Arama Sonuçları - (vektor OR vector), geometry.
Önerilen Konular
Önerilen Konular
- Telecommunication 5
- Control engineering 4
- Data processing 4
- Mechanics, Applied 4
- Automation 3
- Classical Mechanics 3
- Communications Engineering, Networks 3
- Computational Intelligence 3
- Computational Science and Engineering 3
- Computational intelligence 3
- Control, Robotics, Automation 3
- Mathematics 3
- Mechanics 3
- Robotics 3
- Solid Mechanics 3
- Solids 3
- Algebras, Linear 2
- Applied Dynamical Systems 2
- Control and Systems Theory 2
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2
- Data mining 2
- Differential Geometry 2
- Dynamics 2
- Electronics 2
- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 2
- Engineering Design 2
- Engineering design 2
- Engineering mathematics 2
- Geometry, Differential 2
- Linear Algebra 2
Şunu mu demek istediniz:
- vector »
Vektör ile geometri /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Siyasal Kitabevi, 2013.Konular: “…Vektör, geometri.…”
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Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers With Applications to Continuum Mechanics /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Calculus with Curvilinear Coordinates Problems and Solutions /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Algebraic and Differential Methods for Nonlinear Control Theory Elements of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Modeling Thermodynamic Distance, Curvature and Fluctuations A Geometric Approach /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Reference Frames -- Calculus with Vectors and Differential Forms -- Elements of Riemann Geometry -- Equilibrium Thermodynamics -- Thermodynamics as a Contact Geometry Structure -- Thermodynamic Distance -- Geometrization of Thermodynamic Fluctuations -- Thermodynamic Curvature. …”
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Tensor Analysis
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Probe Suppression in Conformal Phased Array
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Application of Geometric Algebra to Electromagnetic Scattering The Clifford-Cauchy-Dirac Technique /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance Nanoscale Distance Measurement in the Biological, Materials and Chemical Sciences /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Shortest Path Solvers. From Software to Wetware
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Astronautics The Physics of Space Flight /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Structural Mechanics of Anti-Sandwiches An Introduction /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies Proceedings of Third International Conference on ICTCS 2017 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Multi-Layer Visual Cryptography with Soft Computing Approach for Authentication -- Knowledge Management Systems leveraging the competitive advantage of top IT organizations: A Multi-case study of Benchmarking Practices -- Performance Analysis of Parallel Implementation of Morphological Operations -- US Dollar's Influence on Indian Gold price Assessment using Artificial Neural Network -- Attribute based storage mechanism with de-duplication filter: A Review Paper -- Review and Analysis of Simulation Results for Consumer Attack Model and Grid Sensor Placement Algorithm -- An Approach to Analyze Behaviour of Network Events in NS2 & NS3 using AWK & Xgraph -- Hybrid Latent Semantic Analysis and Random Indexing Model for Text Summarization -- Digitization of Disaster Management: A Multimedia Ontological Approach -- Prevalent Study of Cooperative Biometric Identification System Using Multimodal Biometrics -- Most Persistent Feature Selection method for Opinion mining of social media reviews -- PhysicalLayer Security with Energy Harvesting Techniques: A Study -- One-tip Secure: Nex-Gen of Text Based Password -- New Text Based User Authentication Scheme Using CAPTCHA -- FPGA Implementation of Parallel Transformative Approach in AES Algorithm -- An Approach to Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare Scrutiny in Hospitals -- Foetal Heart Beat and Volume Detection using Spherical Harmonics Shape Model for Level Set Segmentation -- An Efficient approach for Clustering US census data based on Cluster similarity using Rough Entropy on Categorical Data -- Age classification with LPCC features using SVM and ANN -- Existing and Relevant Methodologies for Energy Efficient Cloud Data centers -- An Enhanced Scheme for PHR on Cloud Servers Using CP-ABE -- Decision Tree Algorithms for prediction of Heart Diseases -- Green communication for wireless cooperative networks: A survey -- Instance Selection using Multi-objective CHC Evolutionary Algorithm -- Inclusive device to connect people with the surrounding World -- Profiling based Effective Resource Utilization in Cloud Environment using Divide and Conquer Method -- Algorithmic approach for error-correcting capability and decoding of linear codes arising from Algebraic Geometry -- Periocular Region Based Biometric Identification Using Local Binary Pattern and Its Variants -- Hand Geometry and Palmprint Based Biometric System with Image Deblurring -- A Low Power, High Swing and Robust Folded Cascode Amplifier at Deep Submicron Technology -- Syllable Based Concatenative Speech Synthesis for Marathi Language -- Inverted U-Shape Monopole Antenna with Notch Band Characteristics for UWB Communication Applications -- A Distance-Based Outlier Detection using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique -- Fast and Memory Leak Free Verication for Bridge Transitions in VLSI designs -- Privacy Preserving K-NN Classification Using Vector Operations -- A Comparative Study on Segmentation Techniques for Brain Tumor MRI -- Integrating Concentrating Solar Plant based System in Multi Area AGC using LabVIEW -- Maximal Stable Extremal Region Extraction of MRI Tumor Images using Successive Otsu Algorithm -- Synthesis of Reversible Array Divider Circuit -- Finding Right Doctors and Hospitals: A Personalized Health Recommender -- An Improved Hybrid Offset Based Min-Sum Decoding Algorithm -- Simulation of Phasor Measurement Unit for Research and Teaching Applications -- Maximum Network Flow Aware Multi-Lightpath Survivable Routing in WDM Networks -- Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.…”
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Control Applications of Vehicle Dynamics.
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.İçindekiler: “…Coordinate Systems -- References -- Chapter 2: Essential Kinematics and Dynamics -- 2.1. Vector Descriptions and Transformations -- 2.2. Change Rate of Vector in Rotating Frame -- 2.3. …”
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Transactions on Engineering Technologies International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2017 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…1 transportation safety improvements through video analysis: an application of obstacles and collision detection applied to railways and roads -- 2 it-security concept cornerstones in industrie 4.0 -- 3 further in-depth investigation of precuing effect on tracking and discrete dual-task -- 4 improvement of maximum production in the batch transesterification reactor of biodiesel by using nonlinear model based control -- 5 production scheduling tools to prevent and repair disruptions in MRCPSP -- 6 a supply chain design of perishable products under uncertainty -- 7 the relationships between education level, income level and prior experience, and the attitude of college students about online shopping in hong kong -- 8 risk mitigation strategy for public private partnership (ppp) of airport infrastructure development in indonesia -- 9 an experimental study of adhesion between aggregate minerals and asphalt binders using particle probe scanning force microscopy -- 10 approaches to a descent underwater vehicle stabilization in conditions of a sea disturbance -- 11 a comparison of different quasi-newton acceleration methods for partitioned multi-physics codes -- 12 implementation of international safety standard en iso 13849 into machinery of tyre industry -- 13 investigation on bidirectional dc/dc converters for energy management and control -- 14 distributed lock relation for scalable-delay-insensitive circuit implementation based on signaltransition graph specification -- 15 a neural network based soft sensors scheme for spark-ignitions engines -- 16 a tourist spot search system based on paragraph vector model of location and category tags using user reviews -- 17 learning method of fuzzy inference systems for secure multiparty computation -- 18 solving the fagnano's problem via a dynamic geometry approach -- 19 an innovative approach to video based monitoring system for independent living elderly people -- 20 color blindness image segmentation using rho-theta space -- 21 estimation ofglobal image threshold based on statistical change-point detection -- 22 automated computer vision system based on color concentration and level for product quality inspection -- 23 applied finite automata and quadtree technique for thai sign language translation -- 24 improvement method for topic-based path model by using word2vec -- 25 how to find similar users in order to develop a cosmetics recommender system -- 26 applied finite automata and quadtree technique for thai sign language translation -- 27 historical event-based story creation support system for fostering historical thinking skill -- 28 japanese-chinese cross-language entity linking adapting to user's language ability.…”
Full-text access
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal, Networks, Computing, and Systems ICSNCS 2016, Volume 2 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…Utilization of Fractal Geometry for Phase Shifter Implementation -- Chapter 36. …”
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Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications Proceedings of ICMEET 2015 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.İçindekiler: “…FPGA Implementation of Test Vector Monitoring BIST Architecture System -- <Chapter 68. …”
Full-text access
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Robust Hand Gesture Recognition for Robotic Hand Control
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Computational Kinematics Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics that was held at Futuroscope-Poitiers, France, in May 2017 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…Part I: Applications -- Inherently Balanced Double Bennett Linkage, by Volkert Van der Wijk -- 3D revolute joint with clearance in multibody systems, by Narendra Akhadkar, Vincent Acary, Bernard Brogliato -- Kinematics and Bifurcation of a Twofold-Symmetric 8-bar Linkage, by Zhao Tang, Dimiter Zlatanov, Jian sheng Dai -- A Novel Kinematic Model of Spatial Four-bar Linkage RSPS for Testing Accuracy of Actual R-Pairs with Ball-bar, by Zhi Wang, Delun Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Huimin Dong, Shudong Yu -- Model Reduction Methods for optimal Follow-the-Leader Movements of Binary Actuated, Hyper-Redundant Robots, by Svenja Tappe, Dairong Yu, Jens Kotlarski, Tobias Ortmaier -- Kinematic Design of a Lighting Robotic Arm for Operating Room, by Juan Sebastian Sandoval Arevalo, Laurence Nouaille, Gérard Poisson, Yves Parmantier -- Elastostatic Modelling of a Wooden Parallel Robot, by Lila Kaci, Clément Boudaud, Sébastien Briot, Philippe Martinet -- Towards an autonomous airborne robotic agent, byDaniel Soto-Guerrero, Gabriel Ramírez Torres, Jean-Pierre Gazeau -- Autonomous March Control For Humanoid Robot Animation In A Virtual Reality Environment, by Victor Andaluz, Santiago Guaman, Jorge Sánchez -- Control Based On Linear Algebra For Mobile Manipulators, by Victor Andaluz, Paola Velasco, Edison Sásig, William Chicaiza -- Modeling And Kinematic Nonlinear Control Of Aerial Mobile Manipulators, by Victor Andaluz, Jessica Ortiz, Franklin Silva, Luis Proaño, José Perez, Alex Erazo, Christian Carvajal -- Path Planning Based On Visual Feedback Between Terrestrial And Aerial Robots Cooperation, by Jessica Ortiz Moreano, Víctor Andaluz, Cristhian Zapata, Alex Vega -- Part II: Biomechanics -- Dynamic analysis and control of a Hybrid serial/Cable driven robot for lower-limb rehabilitation, by Mourad Ismail Samir, Lahouar and Lotfi Romdhane -- Kinematic analysis of Active Ankle using computational algebraic geometry, by Shivesh Kumar, Abhilash Nayak, Bertold Bongardt, Andreas Mueller, Frank Kirchner -- Optimization of a Redundant Serial Spherical Mechanism for Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery, by Carl Nelson, Med Amine Laribi, Said Zeghloul -- Kinematic Analysis for a Prostate Biopsy Parallel Robot using Study parameters, by Doina Pisla, Iosif Birlescu, Bogdan Gherman, Paul Tucan, Calin Vaida, Nicolae Plitea, Nicolae Crisan, Corina Radu -- Optimum Walking of the Bioloid Humanoid Robot on a Rectilinear Path, by Alfonso Pamanes, Gabriela Reyes, Jesus Fierro, Victor Nunez -- A new experimental set-up for training multi-parameter gaits, by Sami Bennour, Houssein LAMINE, Lotfi Romdhane -- Part III: Cable Robots -- Comprehensive dynamic study of an unloaded walking within a cable-based gait trainer, by Houssein Lamine, Sami Bennour, Lotfi Romdhane -- A Cable-Driven Robot for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Inspired by the Mirror Therapy, by Lukas Tappeiner, Erika Ottaviano, Manfred Husty -- Computing cross-sections of the workspace of cable-driven parallel robots with 6 sagging cables, by Jean-Pierre Merlet -- Efficient Computation of the Workspace Boundary, its Properties and Derivatives for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, by Andreas Pott -- Application of the Rigid Finite Element Method to the Simulation of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, by Philipp Tempel, Andreas Schmidt, Bernard Haasdonk, Andreas Pott -- Part IV: Cams/Gear -- Evaluating the knot vector to synthesize the cam motion using NURBS, by Thi Thanh Nga Nguyen, Stefan Kurtenbach, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- Kinematics of biplanetary epicyclic gears, by Stanislaw Zawislak -- Part V: Optimization -- Dynamic synthesis of a multibody system: a comparative study between genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization techniques, by Mohamed Amine Ben Abdallah, Imed Khemili, Med Amine Laribi, Nizar Aifaoui -- Robust Design Methodology of Topologically optimized components under the effect of uncertainties, by Joshua Amrith Raj, Arshad Javed -- < Part VI: Parallel robots -- Kinematic and dynamic modeling and base inertial parameters determination of the Quadrupteron parallel manipulator, by Behzad Danaei, Alaleh Arian, Mehdi Tale Masouleh, Ahmad Kalhor -- Forward Kinematics of the General Triple-Arm Robot Using a Distance-Based Formulation, by Federico Thomas, Nicolas Rojas -- Parallel manipulators in terms of dual Cayley-Klein parameters, by Georg Nawratil -- An Approach for Type Synthesis of Overconstrained 1T2R Parallel Mechanisms, by Chenglin Dong, Haitao Liu, Qi Liu, Tao Sun, Tian Huang, Derek Chetwynd -- Transmission Quality Evaluation for a Class of Four-limb Parallel Schoenflies-motion Generators with Articulated Platforms, by Guanglei Wu, Shaoping Bai, Stéphane Caro -- Study of Redundantly Actuated DELTA-Type Parallel Kinematic Mechanisms, by Burkhard Corves, Seyed Amirreza Shahidi, Michael Lorenz, Sami Charaf Eddine, Mathias Hüsing -- 3-RRR Spherical parallel robot optimization with minimum of singularities, by Abdelbadia Chaker, Asma Jlassi, Abdelfattah Mlika -- 4haptic : A dexterous 4 d.o.fs haptic device based on Delta architecture, by Celestin Preault, Houssem Saafi, Med Amine Laribi, Said Zeghloul -- Error Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of a Planar 3-PRP Parallel Manipulator, by Jayant Mohanta, Santhakumar Mohan, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- Determination of workspace volume of parallel manipulators using Monte Carlo method, by Arkadeep Narayan Chaudhury, Ashitava Ghosal -- Kinematics of a 6-RUU Parallel Robots with Reconfigurable Platforms, by Guanglei Wu, Huimin Dong -- On the Motion/Force Transmissibility and Constrainability of Delta Parallel Robots, by Jan Brinker, Burkhard Corves, Yukio Takeda -- A Geometrical Approach for the Singularity Analysis of a 3-RRS Parallel Manipulator, by Halil Tetik, Gokhan Kiper -- The Collision-free Workspace of the Tripteron Parallel Robot Based on a Geometrical Approach, by Parnyan Ataei, Mehdi Tale Masouleh, Zolfa Anvari -- A Novel 3T1R Parallel Manipulator 2PaRSS and Its Kinematics, by Huiping Shen, Guowei Shao, Jiaming Deng, Ting-li Yang -- Multi-objective optimization of a tripod parallel mechanism for a robotic leg, by Matteo Russo, Saioa Herrero, Marco Ceccarelli, Oscar Altuzarra -- Robust Optimization of the RAF parallel robot for a prescribed workspace, by Med Amine Laribi, Abdelfattah Mlika, Lotfi Romdhane , Said Zeghloul -- Optimal Design of N-UU Parallel Mechanisms, by Yuanqing Wu, Marco Carricato -- Robust multi-objective design optimization of the 3-UPU TPM based on the GA-Krawczyk method, by El hraiech Safa, Chebbi Ahmed, Affi zouhaier, Romdhane Lotfi -- Part VII: Planar Robots -- Topology Optimization of a Reactionless Four-bar Linkage, by Sébastien Briot, Alexandre Goldsztejn -- Kinetostatic Analysis and Solution Classification of a Planar Tensegrity Mechanism, by Philippe Wenger, Damien Chablat -- Design Optimization and Accuracy Analysis ofa Planar 2PRP-PRR Parallel Manipulator, by Santhakumar Mohan, Burkhard Corves, Philippe Wenger -- Operation modes of the planar 3-RRR manipulator, by Aravind Baskar, Sandipan Bandyopadhyay -- The Impact of Kinematic Redundancies on the Conditioning of a Planar Parallel Manipulator, by Joao Vitor Fontes, Hiparco Vieira, Maíra da Silva -- Holistic modular multilayer synthesis of planar linkages using parameterized mass properties, by Stefan Heinrich, Maik Berger -- Part VIII: Theoretical Kinematics -- Motion Interpolation in Lie Subgroups and Symmetric Subspaces, by Jon Selig, Yuanqing Wu, Marco Carricato -- Intrusion, Proximity & Stationary Distance, by Paul Zsombor-Murray -- A novel geometric analysis of the kinematics of the 3-RPS manipulator, by Teja Krishna Mamidi, Aravind Baskar, Sandipan Bandyopadhyay -- Constraint equations of inverted kinematic chains, by Manfred Husty, Thomas Stigger -- Local and Full-cycle Mobility Analysis of a 3-RPS-3-SPR Series-Parallel Manipulator, by Abhilash Nayak, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger -- Application of Intersection Theory to Singularity and Motion Mode Analysis of Mechanisms, by Samuli Piipponen, Andreas Mueller, Eero Hyry, Jukka Tuomela -- Rational Parametrization of Linear Pentapod's Singularity Variety and the Distance to it, by Arvin Rasoulzadeh, Georg Nawratil -- Inverse Kinematics of Anthropomorphic Arms Yielding Eight Coinciding Circles, by Bertold Bongardt -- Optimal Synthesis of Overconstrained 6R Linkages by Curve Evolution, by Tudor-Dan Rad, Hans-Peter Schröcker -- The Instantaneous Screw Axis of Motions in the Kinematic…”
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