Search Results - Gabriel Scott
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Computers & Technology 1
- Distance Education & Learning 1
- Education 1
- Education, Higher 1
- Educational: IT & computing, ICT 1
- General 1
- Industrial sociology 1
- Internet in higher education 1
- Religion and sociology 1
- Simulation games in education 1
- Simulation methods 1
- Social Science 1
- Sociology 1
- Sociology of Religion 1
- Sociology: work & labour 1
- Teachers' classroom resources & material 1
- Virtual reality in education 1
Increasing student engagement and retention using immersive interfaces virtual worlds, gaming, and simulation /
Published Emerald, 2012.Table of Contents: “…Pheils -- Use of open source software and virtualization in academia to enhance higher education everywhere / Maurice Eugene Dawson, Imad Al Saeed -- Active learning in a robotics laboratory with university students / Lorella Gabriele, Assunta Tavernise, Francesca Bertacchini -- Utilising the virtual learning environment to encourage faculty reflection and improve the student learning experience / Tiffany M. …”
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Religion, work and inequality
Published Emerald, 2012.Table of Contents: “…Massengill, Anne Fengyan Shi -- Conservative Protestants, early transitions to adulthood, and the intergenerational transmission of class / Scott T. Fitzgerald, Jennifer L. Glass -- Religion and the American occupational structure / Darren E. …”
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