Search Results - (structural OR structures) failures
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- Mechanics, Applied 43
- Solid Mechanics 30
- Solids 30
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- Analysis 22
- Characterization and Analytical Technique 22
- Building materials 20
- Structural Materials 16
- Materials Engineering 12
- Metals 12
- Metals and Alloys 12
- Building Materials 11
- Ceramic materials 10
- Engineering Mechanics 10
- Ceramics 9
- Security Science and Technology 9
- Security systems 9
- Buildings 7
- Machines, Tools, Processes 7
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- Aerospace Technology and Astronautics 6
- Aerospace engineering 6
- Astronautics 6
- Control engineering 6
- Data processing 6
- Mathematics 6
- Multibody Systems and Mechanical Vibrations 6
- Multibody systems 6
- Vibration 6
- Automation 5
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- failures »
Guidelines for failure investigation /
Published American Society of Civil Engineers, [2018]Subjects: “…Structural failures Investigation.…”
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Guidelines for Failure Investigation.
Published American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018.Subjects: “…Structural failures-Investigation.…”
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Fractography and Failure Analysis
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 6 Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Fatigue Crack Growth Failure and Lifing Analyses for Metallic Aircraft Structures and Components
Published Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…1 Historical Review -- 1.1 FCG Parameters, Concepts and Testing -- 1.2 FCG 'Laws' and Models -- 1.3 Summary -- 2 Basic Information for Aircraft FCG Failure and Lifing Analyses -- 2.1 Importance of Fatigue for Aircraft Structural Failures -- 2.2 Fatigue Crack Nucleation, Discontinuities, Early FCG and Damage Tolerance -- 2.3 Summary of FCG Lifing Methods -- 3 Quantitative Fractography (QF) for FCG analyses -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Fatigue Striation FCG Analyses -- 3.3 Progression Marking FCG Analyses -- 3.4 Fatigue-nucleating Discontinuities and Equivalent Pre-crack Sizes (EPS) -- 3.5 QF Techniques for Fatigue Fracture Surfaces -- 3.6 A Cautionary Note -- 4 Aermacchi MB-326H Wing Spar (1990): Exponential FCG Analysis -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 FCG Analysis for the Failed Spar -- 4.3 Further Examination of Wing Spars -- 4.4 Lessons Learned -- 5 P&W 125B Engine Bearing (1994): 2-Stage Exponential FCG Analysis -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 The Failed No.3 Bearing: Macroscopic and /Metallographic Examination -- 5.3 Cage Failure and FCG Analysis -- 5.4 Interpretation of the Results, Conclusions, and Remedial Action -- 6. …”
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Ultra-low-Cycle Fatigue Failure of Metal Structures under Strong Earthquakes
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Hitoshi Kuwamura -- Preface -- Steel and aluminum -- Fracture of metal structures in past strong earthquakes -- Metal plasticity under monotonic loading till fracture -- Cyclic metal plasticity at extremely large plastic strain -- Ductile fracture of steel under monotonic loading -- Ultra-low-cycle fatigue of steel -- Ultra-low-cycle fatigue failure of aluminum -- Applications to metal structures -- Appendix: Integration algorithm for modified Yoshida-Uemori model.…”
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Design and analysis of composite structures : with applications to aerospace structures /
Published John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.Table of Contents: “…3.3 Constitutive Equations in Two Dimensions: Plane StressExercises; References; Chapter 4: Review of Laminate Strength and Failure Criteria; 4.1 Maximum Stress Failure Theory; 4.2 Maximum Strain Failure Theory; 4.3 Tsai-Hill Failure Theory; 4.4 Tsai-Wu Failure Theory; 4.5 Puck Failure Theory; 4.6 Other Failure Theories; References; Chapter 5: Composite Structural Components and Mathematical Formulation; 5.1 Overview of Composite Airframe; 5.2 Governing Equations; 5.3 Reductions of Governing Equations: Applications to Specific Problems; 5.4 Energy Methods; Exercises; References…”
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The Ageing of Materials and Structures Towards Scientific Solutions for the Ageing of Our Assets /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…What Can be Learnt from Ageing in Biology and Damage-Tolerant Biological Structures for Long-Lasting Biomimetic Materials? -- Chapter 4. …”
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Advances in Structural Integrity Proceedings of SICE 2016 /
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Mechanics of Composite Structural Elements
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Modelling and Analysis of Thin-walled Folded Structures -- 11. Finite Element Analysis.…”
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Enzymatic Synthesis of Structured Triglycerides From Laboratory to Industry /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
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Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Rotor and Structural Dynamics of Turbomachinery A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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In-Service Fatigue Reliability of Structures
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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The Structural Integrity of Carbon Fiber Composites Fifty Years of Progress and Achievement of the Science, Development, and Applications /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…-- 18 Slow cracking in composite materials catastrophic fracture of composite structures -- 19 Finite fracture mechanics a useful tool to analyze cracking mechanisms in composite materials -- 20 Traction-separation relations in delamination of layered carbon-epoxy composites under monotonic loads Experiments and Modeling -- 21 Damage and failure analysis of bolted joints in composite laminates -- 22 City Cars made from Composites -- Part VI -- 23 A virtual testing approach for laminated composites based on micromechanics -- 24 Virtual testing of composite structures Progress and challenges in predicting damage, residual strength and crashworthiness -- 25 Contribution of virtual simulation to industrialisation of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites for manufacturing processes and mechanical performance -- Part VII -- 26 Multi scale progressive failure modeling from Nano-structured carbon fibers to textile composites -- 27 Textile Structural Composites - from 3-D to 1-D fiber architecture -- 28 Experimental and Multiscale Numerical Studies of Woven Fabric Carbon Composite Cylinder Subjected to Internal Pressure Loading -- Part VIII -- 29 Fatigue of 2D and 3D carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites and of a unitized polymer/ceramic matrix composite at elevated temperature -- 30 Carbon Fibers in Tribo-Composites.…”
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Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines Contributions from the 3rd International Workshop, Perm, Russia /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…FM -- Measurement System of Impact Force and Specimen Deflection Based on Electromagnetic Induction Phenomena -- New cracks for hard contact of lithosphere plates with the base -- Dynamics of contour motion of belt drive by means of nonlinear rod approach -- On the method of low-frequency monitoring of the initial stress state of a body -- Mesomechanical response of a soft magnetic elastomer to AC Magnetization -- Splitting of strain solitons upon their interaction in the auxetic rod -- Analysis of acoustic second-harmonic generation in a multilayered structure with nonlinear interfaces -- Experimental and Analytical Examination in Solid Sensible Cylindrical Heat Storage Block consisted of Ferronickel Slag -- A complete direct approach to modeling of dielectric elastomer plates as material surfaces -- Harmonic balance method and stability of discontinuous systems -- Optimization of the dissipative properties of electroelastic bodies with electric circuits through the analysis of natural vibrations -- Multiscale dynamics of damage-failure transitions and structures control under intensive loading -- Influence of Sensors and Actuators on the Design of the Modal Control System -- Control of Beam Vibrations by Casimir Functions -- A modular solver for mechanical system dynamics under one-sided contact constraints -- Shock Absorption Effect of Semi-active Mass Control Mechanism for Structure -- Hierarchical Modeling of Damage and Fracture in a Structurally Inhomogeneous Materials Subjected to Deformation -- Effect of Lattice Misfit Strain on Surface Acoustic Waves Propagation in Barium Titanate Thin Films -- Control of Nanosensors Forming on Base of Aluminum Template -- Dynamic coupling characteristics of slender suspension footbridges with wind-resistant ropes.…”
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Concrete Structures Under Projectile Impact
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
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Damage Tolerance of Metallic Aircraft Structures Materials and Numerical Modelling /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access