Search Results - (russia OR russian) history

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  1. 1

    Russian Contributions to Analytical Chemistry by Zolotov, Yury A.

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Full-text access
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    Politics in Russia / by Remington, Thomas F.

    Published Pearson-Longman, 2006.
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    Sociology in Hungary A Social, Political and Institutional History / by Karády, Victor, Nagy, Péter Tibor

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot, 2019.
    Full-text access
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    Soviet Politics of Emancipation of Ethnic Minority Woman Natsionalka / by Gradskova, Yulia

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Full-text access
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    Paganizm : Rus paganizmi / by Nightshade, Maximilian

    Published Nerka Grup, 2024.
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    Diplomatic history I /

    Published Dora, 2015.
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    Derin Rusya / by Güldağı, Mustafa

    Published Lopus Yayınları, 2022.
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    Karabağ sorunu kapsamında Ermeniler ve Ermeni siyaseti / by Attar, Aygün

    Published Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, 2005.
    Subjects: “…Azerbaijanis Russia (Federation) Caucasus, Northern History. 70642…”
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    İkinci El Zaman : kızıl insanın sonu / by Aleksievich, Svetlana, 1948-

    Published kafka, 2017.
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    Rusya mültecileri : uzak diasporaya savrulan Tatarlar / by Devlet, Nadir

    Published İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, 2017.
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    Yüzbaşının kızı / by Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 11799-1837

    Published İletişim Yayınları, 2003.
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    Rus İmparatorluk kayıtlarında Ermeni sorunu (19012-1917) /

    Published Erzincan Üniversitesi, 2017
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    Beyaz Rusların Gelibolu gurbetinin 100. yıldönümü (1920-1923/2020-2023) /

    Published Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2019.
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    Kafkasya mücahidi Şeyh Şamil'in gazavatı : imamın kılıcının savaşlarda parlaması/ by El-Karahi, Muhammed Tahir

    Published Büyüyenay Yayınları, 2016.
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    Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms Proceedings of the 2018 HMM IFToMM Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms /

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Table of Contents: “…Sohail Pervez et al. -- Modeling an Antique Grinding Mill of Guanajuato Silver Mines, by Juan Jauregui et al. -- The Hydraulic Tilt Hammer in Ancient China, by Xiaolei Shi -- Reconstruction andAnalysis of Zhan's Sand Clock in the 14th Century, by Yu-Hsun Chen Hong-Sen Yan -- Exploration of Ancient Machinery: From Reconstruction Research to Exhibition and Science Education, by Jian-Liang Lin et al -- Relationships between paper mills and technological evolution of paper production, by Silvia Gargaro et al -- Light drawings: representation and design, by Emanuela Chiavoni -- Chapter 3: Ancient mechanisms -- Mechanisms in Heron's automata as technological transfer and cultural means, by Roberto Bragastini -- Analysis and reconstruction of a platform with ball bearings in Roman ships of Nemi lake, by Pier Gabriele Molari et al. -- Application and Influence of Flap Valve Mechanism on Ancient Bellows, by Xing Huang, Lingfeng Li -- Mechanisms 26 and 30 of "the book of secrets" of Ibn Khalaf Al-Muradi, by Rafael López-García et al. -- The astrolabe: a mechanism for reading the stars, by Barbara Aterini -- Mathematical Instruments used in the Military Engineering Academies of Ottomans, by IremAslan Seyhan -- Chapter 4: History of modern technology -- Transfer of Modern High Draft Technology to China, by Xuan Su -- A Brief Introduction to the Steam Locomotives Made in China, by Zhizhong Zhang -- From the Unimate to the Delta robot: the early decades of Industrial Robotics, by AlessandroGasparetto -- Towards GIM, the Global Intelligent Machine, by Teun Koetsier -- Historical development of BHR humanoid robots, by Qiang Huang et al. -- Teaching Wonder (from 3rd century BCE to 21st century CE) , by Nadia Ambrosetti -- The scientific background of the Russian Revolution, by Agamenon Oliveira.…”
    Full-text access
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    Türkiye'de Ermeni meselesi : Rus Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı belgeleri / by Bashanov, Mihail

    Published Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2013.
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    Sovyet sonrası dönemde Türk dilli halklar : dil sorunu yeniden biçimlenen kimlikler / by Garibova, Jale

    Published Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, 2012.
    Subjects: “…Turkish language Social aspects Russian language. 48799…”
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    History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory in France (1880-1940) by Ginoux, Jean-Marc

    Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Full-text access
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    Aziziye'nin son şahitleri : tabyalar ve kahramanlar / by Küçükuğurlu, Murat

    Published Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015.
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    Yahudiliğin kökenleri ve küresel gücü / by Tokalak, İsmail

    Published Ataç Yayınları, 2014
    Subjects: “…Jews History 66368…”