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- Engineering geology 10
- Geoengineering 10
- Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Earth Sciences 10
- Geotechnical engineering 10
- Buildings 2
- Soil Science 2
- Soil science 2
- Traffic engineering 2
- Transportation Technology and Traffic Engineering 2
- Transportation engineering 2
- Age groups: children 1
- Bioremediation 1
- Biotechnology 1
- Building Construction and Design 1
- Building Materials 1
- Building materials 1
- Ceramic materials 1
- Ceramics 1
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- Children's Studies 1
- Civil Engineering 1
- Civil engineering 1
- Cultural studies 1
- Design and construction 1
- Energy Policy, Economics and Management 1
- Energy and state 1
- Energy policy 1
- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology 1
- Environmental engineering 1
- Fire Science, Hazard Control, Building Safety 1
Muğla ve yöresi kirkitli dokumalarının sanatsal ve bazı teknolojik özellikleri üzerine bir belgelendirme ve katalog çalışması /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 2013.Kitap -
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure Recent Developments, Upcoming Technologies and New Concepts, Volume 2 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Theme 1: Challenges in design and construction of pavements and embankments -- Theme 2: Design and construction of substructures for highways, high speed railway and metro track projects -- Theme 3: Advances in bridge foundations, waterways, airfields and pipeline transport geotechnics -- Theme 4: Slope stability, landslides, debris flows and avalanches on hilly roads and remedial measures -- Theme 5: Subsurface sensing, investigations and monitoring in transport geotechnics -- Theme 6: Use of geosynthetics and non traditional materials in transport geotechnics -- Theme 7: Transport geotechnics in underground construction -- Theme 8: Ground improvement techniques for transport geotechnics -- Theme 9: Emerging trends in transport geotechnics- Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Macro and Nano Technology, Climate Change and Sustainability.…”
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e-Kitap -
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure Recent Developments, Upcoming Technologies and New Concepts, Volume 1 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Theme 1: Challenges in design and construction of pavements and embankments -- Theme 2: Design and construction of substructures for highways, high speed railway and metro track projects -- Theme 3: Advances in bridge foundations, waterways, airfields and pipeline transport geotechnics -- Theme 4: Slope stability, landslides, debris flows and avalanches on hilly roads and remedial measures -- Theme 5: Subsurface sensing, investigations and monitoring in transport geotechnics -- Theme 6: Use of geosynthetics and non traditional materials in transport geotechnics -- Theme 7: Transport geotechnics in underground construction -- Theme 8: Ground improvement techniques for transport geotechnics -- Theme 9: Emerging trends in transport geotechnics- Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Macro and Nano Technology, Climate Change and Sustainability.…”
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e-Kitap -
Proceedings of International Conference on Remote Sensing for Disaster Management Issues and Challenges in Disaster Management /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…From the content: GIS Based Management System for Flood Forecast Applications -- Rapid detection of regional level flood event using AMSR-E satellite images -- GIS Technology for Assessment of Urban Green Cover Area of Madurai Corporation in Tamil Nadu -- Insight to the potentials of Sentinel-1 SAR data for embankment breach assessment -- Security Issues in Geo-Spatial Big Data Analytics with Special Reference to Disaster Management -- Monitoring convective clouds over India and nearby regions using multi-spectral satellite observations -- Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Border Surveillance -- Quality Evaluation of CartoDEM in different Resolutions -- Multi-angle LIDAR for remote sensing smoke emissions from wildfires -- Urbanisation and Tank systems adjoining Hyderabad - A rapid assessment using Remote Sensing Techniques.…”
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e-Kitap -
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering IGC 2016 Volume 3 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…THEME 5: SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING -- Effects of Dynamic Loading on Properties of Saturated Sand -- A Study on Mitigation of Tilting Problems in Liquefiable Soils -- Effect of Soil Heterogeneity on Soil Structure Interaction -- Nonlinear 1D Ground Response Analysis of Soil Profile using Different Procedures -- Fuzzy - Probabilityapproach in Seismic Hazard Analysis -- Effect of Saturation on Dynamic Properties of Solani Sand -- Effects of Discontinuities on Rock Slope -- In-Direct Estimation of Local Soil Response in the Light of Past as Well as Recent Earthquakes in the Shillong Plateau -- Development of Predictive Equation for Vibration due to DMC Piling -- Effect of Fines on Pore Pressure Development During Cyclic Loading -- Comparative Study of Dynamic Response Analysis of Shallow Foundation on Layered Soils -- Shake Table Studies on Embankments on Liquefiable Soil -- Development of Design Charts for the Dynamic Active Thrust From C- Φ Soil Backfills -- Pseudo-Static Stability Analysis of MSW Landfills in Goa -- Study of Local Site Effects for Strong Motion Recording Stations of Delhi -- Mitigation of Dynamic Loading Effects on Retaining Walls using Recycled Tire Chips -- An Experimental Study on Seismic Soil-Pile Foundation-Structure Interaction in Soft Clay -- THEME 8: ANALYTICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELING IN GEOMECHANICS -- Numerical Modelling of Mechanised Tunnelling in Clay -- Numerical Analysis of Stone Columns in Soft Clay with Geotextile Encasement and Lime Stabilisation -- Stability Analysis of a Typical Sunderban Embankment During Diurnal Tidal Cycle -- Rock Mass Slope Stability Analysis Under Static and Dynamic Conditions in Mumbai, India -- Numerical Analysis of MSE Wall using Finite Element and Limit Equilibrium Methods -- Field and Numerical Investigation on Time Dependent Behaviour of Jute Geotextile (JGT) Reinforced Rural Road -- Parametric Study on the Behaviour of Combined Pile Raft Foundation Founded on Multi-Layered Soil Using Plaxis 3D -- Numerical Analysis of Seismic Response of a Piled Raft Foundation System -- Ultimate Pullout Capacity of Isolated Helical Anchor using Finite Element Analysis -- THEME 9: GEOHAZARDS: ANALYSIS, MITIGATION AND MANAGEMENT -- Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation - a Case Study -- A Catastrophe Theory for Planar Sliding Slope -- Properties of Sand - Rubber Tyre Shreds Mixtures for Seismic Isolation Applications.…”
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e-Kitap -
Jute Geotextiles and their Applications in Civil Engineering
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Chapter I: Introducing Geotextiles -- Chapter II: Jute, Jute Fibre & Jute Yarn -- Chapter III: Jute Geotextiles-Its Types & Functions -- Chapter IV: Soil Basics -- Chapter V: Control of Soil Erosion caused by Rain & Wind with Jute Geotextiles -- Chapter VI: Strengthening of Road Sub-Grade with Jute Geotextiles -- Chapter VII: Controlling River Bank Erosion with Jute Geotextiles -- Chapter VIII: Stabilizing Embankments with Jute Geotextiles -- Chapter IX: Management of Settlement of Railway Tracks -- Chapter X: Consolidation of Soft Soil with Pre-Fabricated Vertical Jute Drain -- Chapter XI: Jute Geotextile Standards, Properties & Test Methods -- Chapter XII: Environmental Aspects -- Chapter XIII: Potentially Important Jute Geo-Textiles -- Chapter XIV: Transportation, Storage and Handling of Jute Geotextiles -- Chapter XV: Prospective Applications of JGT & Its Variants -- Chapter XVI: Economical and Environmental Advantages of JGT in Different Applications -- Chapter XVII: Applications of JGT & Few Case Studies -- Chapter XVIII: Future of Jute Geotextiles -- Bibliography & Index.…”
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e-Kitap -
Soul of society a focus on the lives of children & youth /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2014.İçindekiler: “…Youth experiences of space in a gentrifying community : a case study of Asbury Park, New Jersey / Alicia Raia-Hawrylak -- Poetic perspective, critical insight : a study of youth attitudes toward place and community / Maggie La Rochelle, Patsy Eubanks Owens -- Children's participation in communication systems : a theoretical perspective to shape research / Claudio Baraldi -- The role of children and youth in teaching student teachers how to teach / Patricia Danyluk -- Gender differences in the effects of teen employment upon adolescents educational and occupational aspirations / Sampson Lee Blair, Patricia Neff Claster -- Rising souls : religion and family relationships among Latino adolescents / Eve Veliz -- Sexualisation and the discursive figure of the child / Jessica Clark -- A cross-cultural study of children's understanding of terrorists : "They make the world not safe" / Maureen Blankemeyer, Kathleen Walker, Mary Dellmann-Jenkins -- Exploring the links between victimization and delinquency among Caribbean youth : using an ecological perspective to review the literature / Julie V. …”
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e-Kitap -
Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies GeoNEst /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…Addressing Sustainable Technologies in Geotechnical Engineering -- Interpretation of Natural Ground Properties for Geotechnical Engineering -- Seismic SSI Analysis for Critical Structures -- Recycled Geomaterials for Sustain able Geotechnics -- Displacement Based Static and Seismic Slope Stability Analysis -- Geotechnical Aspects of Analysis and Design of Offshore Wind Turbines -- Modeling and Behavior of Geosynthetic Rein Forced Foundations -- Image Based Characterization Techniques for Geotechnical Applications -- Geotechnical Challenges in Tunelling Through Weak Rocks -- Reliability and Accuracy in Seismic Geophysical investigations -- Elastic-Viscoplastic Models and their Applications in Geotechnical Engineering -- Geotechnical and Geophysical investigation -- Foundations on Difficult Soils -- Slope Stability, Landslides and Natural Disaster Mitigation -- Earth Retaining Structures -- Earth Retaining Structures -- Geoenvironmental Engineering -- Behaviour of Unsaturated Soils -- Geohydrology, Dam and Embankment Engineering -- Rock Mechanics, Tunnelling and Underground Structures -- Ground Improvement Techniques -- Uncertainties, Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering -- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering -- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering -- Transportation Geotechnics -- Sustainable Geotechnics -- Marine Geotechnics -- Computational Geomechanics and Geotechnical Modelling -- Forensic Geotechnical Engineering and Case Studies -- Allied Areas in Geotechnical Engineering -- Geotechnical and Geophysical Investigation -- Slope Stability, Landslides and Natural Disaster Mitigation -- Geosynthetics Engineering. .…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Sustainability Issues in Civil Engineering
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Sustainable Transportation Systems -- Sustainable Usage of Construction and Demolition Materials in Roads and Footpaths -- A Few Dilemmas Pertaining Transportation Infrastructures and their Sustainability -- Bitumen Stabilized Materials for Sustainable Road Infrastructures -- Sustainable Transportation for Indian Cities: Role of Intelligent Transportation Systems -- Economic Sustainability Considerations in Asphalt Pavement Design -- Sustainable Design of Indian Rural Roads with Reclaimed Asphalt Materials -- Sustainability of Railway Tracks -- Use of System Approach To Identify, Evaluate and Implement Sustainable Policies and Practices in the Road Construction Industry -- Part 2: Sustainable Geosystems -- Resilient and Sustainable Geotechnical Solution: Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Disaster -- Reinforced Piled Embankments for Sustainable Infrastructure Development -- Experimental Modeling of Unsaturated Intermediate Geomaterials for Sustainable Design of Geotechnical Infrastructure -- Underground Space for Sustainable Urban Development: Experiences from Urban Underground Metro Constructions in India -- Sand - Tire Chips Mixtures for Sustainable Geo-Engineering Applications -- Evaluation of Bioreactor Landfill As Sustainable Land Disposal Method -- <part 3:="" sustainable="" environmental="" and="" water="" resources -- Assessment of Landfill Sustainability -- Approaches To Selecting Sustainable Technologies for Remediation of Contaminated Sites: Case Studies -- Disinfection of Water using Pulsed Power Technique:Effect of System Parameters and Kinetic Study -- Part 4: Sustainable Structural Systems -- Pre-Engineered Bamboo Structures: A Step Towards Sustainable Construction -- Sustainability- way forward in Architectural Engineering -- Harnessing Sustainable Solutions through Challenges - A Case Study of World Record Long-Distance Pumping of Concrete.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Ground Improvement Techniques and Geosynthetics IGC 2016 Volume 2 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…THEME 3 : GROUND IMPROVEMENT AND GEOSYNTHETICS -- Behaviourial Study on Geopolymer Column in Soil -- A Study of Parameters Influencing Efficiency of Micropile Groups -- Alteration of CBR Values in Soft Soils using Enzymatic Lime -- Factors which Influence PVD Performance in Soft Clay Consolidation -- Experimental Study of Heave Control Technique for Expansive Soil using Micropiles and Geotextile Layers -- Effect of Underground Void on the Internal Stress Distribution in Soil -- Influence of Properties of Infill Material on the Behaviour of Geocells -- Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforcement Effect on the CBR Strength of Cohesive Soil -- Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing on Clay Soil Reinforced with Metal Strips and with Anchors -- Application of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation for Soil Improvement Via Ureolysis -- Influence of Organic Content on Fly Ash Stabilisation of Clay -- Strength Behaviours of the Clayey-Silt Soil Mixed with Fly Ashand Sand -- Strength Behaviour Of Expansive Soil Treated With Quarry Dust And Ferric Chloride -- Lime Stabilization of Subgrade with Waste Sand as Partial Soil Replacement -- Assessment Of Vetiver Grass Root-Reinforcement In Strengthening The Soil -- Geotechnical Aspects of Constructions Along the Canal Embankment using Rice Husk Ash as Stabilizer -- Use of Jhama Columns as Replacement of Stone Columns -- Laboratory Study on the Performance of Geo-Synthetic Reinforced Sand Bed -- Repeated Load Response of Encapsulated Granular Trench Supported Footings on Embankments -- Re-Appraisal of Physico-Mechanical Stability of Lime Treated Soils -- Back analysis of PVD performance in Mumbai Port -- Discharge and Absorption Capacity Tests on Composite Prefabricated Vertical Drains -- Stabilization of Clay at Sunnam Cheruvu Area in Nadergul, Hyderabad using Organic Waste -- The Tensile Strength Behavior of Lime Stabilized Soft Soil with Inclusion of Plastic Fiber -- Pullout Behaviour of Geosynthetics - a Review of Laboratory Testing Techniques -- Model Study on Cyclic Loading Responses of Flexible Pavement System Laid on Expansive Subgrade -- Evaluating the Strength Characteristics of Lime and Metakaolin Stabilized Expansive Soil -- Ground Improvement using Sand Columns to Mitigate Liquefaction - a Case Study -- Stabilization of Expansive Soil with Red Mud and Lime -- California Bearing Ratio and Permeability Behaviour of Fly Ash Reinforced with Geotextiles -- Influence of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Contents on California Bearing Ratio Value of Clay Gbfs Mixture -- Geocell Reinforced Dense Sand Bases Overlying Weak Sand Subgrades Under Repeated Loading -- Load-Settlement Behaviour of Granular Pile on Cochin Marine Clay using Recycled Aggregate -- Transmissivity of Coir Latex Composite -- Influence of Combined Vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement on Granular Piles in Soft Clays -- Effect of Ggbs and Lime on the Strength Characteristics ofBlack Cotton Soil -- Soil Improvement using Microbial: a Review -- Long Term Strength Studies on Natural Fibre Composite (N-F-C) Sheets for Use as Separator in Flexible Pavements in Terms of CBR Values -- Coefficient of Consolidation for Vertical and Radial Drainage -- Comparative Analysis of Strength Characteristics of Soil Reinforced with Coir and Polypropylene Fibers -- Geo-Engineering Properties of Sedimented Flyash Bed Stabilized by Chemical Columns -- A Short Review of Geosynthetic Granular Column Treatment of Soft Clay Soils -- Engineered Anti Erosion Works Along the Right Bank of Jiabharali River in Assam -- Static and Cyclic Properties of Eps Geofoam -- Swell Behavior of Expansive Soils with Stabilized Fly Ash Columns.…”
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e-Kitap -
Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Japan : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Initial Trigger for Slope Failures in Volcanic Ash Layer of Hillside Surface in Izu-Oshima Island in Japan due to a Typhoon Rainfall in 2013 -- A Case Study on Silty Sand Liquefaction -- Bearing Capacity of Breakwater Mound under Tsunami-induced Seepage Flow -- Verification of improvement effectiveness by compaction methods during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake -- Development of rational soil liquefaction countermeasure consisting of lattice-shaped soil improvement by jet grouting for existing housing estates -- Uplift Mechanism of Rectangular Tunnel in Liquefied Soils -- Seismic Response of Geosynthetic Reinforced Earth Embankment on Different Soil Foundation -- Development of a new in-place cement-mixing method by high pressure injection -- Use of Swedish weight sounding tests for detecting liquefiable backfills reclaimed in iron sand mining pits in Asahi city of Chiba in Japan -- GIS-based study on liquefaction-induced soil subsidence in the Urayasu area due to the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake -- Effects of non-plastic fines on undrained cyclic behavior of loose sand -- An investigation on the liquefaction-induced sloped ground failure during the 1964 Niigata Earthquake -- Laboratory Experiments on Seepage in Liquefied Sand -- Effects of Cyclic Triaxial Loading Rates on Liquefaction Behavior of Fine-Grained Soils -- Effect of Gravel Content on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Sand -- Effects of overconsolidation, cement stabilisation and unsaturation on the liquefaction resistance of Urayasu sand -- Loessial Landslides Induced by the Minxian-Zhangxian Ms6.6 Earthquake of China in 2013 -- Numerical Simulation of Run-out Behavior of Earthquake-induced Landslides -- The geometric characteristics and initiation mechanisms of the earthquake-triggered Daguangbao landslide -- Centrifuge Modeling of Relationships between Earthquake Intensities and scales of post-quake Triggering Rainfall and Landslide -- Time-prediction method of the onset of a rainfall-induced landslide based on the monitoring of surface displacement and groundwater level in the slope -- Typhoon Rainfall Induces Slope Creep, Groundwater Variation, and Slope movement -- Topographic Characteristic of the Rainfall Inducing landslide in Slate Stratum-Case of Ai-Liao Catchment, South Taiwan -- Site Investigation and In Situ Testing on Shallow Landslide Scars of Natural Slopes Covered by Volcanic Ash and Pumice Fall -- Overhaul the Anchored Slopes in Taiwan -- A study by field measurement and numerical simulation about rainfall seepage mechanism in case of torrential rainfall -- Numerical simulation for the earthquake-induced deformation of a residential-land slope reinforced with landslide prevention piles -- Centrifuge model test on slope reinforcement by Rock bolt with Facing Plate -- Numerical Simulation of Post-entrainment Debris Flow at Alluvial Fan Using FLO-2D Model -- Photomicrograph Investigation of Rock Thin Sections taken from Landslides Scree by the Eastern Honshu Earthquake, 2008 -- An Extension to Weiler-Atherton Clipping Algorithm for the Face-to-face Contact in Three-dimensional Discrete Element Method -- Application of Three-dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis to Simulate Characteristics of Planar Translational Slope Failure -- Hazard mapping for earthquake induced geo-disaster chain -- Monitoring Techniques for Sediment Disaster in Mountant Area -- Seismic Performance of Piles from EQWEAP and Monte Carlo Simulation Analyses -- The overflow model experiment using the waterway for examining the countermeasure effect against the Tsunami-induced tide embankment scouring -- Analysis of a coastal structure damaged due to compound effect of earthquake and tsunami -- An Example of the Restoration Method of Levees Damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake -- Remediation of a Failed Slope Located at Fault Fracture Zone -- Case Study of Using the Low-Pressure Grouting Method to Uplift a Tilted Building -- A Study on the Bio-treatment Technique of Ground Improvement with Urease Micro-organisms which Live in Japan -- Behavior of Breakwater Foundation Reinforced with Steel Sheet Piles under Seismic Loading -- Shaking table model tests on mitigation of liquefaction-induced distortion of shallow foundation -- Study on the effect of union basement on decreasing destruction during liquefaction -- Analysis of the lateral force on stabilizing piles in c-φ soil -- Application of Close-Range Photogrammetry for Post-Failure Reconnaissance of a Retaining Wall -- Seismic response of a newly-developed geocell reinforced soil retaining wall backfilled with gravel by shaking table model test -- Ultimate Lateral Resistance of Piles in Soils based on Active Pile Length -- Effect of backfill reinforcement on retaining wall under dynamic loading -- Numerical study on the seismic response of waterfront retaining wall reinforced with cushion -- Factors Controlling the Behavior of Piled Foundations due to Cyclic Lateral Loading -- Centrifugal model loading tests on reinforced soil retaining wall with ground water permeation -- Horizontal pressure on a non-yielding wall due to flexible and rigid strip loading -- Matric Suction and Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Compacted Lateritic Soil Subjected to Drying and Wetting -- A constant-head well permeameter measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the vadose zone and the capabilities of carbon dioxide injection -- Remediation of Volcanic Ash Soil in Related to Soil Erodibility against the Heavy Rainfall -- Structural Patterns Effects on the Tensile Properties of Hexagonal Wire Meshes (12 cm x 15 cm). .…”
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e-Kitap -
Geotechnical Applications IGC 2016 Volume 4 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…-Effect of Excavation on the Response of Circular Footing in Sandy Soil -- THEME 6 : STABILITY OF EARTH AND EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES -- Analysis of Slope Stability of Fly Ash Stabilized Soil Slope -- Slope Stability Studies of Excavated Slopes in Lateritic Formations -- Effect of Varying Geometrical Configuration of Sheet Piles on Exit Gradient and Uplift Pressure -- Stability Analysis of a Tailings Dam- a Comparative Study -- Stability Analyses for Reclamation Bund on Marine Clay -- Slope Stability Analysis of Steep Reinforced Soil Slopes using Finite Element Method -- Reinforcement Tensile Forces in Back-To-Back Retaining Walls -- Limit Analysis of Full Scale MSE Wall- A Comparative Study -- Effect of Toe Cutting on Hillslope Stability -- Stability of Earthen Embankment with Clay Core Under Tidal Fluctuation -- Reduction of Surcharge Induced Earth Pressure on Rigid Non-Yielding Retaining Wall using Relief Shelves -- Stability Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Soil Slopes using Numerical Techniques -- THEME 7 : ROCK ENGINEERING, TUNNELING AND UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTIONS -- Static and Dynamic Slope Stability Assessment of a Himalayan Rock Slope -- Rock Failure Pattern Under Uniaxial, Triaxial Compression and Brazilian Loading Conditions -- Analysis of a Diaphragm Wall Panel After Leakage during Deep Excavation -- Response of Single Pile Due to Deep Excavation and Underground Openings -- THEME 10 : FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS AND CASE HISTORIES -- Support of Deep Excavation using Contiguous Pile a Case Study -- Punch-Through Analysis of Jack-Up Rig at a Site Off the East Coast of India - a Case Study -- THEME 11 : RELIABILITY IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING -- Reliability Analysis of Slopes in Soils with Strain-Softening Behaviour -- THEME 12 : SPECIAL TOPICS: OFFSHORE GEOTECHNICS, REMOTE SENSING AND GIS, GEOTECHNICAL EDUCATION, CODES & STANDARDS -- Appraisal of Sensitivity Correlations on Data From Clays of Western Indian Offshore -- Behaviour of Bucket Foundations in Sandy Bed Subjected to Eccentric Lateral Loading -- Effect of Soil Structure Interaction Analysis on the Response of Fixed Offshore Jacket Structure -- Effect of Stiffness Degradation of Clay in the Dynamic Response of Monopile Supported Offshore Wind Turbines.…”
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e-Kitap -
Geotechnical Modelling.
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Taylor & Francis Group, 2004.İçindekiler: “…6.6 Pore fluid -- 6.7 Site investigation -- 6.8 Instrumentation -- 6.9 Modelling and testing -- 6.10 Closure -- 7 Theoretical modelling -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Elastic stress distributions -- 7.3 Plastic failure analysis -- 7.3.1 Bound theorems -- 7.3.2 Structural example -- 7.3.3 Continuum problems-Mohr's circle -- 7.3.4 Bearing capacity of cohesive soil -- 7.3.5 Wall retaining cohesive soil -- 7.3.6 Bearing capacity of frictional soil -- 7.4 One-dimensional consolidation -- 7.4.1 Parabolic isochrones -- 7.4.2 General power law approximate solution -- 7.4.3 Pore pressures for stability analysis of embankment on soft clay -- 7.5 Macroelement models -- 7.5.1 Box model -- 7.5.2 Wall model -- 7.5.3 Footing model -- 7.5.4 Extended Newmark sliding block model -- 7.6 Closure -- 8 Soil-structure interaction -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Elastic analyses -- 8.2.1 Beam on elastic foundation -- 8.2.2 Pile under lateral loading -- 8.2.3 Pile under axial loading -- 8.2.4 Piled raft -- 8.3 Serviceability calculations -- 8.4 Relative foundation stiffness -- 8.5 Downdrag on pile -- 8.6 Settlement reducing piles -- 8.7 Flexible retaining wall -- 8.8 Tunnel lining -- 8.9 Pile in displacing ground -- 8.10 Integral bridge abutment -- 8.11 Closure -- 9 Envoi -- Bibliography -- Index.…”
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e-Kitap -
Internal Erosion in Earthdams, Dikes and Levees Proceedings of EWG‐IE 26th Annual Meeting 2018 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access