Arama Sonuçları - Operation Spring Shield~

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  1. 1

    Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems The 13th International Symposium /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
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    New Trends in Medical and Service Robots Human Centered Analysis, Control and Design /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
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    Advances in Mechanism Design II Proceedings of the XII International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Dyk and V. Zeman -- Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads in a Hole in the Cover of a Pressure Vessel by Welding using Sysweld, by R. …”
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  4. 4

    Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2017 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Aref, Juho Vihonen, Reza Ghabcheloo, Jouni Mattila -- A Novel Method for Geometric Robot Calibration Using Laser Pointer and Cameras, by Hubert Gattringer, Matthias Neubauer, Dominik Kaserer, Andreas Mueller -- Redundant Robotic Manipulator Path Planning for Real-Time Obstacle and Self-Collision Avoidance, by Tuomo Kivelä, Jouni Mattila, Jussi Puura, Sirpa Launis -- A Low-cost Experimental Device for Compliant Physical Human-Robot Interaction, by Dániel Rácz, Mátyás Takács, Péter Galambos, János Somló -- Using spring-damper elements to support human-like push recovery motions, by Ruth Malin Kopitzsch, Katja Mombaur -- Validation of Relevant Parameters of Sensitive Manipulators for Human-Robot Collaboration, by David Kirschner, Andreas Schlotzhauer, Mathias Brandstötter, Michael Hofbaur -- Optimization-based methods for planning and control of environment-aware robotic systems -- Preliminary design of an electropneumatic automatic machine for herbaceous grafting, by Guido Belforte, Gabriella Eula, Terenziano Raparelli, Silvia Sirolli, Pietro Piccarolo, Paolo Gay, Davide Ricauda, Lorenzo Comba -- A Falling Motion Strategy for Humanoids Based on Motion Primitives of Human Falling, by Libo Meng, Zhangguo Yu, Weimin Zhang, Xuechao Chen, Marco Ceccarelli, Qiang Huang -- Legged robot strategies for climbing stairs, by Mircea Nitulescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Sorin Manoiu-Olaru, Dong Hai Nguyen Van -- Kinematic Path Control of a Redundant Robot Arm in Sliding Mode, by Evgeniy Krastev -- Precise Positioning of a Robotic Arm Manipulator Using Stereo Computer Vision and Iterative Learning, by Kaloyan Yovchev, Denis Chikurtev, Nayden Chivarov, Nedko Shivarov -- A Receding Horizon Push Recovery Strategy for Balancing the iCub Humanoid Robot, by Stefano Dafarra, Francesco Romano, Francesco Nori -- Neural Networks for Real-Time, Probabilistic Obstacle Detection, by Tobias Werner, Josua Bloeß, Dominik Henrich -- Vision systems -- Cloud Robot Vision Services Extend High-performance Computing Capabilities of Robot Systems, by Florin Daniel Anton, Theodor Borangiu, Silvia Anton, Silviu Raileanu -- A robotic 3D vision system for automatic cranial prostheses inspection, by Maria Cristina Valigi, Silvia Logozzo, Gabriele Canella -- Automated, Depth Sensor Based Object Detection and Path Planning for Robot-Aided 3D Scanning, by Jakob Ziegler, Hubert Gattringer, Dominik Kaserer, Andreas Mueller -- Collision Avoidance System for Collaborative Robotics, by Stefano Mauro, Leonardo Sabatino Scimmi, Stefano Pastorelli -- Mobile robots and path planning design and construction of a demonstrative Heritagebot Platform, by Marco Ceccarelli, Daniele Cafolla, Matteo Russo, Giuseppe Carbone -- Estimation of the Traversal Time for a Fleet of Industrial Transport Robots, by Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Stephan Gspandl, Micheal Reip -- Adapting Edge Weights for Optimal Paths in a Navigation Graph, by Clemens Mühlbacher, Gerald Steinbauer, Stephan Gspandl, Micheal Reip -- Advanced Modelling Techniques for Flexible Robotic Systems, by Mariapaola D'Imperio, Cristiano Pizzamiglio, Daniele Ludovico, Giancarlo Genta, Darwin Caldwell, Ferdinando Cannella -- Autonomous Mobile Manipulation using ROS, by Heiko Engemann, Patrick Wiesen, Stephan Kallweit, Harshavardhan Deshpande -- Automation and robotics for vehicles -- Team of Pneumatic ASi-controlled Climber Robots for Ships Inspection, by Enrico Ravina -- Elasto-kinematic characteristics of Car Sus-pensions with magnetorheological bushings, by Renato Brancati, Giandomenico Di Massa, Ernesto Rocca, Cesare Rossi, Sergio Savino, Francesco Timpone -- Delay-dependent criteria for robust lateral stability control of articulated vehicles, by Mojtaba Sharifzadeh, arash farnam, Adolfo Senatore, Francesco Timpone, Ahmad Akbari -- Comparison of modelling tools for the assessment of the parameters of driving assistance solutions, by Flavio Farroni, Guido Fusco, Luigi Pariota, Sebastian Rosario Pastore, Aleksandr Sakhnevych, Francesco Timpone -- Modeling, Simulation and Control of a 4WD Electric Vehicle with In-Wheel Motors, by Raffaele Iervolino, Aleksandr Sakhnevych -- Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Driving Applications, by Antonio Tota, mauro velardocchia, Levent Guvenc -- UAV: Innovation and new application fields in the future -- Electromagnetic characterization of installed antennas through UAVs, by Irene Aicardi, Pietro Bolli, Andrea Lingua, Fabio Paonessa, Marco Piras,Giuseppe Virone -- Remote Sensing from RPAS in Agriculture: an Overview of Expectations and Unanswered Questions, by Enrico Borgogno Mondino -- A Self-adapting Method for 3D Environment Exploration Inspired by Swarm Behaviour, by Jan Zelenka, tomas kasanicky, Ivana Budinska -- Analysis & Modelling of Powertrain Components for an Efficient UAV Design, by Mario Silvagni, Marcello Chiaberge, Federico Tessari -- Camera Selection and Flight Planning for Post Processing 3D Reconstruction Automatization, by Mario Silvagni, Marcello Chiaberge, Osman Abdalla Sidahmed Osman -- A modular Cloud Robotics architecture for data management and mission handling of UnmannedRobotic Services, by Marcello Chiaberge, Mario Silvagni, Claudio Sanguedolce, Gianluca Dara -- Application of an inspection robot composed by collaborative terrestrial and aerial modules for an operation in agriculture, by Roberto Grassi, Rea Pierluigi, Erika Ottaviano, Paolo Maggiore -- Industrial applications -- Airbrush robotic painting system: experimental validation of a colour spray model, by Lorenzo…”
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    8th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part 1: Energy Efficient Clean Metallurgical Technology -- Flash Ironmaking from Magnetite Concentrate in a Laboratory Reactor: Experimental and CFD Work -- Synthesis of Chromite for Subsequent Carburization by Methane-hydrogen Gas Mixture -- Effects of Hydrogen-enriched Reduction on Metallurgical Properties of Iron-Bearing Burdens under BF Operation with Cog Injection -- Microwave-intensified Reduction of Biochar-containing Briquettes -- Refractory Challenges in Lead Recycling Furnaces -- Synthesis of Carbide Ceramics via Reduction of Adsorbed Anions on an Activated Carbon Matrix -- Part 2: Simulation of High Temperature Process -- A CFD Based Algorithm for Kinetics Analysis of the Reduction of Hematite Concentrate by H2+CO Mixtures in a Drop Tube Reactor -- A Continuous Dynamic Process Model to Design a Carbon Profile toward Yield Improvement -- Alloy Yield Prediction Model Based on the Data Analysis in EAF Steelmaking Process -- Analysis of Jet Behavior and Surface Fluctuations in the Meniscusof Fluid in a Physical Model of a Beam Blank Mold and CFD Modelling -- CFD Study of Gas-liquid Phase Interaction Inside a Submerged Lance Smelting Furnace for Copper Smelting -- Debottlenecking High Temperature Metallurgical Plants through Modeling and Simulation -- Assessment of Slag Entrainment in a RH Degasser through Physical Modelling Using Circulating Fluids of Different Densities/Oil Systems for Simulating Steel Melt/Slag -- Part 3: Fundamental Research of Metallurgical Process -- Investigate on the Phase Composition of Vanadium Slag with High CaO Content and Influence of P2O5 on Crystallization Kinetics of Spinels -- Thermal Analysis Kinetics of the Solid-State Reduction of Nickel Laterite Ores by Carbon -- Thermodynamic and Experimental Investigations of High Temperature Refractory Corrosion by Molten Slags -- Thermodynamic Calculation on the Reactivity between Slag and Ti-stabilized Stainless Steel -- Part 4: Alloys and Materials Preparation -- Development of a Novel, Low-cost Titanium Extraction Process for Bulk or Powder Applications -- Evolution of Non-metallic Inclusions in Solid Fe-Al-Ti-N Alloy during Heating -- Preparation of Low-carbon Ti2O3 by Carbon thermal Reduction of the Mixture of Titanium Dioxide and Activated Carbon under Vacuum Condition -- Pyrometallurgical Studies for Manganese Extraction Using Turkish Ore Reserves -- Trace Elements Behavior during the Oxidation of Liquid SiMn Alloy -- Effect of Microalloy Elements V And Mg on Organization at High Heat Input Welding Shipbuilding Structure Steel -- Part 5: Extraction and Recovery of Metals -- Effect of Carbon Reductant On The Formation of Copper Doped Titanium Oxycarbonitride by Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation -- Cohering Behavior of Scrap Powder in Kiln by a Novel Natural Stacking Method -- Direct-to-blister Copper Smelting with the ISASMELT™ Process -- Improving Separation of Cu-Fe from Copper Slag by Mineral Phase Reconstruction -- Phase Transformation of High Calcium Type Tin, Iron-bearing Tailings during Magnetizing Roasting Process -- Sensitivity of Contactless Ultrasound Processing to Variations of the Free Surface of the Melt with Induction Heating -- Extraction of Zinc from Willemite by Sodium Salt Roasting and Ammonia-leaching Process -- Part 6: Ironmaking and Steelmaking -- Influence of Puhrstahl Heraeus Refining Process on Aluminum Consumption in Interstitial-Free Steel Smelting Process -- Formation Mechanisms of Inclusions in Spring Steels -- Investigation on Coal Combustion Behaviors under the Oxygen Blast Furnace -- Inclusion Control with Ca Treatment to Improve Castability of a Low Carbon Al Killed Steel -- High Temperature Mineralization Mechanism of Granules during Iron Ore Sintering Process -- Reduction Behaviors of Sinter Made from Magnetite Concentrates in Reducing Process Simulated COREX Shaft Furnace -- Part 7: Treatment and Recycling of Slag/Wastes -- Introduction of Matte Droplets in Copper Smelting Slag -- Dissolution Behavior of Fe from Glassy Oxide Phase in Steelmaking Slag -- Penetration Depth of Microwave in Tire Rubber -- Effect of TiO2 on Thermophysical Properties and Structure of P-bearing Steelmaking Slags -- Analysis for Optimum Conditions for Recovery of Valuable Metals from E-Waste through Black Copper Smelting -- Precipitation Behavior of MxTi3-xO5 in the Titanium-Bearing Electric Furnace Slag -- Part 8: Utilization of Complex Ores -- Evaluation of Molybdenum Concentrates -- Intensification of Gold Leaching from a Multi-refractory Gold Concentrate by the Two-stage Roasting-alkaline Sulfide Washing-cyanidation Process -- The Recovery of Cobalt from Copper Converter Slag by Reduction-sulfurization Smelting at High Temperature -- Roasting of Celestite in Laboratory Scale Rotary Furnace -- The Experimental Study of CaCO3 in the Vanadium Extraction Process -- The Extraction of Zinc from Zinc Ferrite by Calcified Roasting and Ammonia Leaching Process -- Part 8: Poster I -- A New Method to Detect the High Temperature Distribution in the Ironmaking and Steelmaking Industry -- A Study for Reconstructing the Three-dimensional Temperature Field of a Blast Furnace Raceway Based on Monte Carlo Method -- Behaviour of Silicon in Nickel Laterite by Carbothermic Reduction in Vacuum -- Effect of CaO Addition on the Behavior of Vanadium and Phosphorus during Oxidation and Leaching Process -- Effect of Inner Shape on Blast Furnace Performance for Iron Making -- Effect of Lance Configurations on Coal Flow and Combustion Characteristics -- Effect of Silicon on Removal of Phosphorus from High Phosphorus Si-Mn alloy by CaO-Based Slag -- Effect of Super Gravity on the Solidification Structure and C Segregation of High Carbon Steel -- High Temperature Distribution Measurement of the Blast Furnace Raceway through Imaging Techniques and Optimization Algorithms -- Kinetics and Reduction Behavior of Self-reducing Briquettes Containing Blast Furnace Dust -- Model Analysis of the Phenomena of Pulverized Coal Injection in Blast Furnace -- Sintering Performance of Blends Containing High Proportion of Limonite Iron Ore Fines -- Thermodynamics Study on Phosphorus Distribution between 2CaO•SiO2-3CaO•P2O5 Solid Solution and Liquid Slag -- Two-step Copper Smelting Process at Dongying Fangyuan -- Part 9: Poster II -- Comparison of the Ringing Characteristics between Acid and Alkaline Iron Ore Pellets Powder in Kiln -- Comprehensive Utilization of Ludwigite Iron Concentrate by Gas-based Direct Reduction -- Decarburization of Spent Petrochemical Catalysts via Microwave Oxidation Roasting -- Effect of FeO Content in Laterite Nickel Slag on the Corrosioin Behaviour of Refractory Materials -- Effects of Blowing Conditions on the Dispersion States of Materials Charged into Bottom Blown Oxygen Smelting Furnace -- Effects of Pre-oxidation and Additives on Carbothermic Reduction of Ilmenite Concentrate -- Influence of Converter Slag on Decomposition Behavior of Limestone during BOF Steelmaking Process -- Influence of Hot Charge on Blast Furnace Performance for Iron Making -- Investigation and Application of Evolution System of Stock Surface Gas Flow Distribution in Blast Furnace -- Investigation of the Carbothermic Reduction of Chromium-containing Vanadium Extraction Residue -- Molecular Dynamics Study of the Structural Properties with Varying -- One-step Extraction of Lead from Spent Lead-acid Battery Paste via Reductive Sulfur-fixing Smelting: Thermodynamic Analysis -- Removal of Cd(II) Ion from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Wasted Low Grade Phosphorus-containing Iron Ore -- Research on the Flow Behavior of Molten Slag through Pore -- Study on the Influence of Materials on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Blast Furnace Cooling Staves.…”
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  6. 6

    New Advances in Mechanisms, Mechanical Transmissions and Robotics Proceedings of The Joint International Conference of the XII International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical...

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Pan, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- Kinematic Characterization of the Origami Spring Based on a Spherical 6R Linkage, by Hiroshi Matsuo, Daisuke Matsuura, Yusuke Sugahara, Yukio Takeda -- Scaled Test Stand Simulation for Studying the Behavior of Anti-Lock Brake Systems on Bumpy Roads, by Valentin Ciupe, Dan Teodor Margineanu, Erwin-Christian Lovasz -- MTM - Terminology -- Activities of Russian - Speaking Scientists in Development of MMS Terminology, by Victor Starzhinsky, Evgenii Shalobaev, Mark Kane, Veniamin Goldfarb -- State of Art in Separate Sections of MMS Terminology and Some Proposals, by Evgenii Shalobaev, Serge Shil'ko, Rymantas Tadas Tolocka, Victor Starzhinsky, Galina Iurkova, Dmitry Surikov -- Robotics - Mechanical design of robot architecture -- DesignSolutions to Simplify the Calibration of a Robotic Flexible Manufacturing System, by Ana Maria Stoian, Inocentiu Maniu, Erwin-Christian Lovasz, Corina Gruescu -- Robotics - Mobile robots -- Reconbot: A Reconfigurable Rescue Robot Composed of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Upper Humanoid Body and Track Mobile Platform, by Wan Ding, Tim Detert, Burkhard Corves, Yao Yan-An -- Kinematics Modelling of Mobile Robot with Articulated Limbs without Wheel Slip, by Przemyslaw Sperzynski -- Experimental Platform for Hexapod Locomotion, by Mircea Nitulescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Sorin Manoiu-Olaru, Dong Hai Nguyen Van -- Quadcopter Propeller Design and Performance Analysis, by Endrowednes Kuantama, Dan Craciun, Ioan Constantin Tarca, Radu Tarca -- A Method for Structural Synthesis of Cooperative Mobile Manipulators, by Zine Elabidine Chebab, Jean-Christophe Fauroux, Grigore Gogu, Nicolas Bouton, Laurent Sabourin, Youcef Mezouar -- Mobile Robot used to collect data from a difficult access area, by Ryad Zemouri, Paul Patic -- Robotics - Parallel robots -- Extended procedure for Stiffness modeling based on the Matrix Structure Analysis, by Tim Detert, Burkhard Corves -- Translational parallel manipulator with Pa2 kinematic joints, by Alfonso Hernández Frías, zhang zhen, Victor Petuya, Erik Macho, Enrique Amezua -- Synthesis and Modeling of Redundantly Actuated Parallel Kinematic Manipulators- An Approach toEfficient Motion Design, by Tobias Haschke, Michael Lorenz, Jan Brinker, Mathias Hüsing, Burkhard Corves -- 6-PSS based Parallel Manipulators, by Dwarakanath T A, Ketan Lagoo, D N Badodkar -- Robotics - Sensors and actuators in robotics -- Compliant rotary actuator driven by shape memory alloy, by Han Yuan, Xavier Balandraud, Jean-Christophe Fauroux, Frédéric Chapelle -- Modelling and Simulation of Linear Actuators in Mechatronic Systems, by Valer Dolga, Lia Dolga, Cristian Moldovan -- Robotics - Robotic control systems -- Dynamic Control for a Class of Continuum Robotic Arms, by Mircea Ivanescu, Mircea Nitulescu, Dong Hai Nguyen, Mihaela Florescu -- Actuator design for stabilising single tendon platforms, by Daniel Haarhoff, Melanie Kolditz, Dirk Abel, Sigrid Brell-Cokcan -- Model-based stability prediction of a machining robot, by Said Mousavi, Vincent Gagnol, Belhassen-Chedli Bouzgarrou, Pascal Ray -- Robotics - Biomedical engineering -- Augmented PID Control of a 2PPR-2PRP Planar Parallel Manipulator for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Applications, by Jayant Kumar Mohanta, Santhakumar Mohan, Stefan Kurtenbach, Burkhard Corves, Mathias Hüsing -- Human motion characterization using wireless inertial sensors, by Michał Olinski, Antoni Gronowicz, Marco Ceccarelli, Daniele Cafolla Trajectory analysis for modified Jansen leg mechanism configuration, by Florina Pop, Erwin-Christian Lovasz, Cristian Pop, Valer Dolga, Sanda Margareta Grigorescu -- Development of an Assisting Instrument of Standing-up Motion Using Driving Springs for Elderly Persons, by Hidetsugu Terada, Koji Makino, Kazuyoshi Ishida, Masahiro Ichikawa -- An Evolutionary Computational Algorithm for Trajectory Planning of an Innovative Parallel Robot for Brachytherapy, by Florin Girbacia, Doina Pisla, Silviu Butnariu, Bogdan Gherman, Teodora Girbacia, Nicolae Plitea -- Inverse Kinematics and Dynamics of an Overconstrained Manipulator for the Rehabilitation of Upper Extremity, by Özgün Selvi, Kuntay Yılmaz -- Robotics - Teleoperation, haptics, virtual reality -- Image Processing Based Stiffness Mapping of a Haptic Device, by Barıs Taner, Mehmet Ismet Can Dede -- Robotics - Compliant structures Kinematic Analysis of a Flexible Tensegrity Robot, by Oscar Altuzarra, Mikel Diez, Javier Corral, Francisco J. …”
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    Ancient Engineers' Inventions Precursors of the Present / Yazar: Rossi, Cesare, Russo, Flavio

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
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