Arama Sonuçları - Newspeak~
Önerilen Konular
Önerilen Konular
- History 7
- Social Science 7
- Tarih 5
- Basın 4
- General 4
- Press 4
- Artificial Intelligence 3
- Artificial intelligence 3
- Communication 3
- Computational Intelligence 3
- Computational intelligence 3
- Linguistics 3
- Mass media 3
- Methodology 3
- Research Methods in Language and Linguistics 3
- Sociology 3
- Turkish newspapers 3
- Türk gazeteleri 3
- Criminology 2
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2
- Data mining 2
- Gazete yazıları 2
- Gazetecilik 2
- Journalism 2
- Media and Communication 2
- Political Science 2
- Political aspects 2
- Social issues & processes 2
- Social movements 2
- Sociological aspects 2
Tarihten günümüze Kıbrıs Türk basını : 1879-2009 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi AKDTYK Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, 2013.Konular:Kitap -
Tüm boyutlarıyla internet haberciliği /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Gece Kitaplığı, 2017.Konular: “…Electronic newspapers. 71573…”
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İslam Aleminde Şaşkınlıklar /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Sebil, 1993.Konular: “…Islam Newspaper writings. 63570…”
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Gazeteci gözü ile Ovit yolu -1 : (hakkında en çok yazı yazılan yol) /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Çınar Eğitim Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Derneği, 2011Konular: “…Newspaper articles. 70459…”
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Havadis 1913 : yüz yıl önce/
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2014.Konular: “…The Ottoman Empire--Constitutional Period 1876--1920--Newspapers. 87121…”
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Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında Istanbul basınında Bursa, 1925-1928 Cumhuriyet : İkdam /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2012.Konular:Kitap -
Milli Mücadele'de Anadolu basınında güney cephesi : (Adana, Antep, Maraş, Urfa): 1919-1921 /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, 2005.Konular:Kitap -
Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında Istanbul basınında Bursa, 1925-1928 Cumhuriyet : İkdam /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2012.Konular:Kitap -
İkinci dünya savaşı yolunda Japonya : Cumhuriyet gazetesi üzerinden Türk basınından Japonya imajı (1933-1941)/
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Kitapdostu Yayınları, 2015.“…Japan on the way to the second world war : Images of Japan created by the Inter-war Turkish press The role of Cumhuriyet, Turkish daily newspaper (1933-1941).…”
Kitap -
Contacts and Contrasts in Cultures and Languages
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Elliot": A Narrative of a Failed Romance -- (Un)successful Communication: Sex-based Differences and Contrasts -- Similarities and Contrasts in Multisensory Metaphorical Conceptualisations of Memories in Polish and English -- Metaphors of Pride in Polish and English - A Corpus-based Study -- Blending In: Hybridity, Identity and Creolization -- The Presence of Loanwords of Nahuatl Origin in the Press of Veracruz, Mexico -- Contrasting News Values in Newspaper Articles and Social Media: A Discursive Approach to the US Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage -- A Corpus-assisted Critical Discourse Analysis of "migrants" and "migration" in the British Tabloids and Quality Press -- Linguistic Differences in Headlines: Comparison between Korean and American Newspapers -- Well-being and Collective Identity in Cross-cultural Contexts -- The Phenomenon of Global English in the World of Interactive Online Entertainment.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Advances in Combining Intelligent Methods Postproceedings of the 5th International Workshop CIMA-2015, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, November 2015 (at ICTAI 2015) /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…Real-Time Investors' Sentiment Analysis from Newspaper Article -- On the effect of adding nodes to TSP instances: An empirical analysis -- Comparing Algorithmic Principles for Fuzzy Graph Communities over Neo4j -- Difficulty estimation of exercises on tree-based search algorithms using neuro-fuzzy and neuro-symbolic approaches -- Generation and Nonlinear Mapping of Reducts - Nearest Neighbor Classification -- New quality indexes for optimal clustering model identification based on cross-domain approach -- A hybrid user and item based collaborative filtering approach by possibilistic similarity fusion -- .…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Emerging Space Markets
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…Commercial Space Markets and Stakeholder -- NASA COTS/ NASA CCDEV and Space Agencies Technology Roadmaps in the context of Commercial Space Markets -- Technology Roadmaps of Newspace companies -- European and International Commercial Space Markets -- Commercial Space Markets and Traditional Space Industry -- Historic Commercialization Lessons Learnt -- Commercial Space Markets Evolution and Challenges -- Financing Commercial Space Projects, developing business cases, strategic, market and technology innovation risks -- Public Private Partnerships (PPP), Joint Ventures and Research Partnerships -- NASA COTS/NASA CCDev Benefits Definition and Impact -- Technology Spin-off, Spin-In and Space Applications.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Human rights and media
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2011.İçindekiler: “…Grimes -- Recognition of genocide in Bosnia : frameworks of interpretation in U.S. newspapers / Helen Fein, Walter Ezell, Herbert F. Spirer -- National and ethnic discourses on Cyprus television / Nayia Roussou -- Human rights discourse in the Antebellum black press / Timothy Shortell -- Child labor and photojournalism / Edoardo Gianotti -- Internet, computer-mediated communications and gay rights movements in Taiwan / Chung-Yi Cheng, Kenneth C.C. …”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
The M in CITAMS@30 : media sociology /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.İçindekiler: “…Prelims -- Introduction to volume 18: The M in CITAMS@30: media sociology -- Part 1 Inequalities and media -- Closing the digital divide: a justification for government intervention -- Public knowledge and digital divide: the role and impact of China's media -- Changing politics of tribalism and morality in I Am Legend and its remakes -- A niagara of intemperance and vice: newspaper reports on immigrant New York, 18001900 -- Part 2 Cultural production and consumption -- Everyone's a critic? …”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
The Electric Century How the Taming of Lightning Shaped the Modern World /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.İçindekiler: “…1 Introduction -- 2 Chaotic Beginnings - 3 Lighting that Doesn't Need Lighting -- 4 Streetcars, Subways, Trains and Suburbs -- 5 First You Have to Make It: The Spread of Electricity Supply -- 6 Beginnings of Mass Production: Electric Power in Industry -- 7 Early Mass Media: Newspapers and Cinema -- 8 The Catless Miaow: Wireless Telegraphy -- 9 Healthy? …”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Media, movements, and political change
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2012.İçindekiler: “…Rohlinger, Ben Kail, Miles Taylor, Sarrah Conn -- A story-centered approach to the newspaper coverage of high-profile SMOs / Edwin Amenta, Beth Gharrity Gardner, Amber Celina Tierney, Anaid Yerena, Thomas Alan Elliott -- Media framing of the Pittsburgh G-20 protests / Rachel V. …”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Radiation Effects on Integrated Circuits and Systems for Space Applications
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.İçindekiler: “…Chapter1: Space and Radiation Environments -- Chapter2: System-Level Modeling and Analysis fo the Vulnerability of a Processor to SEU -- Chapter3: Single Event Effects Test Methods -- Chapter4: Characteristics and Applications of Pulsed-Laser-Induced Single-Event Effects -- Chapter5: Microprocessor Testing -- Chapter6: Fault Injection Methodologies -- Chapter7: Mitigation techniques and Error prediction applied in Multicore processors -- Chapter8: Improving reliability of multi/many-core processors by using NMR-MPar approach -- Chapter9: System Hardening and Real Applications -- Chapter10: Backward Error Recovery in SRAM based FPGA -- Chapter11: Development of a Hardened 150nm Standard Cell library -- Chapter12: COTS in Space: Constraints, Limitations and Disruptive Capability -- Chapter13: COTS & the NewSpace -- Chapter14: The Phoenix GPS Receiver for Rocket and Satellite Applications - An Example for the Successful Utilization of COTS Technology in Space Projects -- Chapter15: Simulation-based Radiation Hardness Assurance for ATHENA-WFI -- Chapter16: COTS for Deep Space Missions.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Sociology of crime, law and deviance.
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi JAI Press, 2000. Elsevier : Architectural Press, 2000.İçindekiler: “…Meehan -- A duty to kill: an occupational perspective from the front lines of a killing institution / Elizabeth McLin -- Legitimating murder? An analysis of newspaper coverage of violence at abortion clinics / Gray Cavender -- Reading prisons: a metaphoric-organizational approach / Christopher R. …”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Selected Papers from the International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, CSIT 2016, September 6-10 Lviv, Uk...
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.İçindekiler: “…-Fuzzy Evaluation Method for Project Profitability -- New approach for Saving Semistructured Medical Data -- Architecture and Conceptual Bases of Cloud IT Infrastructure Managemen -- Generation of the Association Rules Among Multidi-mensional Data in DBMS Caché Environment -- Threat Assesment Method For Intelligent Disaster Decision Support SysteM -- Mobile Activation Learning System Using Gamification Approach -- University's Information Image as a Result of University Web Communities' Activities -- Multi-Modular Optimum Coding Systems Based on Remarkable Geometric Properties of Space -- The Method of Statistical Analysis of the Scientific, Colloquial, Belles-Lettres and Newspaper Styles on the Phonological Level -- Theoptimal Aggregation of Integrated Regional Systems "Production, Wasterecycling" -- Intelligent Systems Designof Distance Learning Realization for Modern Youth Promotion and Involvement in Independent Scientific Researches -- An Ontology-based Approach for User Interface Adaptation -- Algebraic Framework for Knowledge Processing in Systems With Situational Awareness -- Classification Methods of Text Documents Using Ontology Based Approach -- The Identıfıcatıon of the Operator's Systems Images Usıng the Method of the Phase Portraıt -- Concept implementation of Decision Support Software for the Risk Management of Complex Technical System -- The Model of Data Analysis of the Psychophysiological Survey Results -- Two Algorithms Median Filtering to Identify the Time Series Trend -- Use Electric and Acoustic Technologies for Automated Control of Water -- Analysis of Clustering Algorithms -- Semantic Search Personalized Data as Special Method of Processing Medical Information.…”
Full-text access
e-Kitap -
The politics of policing between force and legitimacy /
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Emerald, 2016.İçindekiler: “….] -- Police shootings in black and white : exploring newspaper coverage of officer-involved shootings / Charles F. …”
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