Wasted Low Grade Phosphorus-containing Iron Ore -- Research on the Flow Behavior of Molten Slag through Pore -- Study on the Influence of Materials on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Blast Furnace Cooling Staves.…”
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