Search Results - (king OR mine) urban
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- Computational Intelligence 10
- Computational intelligence 10
- Artificial Intelligence 9
- Artificial intelligence 9
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 7
- Data mining 7
- Applied Dynamical Systems 2
- Automation 2
- Bioinformatics 2
- Complex Systems 2
- Computational and Systems Biology 2
- Control engineering 2
- Control, Robotics, Automation 2
- Culture 2
- Dynamics 2
- Energy Policy, Economics and Management 2
- Energy and state 2
- Energy policy 2
- Ethnology 2
- Health Informatics 2
- Medical informatics 2
- Nonlinear theories 2
- Robotics 2
- Sociology, Urban 2
- System theory 2
- Traffic engineering 2
- Transportation Technology and Traffic Engineering 2
- Transportation engineering 2
- Urban Sociology 2
- Big Data 1
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Mobile Data Mining and Applications
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Subjects: Full-text access
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Understanding Complex Urban Systems Integrating Multidisciplinary Data in Urban Models /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Subjects: Full-text access
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Data Analytics: Paving the Way to Sustainable Urban Mobility Proceedings of 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (CSUM2018), 24 - 25 May, Skiathos Island, Greece /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Intimate Investments in Drag King Cultures The Rise and Fall of a Lesbian Social Scene /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Full-text access
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Intelligent Distributed Computing X Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC 2016, Paris, France, October 10-12 2016 /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
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Proceedings of ELM-2015 Volume 1 Theory, Algorithms and Applications (I) /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Transactions on Engineering Technologies 25th World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2017) /
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering Proceedings of the 35th CIB W78 2018 Conference: IT in Design, Construction, and Management /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Information Integration and Informatics -- Barriers of Automated BIM Use: Examining Factors of Project Delivery -- Simulation of construction processes as a link between BIM models and construction progression on-site -- In search of sustainable design patterns: Combining data mining and semantic analysis on disparate building data -- The role of Knowledge-based Information on BIM for Built Heritage -- Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM): A review of published case studies -- Next generation of transportation infrastructure management: Fusion of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) -- Blockchain in the construction sector: a socio-technical systems framework for the construction industry -- Formalized Knowledge Representation to Support Integrated Planning of Highway Projects -- An Automated Layer Classification Method for Converting CAD drawings to 3D BIM Models -- Defining Levels of Development for 4D Simulation of Major Capital Construction Projects -- Modularized BIM Data Validation Framework Integrating Visual Programming Language with LegalRuleML -- Coupling between a Building Spatial Design Optimisation Toolbox and BouwConnect BIM -- Reusability and Its Limitations of Modules of Existing BIM Data Exchange Requirements for New MVDs -- Employment of Semantic Web technologies for capturing comprehensive parametric building models -- BIM Coordination oriented to Facility Management -- OpenBIM Based IVE Ontology: an ontological approach to improve interoperability for Virtual Reality Applications -- BIM and Through-Life Information Management: A Systems Engineering Perspective -- A lean design management process based on planning the Level of Detail in BIM-based design -- Part 2. …”
Full-text access
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Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas : Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration (LRER 2017), October 20-23, 2017, Beiji...
Published Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Study on calculating projection deformation of measured length using an amended particle swarm optimization -- Study on the acquisition technology for information on damaged land in coal-mining areas -- Deformation mechanism and support measures of the soft rock roadway in Ronghua coal mine -- Evaluation of the ecological environment in mining areas based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method -- Evaluation for land damage in mining areas with a high underground water level based on RS -- Assessing ecological security based on fishnet: A case study of Guiyang City -- The application of classified assignment and power-law models for wound space in quantitative assessments of degraded land -- Preliminary analysis of the geological hazards prediction in the process of coal mining -- The application of mobile GIS in mine land reclamation monitoring -- Object-based change monitoring in mining areas-taking Pingshuo as an example -- Fast surveying and large scale mapping in the mining area of the delta wing -- Study on the limit angle of mining subsidence basin based on the field survey data in the mining area -- Formation mechanisms and characteristics of ground collapse during shallow coal seam mining -- Urban heat island effect of mining cities under mining disturbance: A case study of Wu'an -- Application of fuzzy mathematics and GIS technology in the evaluation of mine environmental restoration -- Ecological footprint and carrying capacity of mining cities: A case study of Wu'an -- Landscape pattern change monitoring and predicting using remote sensing method-taking Jiaozuo as an example -- Monitoring of vegetation coverage by multi-temporal remote sensing images: A case study of Yulin coal mine -- Remote sensing inversion of soil organic carbon in Jining city based on decision tree classification.…”
Full-text access
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Proceedings of First International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Volume 1
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Intelligent Information Retrieval And Business Intelligence -- Intelligent Web Mining And Knowledge Discovery Systems -- Applications for Intelligent Systems -- Applications of ICT in Rural and Urban Areas -- ICT for Information Sciences.…”
Full-text access
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City As Landscape : A Post Post-Modern View of Design and Planning.
Published CRC Press LLC, 1995.Table of Contents: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- PREFACE -- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -- THEORIES -- 1 Post-postmodernism -- 2 Design and planning methods -- 3 'A city is not a tree': it is a landscape -- 4 Patterns in use -- footprints in the sand -- PLANNING -- 5 GIS, structuralism, the birth, the death and the life of planning -- 6 CD-plans -- 7 Metaphorical plans -- 8 Eco-city plans -- URBANISM -- 9 Architecture, language and the environment -- 10 Context and design -- 11 Deconstructing the constructive professions -- 12 The tragedy of feminine planning and design -- LANDSCAPE DESIGN -- 13 The blood of philosopher-kings -- 14 Studio craft -- OPEN SPACE PLANNING -- 15 Parks and boundless space -- 16 Harlequin space -- 17 Greenways and otherways -- 18 Reading Parc de la Villette -- GARDENS -- 19 Revolutions in the garden -- 20 Gardening with ideas -- REFERENCES -- INDEX.…”
Full-text access
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Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Safety management plan for equipment used in working at heights -- Risk assessment in the open pit mining industry-a short review -- Occupational accidents in Brazil and Portugal: a comparative study -- Relation between vibration/noise with the type of surface, in light vehicles, Use of data as a tool to study the health impact of drivers -- Work-related accidents in urban solid waste collection -- Virtual reality applications in the extractive industry-a short review -- Occupational accidents in the mining industry-a short review -- Safety Stream Mapping-A new tool applied to the textile company as a case study -- Analyzing and Classifying Risks: a Case-Study in the Furniture Industry -- Risk Management in Personal Transfer Activities using Aerial Baskets and Surfer Boats in Offshore Units.…”
Full-text access
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Indigenous Life Projects and Extractivism Ethnographies from South America /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.Full-text access
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Gender and food from production to consumption and after.
Published Emerald, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Three sisters from the outer boroughs: class, reproduction, and food in the early 1940s through the mid-1950s / Roberta Spalter-Roth -- Food trends through two generations amongst Saami in Arctic Fennoscandia / Myrdene Anderson -- Traditional provisioning responsibilities of women in Northern Ghana / Eileen Bogweh Nchanji, Imogen Bellwood-Howard -- Access to opportunity: a case study of street food vendors in Ghana's urban informal economy / Arianna King -- From unhealthy satiety to health-oriented eating: narratives of the Mediterranean diet, managing a chronic illness / Franca Bimbi -- Empowering women, strengthening children: a multi-level analysis of gender inequality and child malnutrition in developing countries / Rebekah Burroway -- Gluten-free eating and gendered feeding work in families affected by celiac disease / Denise A. …”
Full-text access
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Recent Developments and the New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications Selected Papers from the 6th World Conference on Soft Computing, May 22-25, 2016, Berkeley,...
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Big Data Analytics and Fuzzy Technology: Extracting Information from Social Data -- Personalization and Optimization of Information Retrieval: Adaptive Semantic Layer Approach -- Frequent Itemset Mining for a Combination of Certain and Uncertain Databases -- A New Method for Filling Missing Value Based on the Rough Set Theory -- A Hierarchy-Aware Approach to the Multiaspect Text Categorization Problem -- Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Classification of Texts -- Game Approach to Fuzzy Measurement -- Towards real-time Lukasiewicz Fuzzy Systems -- Rankings and Total Orderings on Sets of Generalized Fuzzy Numbers -- Bio-inspired optimization metaheuristic algorithm based on the self-defense of the plants -- Experimenting with a New Population-Based Optimization Technique: FUNgal Growth Inspired (FUNGI) Optimizer -- A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Minimum Weight Dominating Set Problem -- How to Estimate Resilient Modulus for Unbound Aggregate Materials: A Theoretical Explanation of an Empirical Formula -- Development of NARX based neural network models for predicting air quality near busy urban corridors -- Sustainability Index: A fuzzy Approach for a municipal decision support system. .…”
Full-text access
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Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD'2018) Volume 5: Advanced Intelligent Systems for Computing Sciences /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Intelligent reservation systems based on MAS & data mining method -- A Lightweight Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control -- Generate a Meta-Model Content for Communication Space of Learning Management System Compatible with IMS-LD -- Designing an IMS-LD Model for Communication Space of Learning Management System -- A smart cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with An optimized modulation techniques increasing the quality and reducing harmonics -- Approaches and algorithms for resource management in OFDMA access mode: Application to mobile networks of new generation -- A new efficient technique to enhance quality of service in OLSR protocol -- Performance Assessment of AODV, DSR and DSDV in an Urban VANET Scenario -- Exploiting NoSQL Document Oriented Data Using Semantic Web Tools -- Analytical study of the performance of communication systems in the presence of fading -- Android Applications analysis results using PerUpSecure Tool -- Novel configuration of Radio over Fiber system using a hybrid SAC-OCDMA/OFDM technique -- A Hybrid Multilingual Sentiment Classification using Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Similarity -- Fuzzy semantic-based similarity and big data for detecting multilingual plagiarism in Arabic documents -- Contribution to the improvement of the Quality of Service over Vehicular ad-hoc Network -- Sustainable Development: Clustering Moroccan Population Based on ICT and Education -- Datamining for Fraud Detecting, State of the art -- Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm for the travelling salesman problem -- Deep learning technology for identifying a person of interest in real-world -- The Discrete swallow swarm optimization for flowshop scheduling problem.…”
Full-text access
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Data Science Landscape Towards Research Standards and Protocols /
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Privacy Preserving Data Mining Techniques for Hiding Sensitive Data - A Step Towards Open Data -- Chapter 16. …”
Full-text access
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Advances in Smart Vehicular Technology, Transportation, Communication and Applications Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Smart Vehicular Technology, Transportati...
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems Selected Papers from KICSS'2014 - 9th International Conference, held in Limassol, Cyprus, on November 6-8, 2014 /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Message from the Conference Chairs -- The Algorithm of Discovery: Making Discoveries on Demand -- The Art of Anticipatory Decision Making -- On Modeling Human-Computer Co-Creativity -- Comparison of the Two Companies' Staff by the Group Idea-Marathon Training on Creativity and Motivation -- Using Appropriate Context Models for CARS Context Modelling -- Computational Creativity for Intelligence Analysis -- Bus Scheduling in Dynamical Urban Transport Networks with the Use of Genetic Algorithms and High Performance Computing Technologies -- MCDA and LCSA - A Note on the Aggregation of Preferences -- A Model for Managing Organizational Knowledge in the Context of the Shared Services Supported by the E-Learning -- Online Communities of Practice: Social or Cognitive Arenas? …”
Full-text access