Search Results - Executive stability.
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- Artificial Intelligence 3
- Artificial intelligence 3
- Control engineering 3
- Automation 2
- Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 2
- Biomedical engineering 2
- Computational Intelligence 2
- Computational intelligence 2
- Control, Robotics, Automation 2
- Robotics 2
- Applied Dynamical Systems 1
- Biophysics 1
- Calculus of Variations and Optimization 1
- Calculus of variations 1
- Communications Engineering, Networks 1
- Control and Systems Theory 1
- Control theory 1
- Dynamics 1
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1
- Electrical engineering 1
- Human-computer interaction 1
- Industrial and Production Engineering 1
- Industrial engineering 1
- Machines, Tools, Processes 1
- Manufactures 1
- Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics 1
- Mathematical models 1
- Mathematical optimization 1
- Mechanical Engineering 1
- Mechanical engineering 1
Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Technology
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Mesh-based Modeling of Individual Cells and their Dynamics in Biological Fluids -- Usage of Industrial Computed Tomography for Evaluation of Custom-Made Implants -- Assessment of Mortality Risk for Patients Undergoing Colorectal Surgery Using Regression Modelling -- Profiling of Software Requirements for the Pharmaceutical Enterprise Manufacturing Execution System -- Application of Survival Analysis on Analysing the Association between Chromosomal Aberrations and Carcinoma -- Modelling the Results of the Phadiatop Test Using the Logistic and Ordinal Regression -- Complex Data Management in MRI Results Processing -- Biometrics for Biomedical Applications -- Multimedia Support of Medical Education Utilizing On-Line Archive of Video Lectures -- Evaluation of Postural Stability Using Motion Analysis Techniques -- Some Issues on an Object-Oriented Programming Language for Physarum Machines -- A Tool for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders Based on the MMPI Test: an Overview -- The Instance and Feature Selection for Neural Network Based Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Bronchitis -- New Methods for the Reliability Analysis of Healthcare System Based on Application of Multi-State System.…”
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Applied Physics, System Science and Computers II Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Physics, System Science and Computers (APSAC2017), September 27-29, 2017...
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Noticing of Volume Fraction Limiting -- Simulation of the Inflow to a Well Equipped with a Vertical Slot Filter -- Errors of Approximation with Polynomial Splines of the Fifth Order -- Classical Potential Barrier of Liquid Phase Radical Reactions and Its Simulation Based on the Experimental Kinetic and Thermochemical Data Using Fuzzy Neural Networks -- Type of Substance as a New Physical Quantity -- Spectroscopy of Colorants for Fine Art in Visual and Near Infrared Spectrum -- From Quantum Sensing to SWEME Interaction Modeling -- An Ultrasound Technique for the Characterization of the Acoustic Emission of Reinforced Concrete Beam -- Prediction of Airport Acoustical Noise by Deterministic Decomposition and Seasonal ARIMA Techniques -- Express Registration of Partial Discharges in Gas-insulated Switchgear -- Risk Factors for the Occurrence of Traumatic Vacuum Phenomenon After Chest Compression for Patients with Cardiac Arrest -- A System for Big Attributed Hierarchical Graph Visualization -- A System of Functional Programming for Supporting Cloud Supercomputing -- Security and Performance of a Textual Substitution Compression Method Applied to Images -- A Solution of the Mastermind Board Game in Scratch Suitable for Algorithmic Thinking Development -- The Development of KarelNXT Robot as a Simulation of xKarel Programming Language -- Development of Polytechnic Creativity of Primary School Pupils -- Distribution and Validation of Meteorological Data for the Air Traffic Management Systems -- HLA Simulation of Customer Flow in a Polyclinic -- Steganographic Principle for Transfer Hidden Pictures within Pictures -- Assets as Part of Tertiary Technical Education -- Using of the Tablets for Amplyopia Treatment -- Neural Interface: The potential of Using Cheap EEG Devices for Scientific Purposes -- Optimal Information Paths in Social Media: Personalized Consumption of Tweets -- Solving Sparse Matrices: a Comparative Analysis between FPGA and GPU -- Making a Shift from Believing to Knowing by the Help of RDF CFL Formal Representation -- Deformation Analysis in Image Sequences by Physics-Inspired Virtual Current Interaction -- Utilization of NFV in Cloud Data Center -- Autonomic Machine Learning for Intelligent Databases -- Recommender System for Post-editing of Machine Translation -- Neural Network methods for Image Segmentation -- An HPC-Data Center Case Study on the Power Consumption of Workload -- Identifying Problematic e-Courses Content Based on Students Behaviour -- Dyscalculia: A Behavioural Vision -- Enhancing the Development of Interaction between Authorities in Maritime Surveillance -- Electricity Peak Demand Classification with Machine Learning Techniques -- Theϵ-Complexity of Finite-Dimensional Continuous Maps -- Characterisation of the Vibration of an Ultrasonic Transducer for Guided Waves Applications -- Asymptotic Stability of Partial Difference Equations Systems with Singular Matrix -- Chaos and Stability of the Financial System -- A Simple Econophysics Model of the Stock Market as a Nonequilibrium Open System -- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Selected Multipulse Rectifiers, Used in "Conventional" Airplanes and Aircrafts Consistent with the Trend of "MEA/AEA" -- A Sufficient Asymptotic Stability Condition in Generalised Model Predictive Control to Avoid Input Saturation -- Minimization of Dynamic Loads in the Reciprocating Motion of the Executive Links of a Large Mass -- Harmonic Analysis in a Node Where Exist a Deformed Regime -- Human Upper Limb Motions Video Analysis Used for Rehabilitation Robotics -- Interactive Control System Proposal for High Switching Frequency Resonant Converters -- PWM Controlled Single-Phase Induction Motor Supplied from Single-Leg MxC -- Forward and Inverse Kinematics Using Transposition Method for Robotic Arm DOBOT -- Integral Assessment of Power Network Equipment Operational Risks: Special Aspects.…”
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Whole-Body Impedance Control of Wheeled Humanoid Robots
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Advances in Dependability Engineering of Complex Systems Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, July 2 - 6, 2017,...
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Zarandi -- 16.Comparative analysis of calculations in cryptographic protocols using a combination of different bases of finite fields -- 17.Dynamic Redundancy in Communication Network of Air Traffic Management System -- 18.Availability models and maintenance strategies for smart building automation systems considering attacks on component vulnerabilities -- 19.Concept of multi-criteria evaluation of the airport security control process -- 20.Extending Continuous Integration with post-mortem debug automation of unhandled exceptions occurred in kernel or user mode applications -- 21.The Methodology of Studying of Active Traffic Management Module Self-Oscillation Regime -- 22.Effectiveness examination of a multi-channel CSMA/CA detector -- 23.IaaS vs. traditional hosting for web applications - cost effectiveness analysis for a local market -- 24.High quality stabilization of an inverted pendulum using the controller based on trigonometric function -- 25.The application of RFID technology in supporting the process of reliable identification of objects in video surveillance systems -- 26.Aspect-oriented management of service requests for assurance of high performance and dependability -- 27.Process of mobile application development from the security perspective -- 28.Managing and Enhancing Performance Benchmarks;Jakub Maleszewski and Janusz Sosnowski -- 29.Reliability Optimization for Controller Placement in Software-Defined Networks -- 30.Agent Approach to Network Systems Experimental Analysis in Case of Critical Situations -- 31.RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT OF DRIVING SYSTEMS OF CITY BUSES;Marek M³yñczak -- 32.Testing the significance of parameters of models estimating execution time of parallel program loops according to the Open MPI standard -- 33.On application of regime-switching models for short-term traffic flow forecasting -- 34.Critical information infrastructure protection model and methodology -- 35.The method of creating players in the marketing strategy;Henryk Piech -- 36.Principles of mobile walking robot control in scope of technical monitoring tasks -- 37.Computer Systems - Simple -- 38.Improving FPGA Implementations of BLAKE and BLAKE2 Algorithms with Memory Resources -- 39.Assurance Case Patterns On-line Catalogue;Monika Szczygielska and Aleksander Jarzêbowicz -- 40.Information system as a cause of cargo handling process disruption in intermodal terminal -- 42.Stability Enhancement Against Fluctuations in Complex Networks by Optimal Bandwidth Allocation -- 43.The scope of the collected data for a holistic risk assessment performance in the road freight transport companies -- 44.Language Processing Modelling Notation - orchestration of NLP microservices -- 45.Type Variety Principle and the Algorithm of Strategic Planning of Diversified Portfolio of Electricity Generation Sources.…”
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Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Feedback Control A Lyapunov-Based Approach /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2017 /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Rudas, József Tar -- A Novel Single-Loop Decoupled Schoenflies-Motion Generator: Concept and Kinematics Analysis, by Raffaele Di Gregorio -- A comparative study of three manipulator performance measures, by Vassilis Moulianitis, Eleftherios Katrantzis, Nikos Stravopodis, Nikos Aspragathos -- Analysis of constraint singularities of a 2-dof spatial parallel mechanism, by Stefano Mauro, Gabriele Biondi -- Central active mechanism for unmanned space docking , by Stefano Mauro, Tharek Mohtar, Stefano Pastorelli, Massimo Sorli -- On the mechatronic design of a low-cost 6-DoFs parallel kinematic manipulator, by Hermes Giberti, Enrico Fiore -- Behaviour-based Inverse Kinematics Solver on FPGA, by Alexander Köpper, Berns Karsten -- A novel reconfigurable 3-URU parallel platform, by Luca Carbonari, David Corinaldi, Matteo Palpacelli, Giacomo Palmieri,Massimo Callegari -- Mechatronic Design and Control of a 3-RPS Parallel Manipulator, by Giorgio Figliolini, Chiara Lanni, Rea Pierluigi, Tommaso Gallinelli -- Control, identification and calibration of robotic systems -- Force Analysis for the Impact Between a Rod and Granular Material, by Dorian Cojocaru, Dan Marghitu, Hamid Ghaednia, Memduh Arsalan -- Cooperative Distance Measurement for an Anti-aircraft Battery, by Karol Dobrovodský, Pavel Andris -- Collision Avoidance of Robots by Artificial Force Field around Geometric Primitives using two Range Image Sensors, by Christian Thormann, Alexander Winkler -- Using Compliancy for Autonomous Execution of Path Following Tasks, by Leon Žlajpah, Nejc Likar -- Study concerning a robotic system with Matlab/OpenCV post-processing, by Victor Constantin, Ciprian Ion Rizescu, Mihai Ciocan, Dana Rizescu -- Output Control of a Class of Hyper-redundant Robots, by Mircea Ivanescu, Mircea Nitulescu, Dong Hai Nguyen, Mihaela Florescu -- Using virtual sensors inindustrial manipulators for service algorithms like payload checking, by Marina Indri, Stefano Trapani -- Robust Motion Control of a Soft Robotic System Using Fractional Order Control, by Bastian Deutschmann, Christian Ott, Concepcion A. …”
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