Arama Sonuçları - (plants OR plant) effect of iron on.

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  • Gösterilen 1 - 19 sonuçlar arası kayıtlar. 19
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  1. 1

    Bursa ili topraklarının alınabilir demir miktarının belirlenmesinde kullanılabilecek yöntemler / Yazar: Çelik, Hakan

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Nilüfer Belediyesi, 2013.
  2. 2

    Introduction to Refractories for Iron- and Steelmaking. Yazar: Biswas, Subir

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing AG, 2020.
    İçindekiler: “…-- Contents -- About the Authors -- Chapter 1: Refractories for Iron and Steel Plant -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.1.1 Scenario of World Steel Production and Refractory Demand -- 1.1.2 Modern Refractory Practices -- 1.2 Definition and Classification of Refractories -- 1.3 Refractory Design Parameters and Testing -- 1.3.1 Density and Porosity -- 1.3.2 Permanent Linear Change -- 1.3.3 Crushing Strength -- 1.3.4 High-Temperature Deformation Under Compressive Load -- 1.3.5 Deformation in Bending -- 1.3.6 Elastic Modulus -- 1.3.7 Mechanical Stress Assisted Crack Propagation -- 1.3.8 Thermal Stress Assisted Crack Propagation -- 1.3.9 Thermal Conductivity -- 1.3.10 Thermal Expansion Behaviour -- 1.3.11 Thermal Stress and Shock -- 1.3.12 Wear Behaviour -- 1.3.13 Difference Between Corrosion, Erosion and Abrasion -- 1.4 Shaped Refractories -- 1.4.1 Silica Refractories -- Raw Materials and Processing -- Effect of Impurities on Eutectic Temperature -- RUL vis-a-vis PCE -- 1.4.2 Alumina-Silicate Refractories -- Fireclay Refractories -- Sillimanite Group of Raw Materials -- Andalusite -- Kyanite -- Mullite and Andalusite -- 1.4.3 High-Alumina Refractories -- Forms of Aluminium Hydroxides -- Bauxite Natural Source of Alumina -- Synthetic Alumina -- Sintered Alumina -- White Fused Alumina and Tabular Alumina -- Corrosion of High-Alumina Refractories in the Presence of FeO and Fe2O3 -- 1.4.4 Magnesite Refractories -- Dead Burned Magnesium Oxide -- Seawater Magnesia -- Fused Magnesia -- Characteristics of Magnesite bricks.…”
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  3. 3

    The molecular and physiological basis of nutrient use efficiency in crops /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
    İçindekiler: “…Murchie -- Senescence and nutrient remobilization in crop plants / Per Gregersen -- Effects of nitrogen and sulphur nutrition on grain composition and properties of wheat and related cereals / Peter R. …”
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  4. 4

    8th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Energy Efficient Clean Metallurgical Technology -- Flash Ironmaking from Magnetite Concentrate in a Laboratory Reactor: Experimental and CFD Work -- Synthesis of Chromite for Subsequent Carburization by Methane-hydrogen Gas Mixture -- Effects of Hydrogen-enriched Reduction on Metallurgical Properties of Iron-Bearing Burdens under BF Operation with Cog Injection -- Microwave-intensified Reduction of Biochar-containing Briquettes -- Refractory Challenges in Lead Recycling Furnaces -- Synthesis of Carbide Ceramics via Reduction of Adsorbed Anions on an Activated Carbon Matrix -- Part 2: Simulation of High Temperature Process -- A CFD Based Algorithm for Kinetics Analysis of the Reduction of Hematite Concentrate by H2+CO Mixtures in a Drop Tube Reactor -- A Continuous Dynamic Process Model to Design a Carbon Profile toward Yield Improvement -- Alloy Yield Prediction Model Based on the Data Analysis in EAF Steelmaking Process -- Analysis of Jet Behavior and Surface Fluctuations in the Meniscusof Fluid in a Physical Model of a Beam Blank Mold and CFD Modelling -- CFD Study of Gas-liquid Phase Interaction Inside a Submerged Lance Smelting Furnace for Copper Smelting -- Debottlenecking High Temperature Metallurgical Plants through Modeling and Simulation -- Assessment of Slag Entrainment in a RH Degasser through Physical Modelling Using Circulating Fluids of Different Densities/Oil Systems for Simulating Steel Melt/Slag -- Part 3: Fundamental Research of Metallurgical Process -- Investigate on the Phase Composition of Vanadium Slag with High CaO Content and Influence of P2O5 on Crystallization Kinetics of Spinels -- Thermal Analysis Kinetics of the Solid-State Reduction of Nickel Laterite Ores by Carbon -- Thermodynamic and Experimental Investigations of High Temperature Refractory Corrosion by Molten Slags -- Thermodynamic Calculation on the Reactivity between Slag and Ti-stabilized Stainless Steel -- Part 4: Alloys and Materials Preparation -- Development of a Novel, Low-cost Titanium Extraction Process for Bulk or Powder Applications -- Evolution of Non-metallic Inclusions in Solid Fe-Al-Ti-N Alloy during Heating -- Preparation of Low-carbon Ti2O3 by Carbon thermal Reduction of the Mixture of Titanium Dioxide and Activated Carbon under Vacuum Condition -- Pyrometallurgical Studies for Manganese Extraction Using Turkish Ore Reserves -- Trace Elements Behavior during the Oxidation of Liquid SiMn Alloy -- Effect of Microalloy Elements V And Mg on Organization at High Heat Input Welding Shipbuilding Structure Steel -- Part 5: Extraction and Recovery of Metals -- Effect of Carbon Reductant On The Formation of Copper Doped Titanium Oxycarbonitride by Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation -- Cohering Behavior of Scrap Powder in Kiln by a Novel Natural Stacking Method -- Direct-to-blister Copper Smelting with the ISASMELT™ Process -- Improving Separation of Cu-Fe from Copper Slag by Mineral Phase Reconstruction -- Phase Transformation of High Calcium Type Tin, Iron-bearing Tailings during Magnetizing Roasting Process -- Sensitivity of Contactless Ultrasound Processing to Variations of the Free Surface of the Melt with Induction Heating -- Extraction of Zinc from Willemite by Sodium Salt Roasting and Ammonia-leaching Process -- Part 6: Ironmaking and Steelmaking -- Influence of Puhrstahl Heraeus Refining Process on Aluminum Consumption in Interstitial-Free Steel Smelting Process -- Formation Mechanisms of Inclusions in Spring Steels -- Investigation on Coal Combustion Behaviors under the Oxygen Blast Furnace -- Inclusion Control with Ca Treatment to Improve Castability of a Low Carbon Al Killed Steel -- High Temperature Mineralization Mechanism of Granules during Iron Ore Sintering Process -- Reduction Behaviors of Sinter Made from Magnetite Concentrates in Reducing Process Simulated COREX Shaft Furnace -- Part 7: Treatment and Recycling of Slag/Wastes -- Introduction of Matte Droplets in Copper Smelting Slag -- Dissolution Behavior of Fe from Glassy Oxide Phase in Steelmaking Slag -- Penetration Depth of Microwave in Tire Rubber -- Effect of TiO2 on Thermophysical Properties and Structure of P-bearing Steelmaking Slags -- Analysis for Optimum Conditions for Recovery of Valuable Metals from E-Waste through Black Copper Smelting -- Precipitation Behavior of MxTi3-xO5 in the Titanium-Bearing Electric Furnace Slag -- Part 8: Utilization of Complex Ores -- Evaluation of Molybdenum Concentrates -- Intensification of Gold Leaching from a Multi-refractory Gold Concentrate by the Two-stage Roasting-alkaline Sulfide Washing-cyanidation Process -- The Recovery of Cobalt from Copper Converter Slag by Reduction-sulfurization Smelting at High Temperature -- Roasting of Celestite in Laboratory Scale Rotary Furnace -- The Experimental Study of CaCO3 in the Vanadium Extraction Process -- The Extraction of Zinc from Zinc Ferrite by Calcified Roasting and Ammonia Leaching Process -- Part 8: Poster I -- A New Method to Detect the High Temperature Distribution in the Ironmaking and Steelmaking Industry -- A Study for Reconstructing the Three-dimensional Temperature Field of a Blast Furnace Raceway Based on Monte Carlo Method -- Behaviour of Silicon in Nickel Laterite by Carbothermic Reduction in Vacuum -- Effect of CaO Addition on the Behavior of Vanadium and Phosphorus during Oxidation and Leaching Process -- Effect of Inner Shape on Blast Furnace Performance for Iron Making -- Effect of Lance Configurations on Coal Flow and Combustion Characteristics -- Effect of Silicon on Removal of Phosphorus from High Phosphorus Si-Mn alloy by CaO-Based Slag -- Effect of Super Gravity on the Solidification Structure and C Segregation of High Carbon Steel -- High Temperature Distribution Measurement of the Blast Furnace Raceway through Imaging Techniques and Optimization Algorithms -- Kinetics and Reduction Behavior of Self-reducing Briquettes Containing Blast Furnace Dust -- Model Analysis of the Phenomena of Pulverized Coal Injection in Blast Furnace -- Sintering Performance of Blends Containing High Proportion of Limonite Iron Ore Fines -- Thermodynamics Study on Phosphorus Distribution between 2CaO•SiO2-3CaO•P2O5 Solid Solution and Liquid Slag -- Two-step Copper Smelting Process at Dongying Fangyuan -- Part 9: Poster II -- Comparison of the Ringing Characteristics between Acid and Alkaline Iron Ore Pellets Powder in Kiln -- Comprehensive Utilization of Ludwigite Iron Concentrate by Gas-based Direct Reduction -- Decarburization of Spent Petrochemical Catalysts via Microwave Oxidation Roasting -- Effect of FeO Content in Laterite Nickel Slag on the Corrosioin Behaviour of Refractory Materials -- Effects of Blowing Conditions on the Dispersion States of Materials Charged into Bottom Blown Oxygen Smelting Furnace -- Effects of Pre-oxidation and Additives on Carbothermic Reduction of Ilmenite Concentrate -- Influence of Converter Slag on Decomposition Behavior of Limestone during BOF Steelmaking Process -- Influence of Hot Charge on Blast Furnace Performance for Iron Making -- Investigation and Application of Evolution System of Stock Surface Gas Flow Distribution in Blast Furnace -- Investigation of the Carbothermic Reduction of Chromium-containing Vanadium Extraction Residue -- Molecular Dynamics Study of the Structural Properties with Varying -- One-step Extraction of Lead from Spent Lead-acid Battery Paste via Reductive Sulfur-fixing Smelting: Thermodynamic Analysis -- Removal of Cd(II) Ion from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Wasted Low Grade Phosphorus-containing Iron Ore -- Research on the Flow Behavior of Molten Slag through Pore -- Study on the Influence of Materials on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Blast Furnace Cooling Staves.…”
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  5. 5

    Characterization of Metals and Alloys

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Characterization of Copper Alloys -- Mapping of Polycrystalline Flow during Hot Deformation by In-Situ Tension Test of Sheet Copper Alloy -- Determination of the Activation Energy of Copper During in-situ Tension Test by SEM -- Effect of Copper Additions on Secondary Carbide Precipitation in High-Chromium White Cast Iron -- Part. 3. …”
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  6. 6

    Intelligent Systems for Computer Modelling Proceedings of the 1st European-Middle Asian Conference on Computer Modelling 2015, EMACOM 2015 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…Finite Element Modelling of T-Plate for Treatment of Distal Radius -- The Enlarged D-Q Model of Induction Motor with the Iron Loss and Saturation Effect of Magnetizing and Leakage Inductance -- Fuzzy Model Based Intelligent Prediction of Objective Events -- Using Multiple Scanning Devices for 3-D Modeling -- More Effective Control of Linear Switched-Reluctance Motor Based on the Research of Electromagnetic Processes of Field Theory Methods Linear Electrical Machines -- Numerical Simulation of the Structural Elements of a Mobile Micro-Hydroelectric Power Plant of Derivative Type -- Complex System Modeling with General Dierential Equations Solved by Means of Polynomial Networks -- Monte Carlo Probabilistic Approach Applied for Solving Problems in Mining Engineering -- Investment Funds Management Strategy Based on Polynomial Regression in Machine Learning -- Detecting Hidden Patterns in European Song Contest - Eurovision 2014 -- Numerical Solution of Volterra Linear Integral Equation of the Third Kind -- Cluster Analysis of Data with Reduced Dimensionality: an Empirical Study -- Comparison of Energy Near-Optimal Control Laws for the Drives with Constant and Linear Frictions -- Systems of Temporal Logic for a Use of Engineering. …”
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  7. 7

    Rare Metal Technology 2019

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Rare Earth Element I -- The Demonstration Pilot Plant Results for the Search Minerals Direction Extraction Process for Rare Earth Recovery -- Selective Oxidation of Cerium in Rare Earth Solutions, a Comparison of Four Oxidants -- A study on the effect of crystal habit modifiers on the co-precipitation of REE with gypsum -- Beneficiation and Leaching Study of Norra Karr Eudialyte Mineral -- Review on the Processes for the Recovery of Rare Earth Metals (REMs) from Secondary Resources -- Selective Reduction and Separation of Europium from Mixed Rare-earth Oxides Recovered from Waste Fluorescent Lamp Phosphors -- Study of the Mechanochemical Calcification for Mixed Rare Earth Concentrate -- Part 2. …”
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  8. 8

    Energy Technology 2019 Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Deriving Value from Challenging Waste Streams: Recycling and Sustainability Joint Session -- Behavior of Co, Ni and Precious Metals in Copper Converting Process: Experimental Study -- Recycling of EAF Dust through Source Separation -- A Sustainable Methodology for Recycling Electric Arc Furnace Dust -- Thermal Separation and Leaching of Valuable Elements from Waste-derived Ashes -- Different Methods for the Characterization of Ash Compositions in Co-firing Boilers -- Utilization CFA-derived Tobermorite Fiber as Crystallization Revulsive in Autoclaved Concrete Block Production -- An Electrochemical Procedure for Copper Removal from Regenerated Pickling Solutions of Steel Plants -- Upgrading the Copper Value in a Waste Copper Smelter Dust Using the Falcon Concentrator -- Towards Commercialization of Indium Recovery from Waste Liquid Crystal Display Screens -- Engineering, Scientific, and Policy Inputs for Developing a Levelized Cost of Energy Storage Model -- Recovery of Gallium and Arsenic from Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor Scraps -- Rapid Removal of Pb(II) from Acid Wastewater using Vanadium Titanium-bearing Magnetite Particles Coated by Humic Acidcoated by humic acid(VTM-HA) Magnetic Particles -- Study on the Technology of Synthesizing MgAl2O4 Spinel Refractory Material from Waste Chromium Slag of a Certain Chrome Plant in China -- Effect of Ferrosilicon on Reduction of Cr2O3 in Steelmaking Slags -- Bacterial Degradation of Free Cyanide in Alkaline Medium Using Bacillus Licheniformis Strain -- Determination of Limiting Current Density of a Solution with Copper, Zinc and EDTA from the Effluent of Brass Electrodeposition -- Effect of the PH on the Recovery of Al3+, Co2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ by Purolite S950 -- Evaluation of the Occurrence of Fouling and Scaling on the Membrane HDX 200 for the Treatment of the Effluent of Brass Electrodeposition with EDTA as Complexing Agent -- High Temperature Crystallization Kinetics of MgSO4.H2O -- Preparation of Glass-ceramic from Titanium-bearing Blast Furnace Slag by "Petrurgic" Method -- Recovery of Copper from Nickel Laterite Leach Waste by Chemical Reduction Using Sodium Dithionite -- Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from a Waste Zone of Nickel Laterite Ore Using a Mixture of Extractants in Solvent Extraction Technique -- White Ordinary Portland Cement Paste with Iron Oxide Powders Containing Arsenic Contents -- Part 3. …”
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  9. 9

    Rare Metal Technology 2018

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Rare Earth Element I -- The Demonstration Pilot Plant Results for the Search Minerals Direction Extraction Process for Rare Earth Recovery -- Selective Oxidation of Cerium in Rare Earth Solutions, a Comparison of Four Oxidants -- A study on the effect of crystal habit modifiers on the co-precipitation of REE with gypsum -- Beneficiation and Leaching Study of Norra Karr Eudialyte Mineral -- Review on the Processes for the Recovery of Rare Earth Metals (REMs) from Secondary Resources -- Selective Reduction and Separation of Europium from Mixed Rare-earth Oxides Recovered from Waste Fluorescent Lamp Phosphors -- Study of the Mechanochemical Calcification for Mixed Rare Earth Concentrate -- Part 2. …”
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  10. 10

    Extractive metallurgy of copper /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Elsevier, 2011.
    İçindekiler: “…Extracting copper from copper-iron-sulfide ores. Hydrometallurgical extraction of copper. …”
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  11. 11

    Energy Technology 2018 Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Deriving Value from Challenging Waste Streams: Recycling and Sustainability Joint Session -- Behavior of Co, Ni and Precious Metals in Copper Converting Process: Experimental Study -- Recycling of EAF Dust through Source Separation -- A Sustainable Methodology for Recycling Electric Arc Furnace Dust -- Thermal Separation and Leaching of Valuable Elements from Waste-derived Ashes -- Different Methods for the Characterization of Ash Compositions in Co-firing Boilers -- Utilization CFA-derived Tobermorite Fiber as Crystallization Revulsive in Autoclaved Concrete Block Production -- An Electrochemical Procedure for Copper Removal from Regenerated Pickling Solutions of Steel Plants -- Upgrading the Copper Value in a Waste Copper Smelter Dust Using the Falcon Concentrator -- Towards Commercialization of Indium Recovery from Waste Liquid Crystal Display Screens -- Engineering, Scientific, and Policy Inputs for Developing a Levelized Cost of Energy Storage Model -- Recovery of Gallium and Arsenic from Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor Scraps -- Rapid Removal of Pb(II) from Acid Wastewater using Vanadium Titanium-bearing Magnetite Particles Coated by Humic Acidcoated by humic acid(VTM-HA) Magnetic Particles -- Study on the Technology of Synthesizing MgAl2O4 Spinel Refractory Material from Waste Chromium Slag of a Certain Chrome Plant in China -- Effect of Ferrosilicon on Reduction of Cr2O3 in Steelmaking Slags -- Bacterial Degradation of Free Cyanide in Alkaline Medium Using Bacillus Licheniformis Strain -- Determination of Limiting Current Density of a Solution with Copper, Zinc and EDTA from the Effluent of Brass Electrodeposition -- Effect of the PH on the Recovery of Al3+, Co2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ by Purolite S950 -- Evaluation of the Occurrence of Fouling and Scaling on the Membrane HDX 200 for the Treatment of the Effluent of Brass Electrodeposition with EDTA as Complexing Agent -- High Temperature Crystallization Kinetics of MgSO4.H2O -- Preparation of Glass-ceramic from Titanium-bearing Blast Furnace Slag by "Petrurgic" Method -- Recovery of Copper from Nickel Laterite Leach Waste by Chemical Reduction Using Sodium Dithionite -- Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from a Waste Zone of Nickel Laterite Ore Using a Mixture of Extractants in Solvent Extraction Technique -- White Ordinary Portland Cement Paste with Iron Oxide Powders Containing Arsenic Contents -- Part 3. …”
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  12. 12

    Proceedings of the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Pan American Materials Congress: Advanced Biomaterials -- Analysis of Biomimetic Surgical Clip Using Finite Element Modeling for Geometry Improvement and Biomaterials Selection -- Chemical composition effect of sol-gel derived bioactive glass over bioactivity behavior -- Effects of Dialium guineense based zinc nanoparticle material on the inhibition of microbes inducing microbiologically influenced corrosion -- Injectability evaluation of bone-graft substitutes based on carrageenan and hydroxyapatite nanorods -- Synthesis and characterization of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4@mSiO2 core shell nanocarrier for drug delivery applications -- Part 2: Pan American Materials Congress: Advanced Manufacturing -- Carbon Based Coatings Deposited On Nitrided Stainless Steel: Study Of Thermal Degradation -- Comparative Mechanical Analysis Between Epoxy Composite Reinforced With Random Short Cuarua Fibers And Aligned Long Curaua Fibers -- Effect of Tool Rotation on Tool Wear Phenomenon in Rotary Tool micro-USM -- Numerical Modeling of High-Velocity Impact Welding -- Selective Laser Sintering of Polyamide/Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds -- Part 3: Pan American Materials Congress: Materials for Green Energy -- A comparison between recycled spent zeolite and calcite limestone for manganese removal -- Effect of Mo6+ Substitution on Microstructure and Lithium Ionic Conductivity of Garnet-Type Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid Electrolytes by Field Assisted Sintering Technology -- Electromagnetic Levitation Refining Of Silicon-iron Alloys for Generation of Solar Grade Silicon -- Green Extract of Mate Tea as Corrosion Inhibitor of Copper and Aluminum -- Platinum Salts Synthesis as Precursors to Get Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biofuels Production -- Technical and Environmental Assessment of an Alternative Binder for Low Traffic Roads with LCA Methodology -- Part 4: Pan American Materials Congress: Materials for Infrastructure -- Anticorrosion and Adsorption Mechanism of Rhizophora mangle L Leaf-extract on Steel-reinforcement in 3.5% NaCl-immersed Concrete -- Cassia fistula leaf-extract Effect on Corrosion-inhibition of Stainless-steel in 0.5 M HCl -- Effect of C5H11NO2S on Reinforcing-steel Corrosion in Concrete Immersed in Industrial/Microbial Simulating-environment -- FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE MANUFACTURED WITH ELECTRIC ARC FURNACE SLAG -- Jigs, hydro-cyclones and sensor-based sorting to value recycled aggregates -- Performance of hydraulic mixes manufactured with electric arc furnace slag aggregates -- POROUS ASPHALT MIXTURES WITH 100% SIDERURGIC AGGREGATES -- Part 5: Pan American Materials Congress: Materials for Oil and Gas Industry -- Blends of PVDF with its processing waste: Study of the mechanical properties of the blends thermally aged -- DYNAMIC TRANSFORMATION AND RETRANSFORMATION DURING THE SIMULATED PLATE ROLLING OF AN X70 PIPELINE STEEL -- Effect of Heat Input on the microstructure and toughness of welded API pipelines -- EVALUATION OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES (THERMOGRAPHY, ULTRASOUND AND EDDY CURRENT) FOR DETECTION OF FAILURES IN METALLIC SUBSTRATES WITH COMPOSITE ANTICORROSIVE COATINGS -- Structural Integrity of Pipelines -- Part 6: Pan American Materials Congress: Materials for Transportation and Lightweighting -- ADVANTAGES OF HOT COMPRESSION IN THE MANUFACTURE OF AlB4C COMPOSITES -- An Improved Silicon Carbide Monofilament for the Reinforcement of Metal Matrix Composites -- Analysis of coir fiber porosity -- BALLISTIC PERFORMANCE IN MULTILAYER ARMOR WITH EPOXY COMPOSITE REINFORCED WITH MALVA FIBERS -- Curaua non-woven fabric composite for ceramic multilayered armors: A lightweight, natural, and low cost alternative for KevlarTM -- Effect of Forging on Microstructure, Texture and Compression Behaviour of Extruded AZ31B -- EFFECTS OF HYPOEUTECTIC Sc ADDITIONS TO Al-4.5 wt% Cu UNDER DIFFERENT COOLING RATES -- IZOD IMPACT TESTS IN POLYESTER MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH FIQUE FABRIC -- IZOD IMPACT TESTS IN POLYESTER MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH JUTE FABRIC -- Microstructure and Hardness of Subzero Quenched and Heat Treated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy -- Nano-Additive Reinforcement of Thermoplastic Microballoon Epoxy Syntactic Foams -- Nanocomposites Mechanical and Tribological Properties using Graphene Coated Ceramic Nanoparticles for Light Weight Applications -- Synthesis of Energetic Composites in Ti-Al-B-C System by Adiabatic Explosive Compaction -- Tensile and impact properties of two fiber configurations for curaua reinforced composites -- Thermo\\8722;Mechanical behavior of nanostructure polyacrylic polymer based on Al2 O3 and bentonite nanoparticles -- Thermo\\8722;mechanical properties of waterborne acrylate hybrid nanocomposites -- Thermo-mechanical properties of copolymer/clay nanocomposites: A comparative study of production method by in-situ and solution mixture -- Part 7: Pan American Materials Congress: Minerals Extraction and Processing -- Biotechnological recycling of precious metals sourced from post-consumer products -- Biotechnologies for water recycling in the mineral industry -- Dissolution thermodynamics of smithsonite in alkaline iminodiacetate aqueous solution -- Effect of ethylenediamine on smithsonite flotation -- Extraction of Gold from sands and Slimes Tailings Dump from Mazowe Mine, Zimbabwe -- Gold Recovery from Waste Solutions of PCB Gold Plating Process using Hydro Cyclone Reactor for Demonstration Study -- Improving Quality of Coke Made from Chinese Xinjiang Gas Coal with High Strength Modifier -- INVESTIGATING THE DISSOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF STRONTIUM SULFIDE -- Kinetic study on the leaching of vanadium-bearing converter slag with dilute sulfuric acid -- Leaching of Spent Ni-Mo Hydrodesulphurization (HDS) Catalyst in Oxalic Acid Solutions -- Novel Adsorbent from Iron Ore Concentration Tailings for Toxic Cationic Dye Removal from Water -- Preliminary analysis of the application of sensor based sorting on a limestone mine in the region Caçapava do Sul, Brazil -- Preparation of high grade Industrial Copper Compound from a Nigerian Malachite mineral by Hydrometallurgical process -- PROCESS OF IMPROVING THE FLOTATION USING ULTRASONIC BOMBARDMENT -- Production of strontianite from celestite ore in carbonate media -- Reduction Kinetics and Characterization Study of Synthetic Magnetite Micro Fines -- Study on Leaching Valuable Elements from Bayan Obo Tailings -- Study on thermal decomposition and oxidation characteristics of iron ores -- The direct leaching of micro-disseminated gold concentrate by bromide process and the characterization of leaching products -- Working Experience with the new WOX Plant to treat zinc waelzoxide at ZGH Boleslaw SA, Poland -- Part 8: Pan American Materials Congress: Nanocrystalline and Ultra-fine Grain Materials and Bulk Metallic Glasses -- Continuous dynamic recovery in pure aluminum deformed to high strain by accumulative press bonding -- Effects of Natural Aging and Post-processed Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Processed Al-7B04 -- Evaluation of the hardening and softening effects in Zn-21Al-2Cu with as cast and homogenized microstructure processed by equal channel angular pressing -- Part 9: Pan American Materials Congress: Steels -- Effect of titanium sulfide precipitates on grain size in low carbon steel -- Evolution of Austenite Dislocation Density during Hot Deformation using a Physical Dynamic Recrystallization Model -- Influence of a Rapid Heating on the Microstructure and Properties of Press-Hardening Steel Sheets -- Jansto:New Generation Niobium Bearing Structural Steels for Future Infrastructure Demands -- Kinetic study of the austenite decomposition during continuous cooling in a welding steel -- Microstructural Evolution in Microalloyed Steels during Thermomechanical Rod Rolling -- MODELING OF METAL-SLAG MASS AND MOMENTUM EXCHANGES IN GAS-STIRRED LADLES -- Study on adjustment and optimization of LF refining slag of spring steel 55SiCrA -- Tempering Response of Bainitic and Martensitic Microstructures -- The research on the relationship between gas movement behaviors and circulating flow of the molten steel in RH.…”
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  13. 13

    Light Metals 2019

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…Alumina & Bauxite -- Roasting Pretreatment- low Temperature Digestion Method for Comprehensive Utilization of High-sulfur Bauxite -- Industrial Experience of Sinter Hydro-chemical Processing at Bogoslovsk Alumina Refinery -- Effect of Sintering Conditions on the Stability of 946-2CaO·SiO2 in High Sodium Carbonate Solution -- Research on Impurity Removal of Low Grade Bauxite -- Study on the Structure and Generation Mechanism of Intermediate (6AlO-OH) in Decomposition Process of Sodium Aluminate Solutions -- The Properties of Superfine ATH Precipitated by Carbonation Method -- Effect of Organic Impurity on Seed Precipitation in Sodium Aluminate Solution -- Fitness-for-service Assessment and Re-rating of Flawed Alumina Feeding Vessels -- Miniplant Tests of HCl Technology of Alumina Production -- Development and Usage of Detailed Models of Technology at RUSAL Alumina Refineries -- Features of Pseudoboehmite from Alumina Production -- Digital Transformation in Alumina Refining -- Thermodynamics Analysis on Process of Pelletizing Chlorination of Fly Ash -- Research on Alumina Preparation from Aluminium Chloride Solution by Electrolysis Process -- How Digitalization Can Further Improve Plant Performance and Product Quality - Outotec Pretium Advisory Tool for Alumina Calcination -- Expertimental Investigation on Reduction of Cast Iron from Bayer Red Mud and Laterite Nickel -- Analyzing the Bauxite Residue Amendment through the Addition of Ca and Mg Hydroxides Followed by Carbonation -- Comprehensive Utilization of Red Mud: Current Research Status and a Possible Way Forward for Non-hazardous Treatment -- Alumina, Iron and Titanium Extracting from Bauxite Residue with Low Lime Sinter Method -- Developing New Process for Selective Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Bauxite Residue Based on Functionalized Ionic Liquids -- Effects of Reductive Roasting with Sodium Salts on Leaching Behavior of Non-ferrous Elements in Bauxite Ore Residue -- Specific Features of Scandium Behavior during Sodium Bicarbonate Leaching of Red Mud -- Flotation Separation of Pyrite from Refractory High-sulfur Bauxite -- Research on the Desulfurization of High Sulfur Bauxite -- Research on the Interaction between 1-butyl-2-mercaptobenzimidazole and Pyrite -- Flotation of Low-grade Bauxite Using Modified Humics as Depressant -- Research on the Adsorption of Humic Acid on Pyrite Surface -- Experimental Investigation on Desiliconization of Low-grade Bauxite by Flotation Process -- The Impact of Backwater Iron Ions on Bauxite Flotation -- Part 2. …”
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  14. 14

    Light Metals 2018

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Alumina & Bauxite -- Roasting Pretreatment- low Temperature Digestion Method for Comprehensive Utilization of High-sulfur Bauxite -- Industrial Experience of Sinter Hydro-chemical Processing at Bogoslovsk Alumina Refinery -- Effect of Sintering Conditions on the Stability of 946-2CaO·SiO2 in High Sodium Carbonate Solution -- Research on Impurity Removal of Low Grade Bauxite -- Study on the Structure and Generation Mechanism of Intermediate (6AlO-OH) in Decomposition Process of Sodium Aluminate Solutions -- The Properties of Superfine ATH Precipitated by Carbonation Method -- Effect of Organic Impurity on Seed Precipitation in Sodium Aluminate Solution -- Fitness-for-service Assessment and Re-rating of Flawed Alumina Feeding Vessels -- Miniplant Tests of HCl Technology of Alumina Production -- Development and Usage of Detailed Models of Technology at RUSAL Alumina Refineries -- Features of Pseudoboehmite from Alumina Production -- Digital Transformation in Alumina Refining -- Thermodynamics Analysis on Process of Pelletizing Chlorination of Fly Ash -- Research on Alumina Preparation from Aluminium Chloride Solution by Electrolysis Process -- How Digitalization Can Further Improve Plant Performance and Product Quality - Outotec Pretium Advisory Tool for Alumina Calcination -- Expertimental Investigation on Reduction of Cast Iron from Bayer Red Mud and Laterite Nickel -- Analyzing the Bauxite Residue Amendment through the Addition of Ca and Mg Hydroxides Followed by Carbonation -- Comprehensive Utilization of Red Mud: Current Research Status and a Possible Way Forward for Non-hazardous Treatment -- Alumina, Iron and Titanium Extracting from Bauxite Residue with Low Lime Sinter Method -- Developing New Process for Selective Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Bauxite Residue Based on Functionalized Ionic Liquids -- Effects of Reductive Roasting with Sodium Salts on Leaching Behavior of Non-ferrous Elements in Bauxite Ore Residue -- Specific Features of Scandium Behavior during Sodium Bicarbonate Leaching of Red Mud -- Flotation Separation of Pyrite from Refractory High-sulfur Bauxite -- Research on the Desulfurization of High Sulfur Bauxite -- Research on the Interaction between 1-butyl-2-mercaptobenzimidazole and Pyrite -- Flotation of Low-grade Bauxite Using Modified Humics as Depressant -- Research on the Adsorption of Humic Acid on Pyrite Surface -- Experimental Investigation on Desiliconization of Low-grade Bauxite by Flotation Process -- The Impact of Backwater Iron Ions on Bauxite Flotation -- Part 2. …”
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    Energy Materials 2017

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Energy and Environmental Issues in Materials Manufacturing and Processing: Opportunities in the Steel Industry -- Waste Energy Recovery Technology of Iron and Steel Industry in China -- Green Manufacturing Process of Shougang Jingtang Steel Plant -- The Introduction and Process Optimization Research of Oxygen Blast Furnace Ironmaking Technology -- Prediction and optimal scheduling of byproduct gases in steel mill: Trends and challenges -- Processing Non-Oriented Electrical Steels Using Inclined/Skew Rolling Schemes -- A Possible Way for Efficient Utilization of Coal Energy: The Combined Process of Ironmaking with Gasoline Synthesis and Electricity Generation -- The influence of water vapour on the fuming rate in a ferromanganese system -- Part 2: Energy and Environmental Issues in Materials Manufacturing and Processing: Opportunities in Aluminum Production, Waste Heat and Water Recovery -- Approach for pyrolysis gas release modelling and its potential for enhanced energy efficiency of aluminium remelting furnaces -- Numerical approach for the implementation of the interaction of pyrolysis gases and combustion products in an aluminium melting furnace -- Fluoropolymer Coated Condensing Heat Exchangers for Low-grade Waste Heat Recovery -- Nitrate and other anion removal from waste water using the Hydroflex technology -- Mechanical Analysis of Raceway Formation in Bulk Bed of Blast Furnace -- Part 3: Materials for Coal-Based Power: Materials For Coal-Based Power: Session I -- Ni-Fe based alloy GH984G used for 700 coal-fired power plant -- Part 4: Materials for Coal-Based Power: Materials For Coal-Based Power: Session II -- Creep strength and oxidation resistance of industrially made G115 Steel pipe -- Accelerated creep test for new steels and welds -- Part 5: Materials for Coal-Based Power: Materials For Coal-Based Power: Session IV -- The Reliability Analysis of 12Cr1MoVG and T23 Used for USC Boilers Water Wall -- Part 6: Materials for Coal-Based Power: Poster Session -- Effect of high-frequency induction hardening on stress corrosion of a 12% Cr martensitic stainless steel -- Fireside corrosion behaviors of Inconel 740 H superalloy in various SO2 contents -- High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of HAYNES282 Superalloy -- Recent Development in the Characteristics of Alloy 625 for A-USC Steam Turbine Castings -- Part 7: Materials for Gas Turbines: Coatings -- EVOLUTION OF THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF Sm2Zr2O7 UNDER CMAS ATTACK -- Part 8: Materials for Gas Turbines: Hot Corrosion and New Materials -- Development of a new high strength and hot corrosion resistant directionally solidified superalloy DZ409 -- Part 9: Materials for Gas Turbines: Microstructure and Processing -- Modeling the Diffusion of Minor Elements in Different MCrAlY - Superalloy Substrates at High Temperature -- ON HEALING MECHANISM OF CAST POROSITIES IN CAST NI-BASED SUPERALLOY BY HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING -- The Influence of Dendritic Segregation Degree to the Recrystallization Nucleation in U4720LI -- Part 10: Materials for Gas Turbines: Poster Session -- Stress Rupture Properties of Alloy 783 -- Study on the Undercoolability and Single Crystal Castability of Nickel-Based Superalloys -- Part 11: Materials for Nuclear Energy: Materials for Nuclear Applications I -- Enhancing the High-Cycle Fatigue Property of 316 Austenitic Stainless Steels through Introduction of Mechanical Twins by Cold-Drawing -- Part 12: Materials for Nuclear Energy: Materials for Nuclear Applications II -- Microstructure Evolution of a Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel during High-temperature Tempering -- Part 13: Materials for Nuclear Energy: Environmental Effects -- Effect of Steam Pressure on the Oxidation Behaviour of Alloy 625 -- Friction Stir Processing of Degraded Austenitic Stainless Steel Nuclear Fuel Dry Cask Storage System Canisters -- Part 14: Materials for Nuclear Energy: Accident Tolerant Fuels & Irradiation Effects -- The Mechanical Response of Advanced Claddings during Proposed Reactivity Initiated Accident Conditions -- First principles investigations of alternative nuclear fuels -- Comparative study of thermal conductivity of SiC and BeO from ab initio calculations -- Part 15: Materials for Oil and Gas and AMREE Oil & Gas III -- Anisotropic behaviors for X100 high grade pipeline steel under stress constraints -- Co-relation of microstructural features with tensile and toughness characteristics of X70 grade steel -- Development and applications of new generation Ni-containing cryogenic steels in China -- Microstructure analysis and weldability investigation of stainless steel clad plate -- Microstructure and Properties of High Performance Pipeline Steels -- Sensitivity variation of nanomaterials at different operating temperature conditions.…”
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    Extraction 2018 Proceedings of the First Global Conference on Extractive Metallurgy /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Hydrometallurgy 2018 -- Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Lead in Brine Solution from a TSL Processed Zinc Plant Residue -- Alkaline Metals Removal from Radioactive Wastewater by Combined CO2 Capture and Adsorption into Bone Char -- Synthesis and Properties Characterization of Crystalline Polyferric Sulfate Adsorbent Used for Treating High As()-content Contaminated Water -- Custom Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Piping (FRP) Applications in Mineral Processing -- Electrochemical Behavior of Chalcopyrite in Presence of Sodium Peroxodisulfate -- Alternative Lixiviant for Copper Leaching fromChalcopyrite Concentrate -- Hydrometallurgical Processing of Copper-Arsenic Concentrates -- Sustainable Development Considerations in Copper Hydrometallurgy -- Improved Process for Leaching Refractory Copper Sulfides with Hydrogen Peroxide in Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions -- Copper Recovery from the Mine Tailings by Combination of Flotation with Highpressure Oxidative Leaching and Solvent Extraction -- Douglas Centenary Commemoration - 1918-2018 Engineering the Science: James Douglas, Early Hydrometallurgy and Chile -- Making the Right Selection: A Comparative Analysis for the Treatment of Refractory Gold Concentrates -- Evolution of Metallurgical Parameters at Mantoverde Heap Leaching Operation -- The Effect of Aeration on Chalococite Heap Leaching -- Study of the Diffusion of Cu(II) as an Oxidant Through Simulated Particle Pores in a Novel Model Apparatus -- Filtration Properties of Ferric Hydroxide Precipitate in Nickel Production -- The Effects of Experimental Variable.…”
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    Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2017

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
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    Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2018

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
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