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- Educational equalization 2
- Environmental chemistry 2
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Crystallizing Ideas - The Role of Chemistry
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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The school to prison pipeline : the role of culture and discipline in school /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.Full-text access
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Black male teachers diversifying the United States' teacher workforce /
Published Emerald, 2013.Table of Contents: “…Morris -- Being black, being male, and choosing to teach in the 21st century : understanding my role, embracing my call / Chezare A. …”
Full-text access
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Black female teachers : diversifying the United Sates teacher workforce /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.Full-text access
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Black colleges across the diaspora : global perspectives on race and stratification in postsecondary education /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.Full-text access
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Black males and intercollegiate athletics an exploration of problems and solutions /
Published Emerald, 2015.Full-text access
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Social production and reproduction at the interface of public and private spheres
Published Emerald, 2012.Table of Contents: “…Introducing social production and reproduction at the interface of public and private spheres / Marcia Texler Segal, Vasilikie Demos, Esther Ngan-ling Chow -- Gendered desire and heteronormativity in the transnational matchmaking process / Minjeong Kim -- Transnationalism, motherhood, and entrepreneurship : Chinese women in Spain / Amelia Sáiz López -- Living culture and making relationships : mothers and daughters negotiate sexuality in Indonesia and Canada / Marilyn Porter, Kristi Poerwandari -- Single mothering in poverty : black feminist considerations / Bette J. Dickerson, Wanda Parham-Payne, Tekisha Dwan Everette -- Neoliberalism and the feminization of family survival : the happiness project in four Chinese villages / Lihua Wang -- Work-to-family conflict and women's construction of work/family roles in post-Mao China / Jiping Zuo, Yongping Jiang -- Doing it all : the effects of gender, rank, and department climate on work-family conflict for faculty at liberal arts colleges / Catherine White Berheide, Cay Anderson-Hanley -- Empirical study of gender occupational segregation of rural-urban migrant workers in China / Zhen Wang -- Gender discourse in the cultural context of globalization : transmission, conflict, and discourse competition / Di Yang, Yihong Jin -- Learning and identity : life, work and citizenship / Adrienne S. …”
Full-text access
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Black American males in higher education diminishing proportions /
Published Emerald, c2009Full-text access
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Notions of family intersectional perspectives /
Published Emerald, 2013.Table of Contents: “…Paré -- Intersectionality and work-family balance : a study of black, white, and Mexican-American adults / Rashawn Ray, Pamela Braboy Jackson -- Labor force participation among Asian, black, hispanic, and white mothers in 20 Occupations / Liana Christin Landivar.…”
Full-text access
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Underserved populations at historically black colleges and universities : the pathway to diversity, equity, and inclusion /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.Table of Contents: “…mentoring students at an HBCU -- White faces in black spaces: examining facultystudent engagement for white doctoral student success at historically black colleges and universities -- Religious minority students at HBCUs -- Thursdays at five thirty-five -- The role of HBCUs in tackling issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion -- Challenging cultural norms at HBCUs: how perceptions impact lgbtq students' experiences -- Afrocentric worldview, hetero-normative ethos and black LGBTQ intellectuals matriculating through afrocentric psychology programs at historically black colleges/universities (HBCUs) -- Providing support for non-black students and faculty at HBCUs: a promising approach for senior academic and student affairs officers (SASAOs) -- Envisioning equity: women at the helm of HBCU leadership -- Bad board behaviors: undermining growth and development at historically black colleges and universities -- What's next? …”
Full-text access
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African American rural education : college transitions and postsecondary experiences /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Table of Contents: “…Prelims -- African American Rural Students: Exploring the Intersection of Place and Race -- Secondary Education Pathways -- Passport with No Access: The Habitus and Cultural Capital Influences of Rural, African American, and Low Socioeconomic Status Students' College Aspirations -- Black, Gifted, and Living in the "Country": Searching for Equity and Excellence in Rural Gifted Education Programs -- Black Males in Rural Contexts: Challenges and Opportunities -- #BlackGirlMagic: The (Mis)education of Gifted Black Girls from Economically Disadvantaged, Rural Communities -- Postsecondary Education Pathways and Experiences -- The Privileged Rural: The College Experiences of Rural African Americans -- Rural Pathways to Higher Education: The Role of Mathematics Achievement and Self-efficacy for Black Students -- Rural, Black, and Distant: Building Relationships to Foster Higher Education Access -- The Culturally Relevant Classroom Management Competence of Novice Teachers -- Advancing Rural Administrators and Teacher Leaders: Educational Opportunity in the Alabama Black Belt -- Outsiders within: Critical Perspectives of Black/African American Women Teaching Multicultural Counseling in Rural Appalachia -- Afterword -- About the Series Editors -- About the Authors -- Index.…”
Full-text access
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Visions of the 21st century family transforming structures and identities /
Published Emerald, 2013.Table of Contents: “…[et al.] -- On generations, affections, and roles in the family in Brazil / Alda Britto da Motta.…”
Full-text access
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Europe's malaise : the long view /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.Table of Contents: “…Far-right Youth Activism and the Making of a New Europe -- Crossing the Race Line: "No Polish, No Blacks, No Dogs" in Brexit Britain? or, the Great British Brexit Swindle -- An Economic Recipe for Backlash -- Sovereignty Matters: The Mainstreaming of Populist Politics in the European Union -- Is the European Union's Role in the World in Crisis Too? …”
Full-text access
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Family relationships and familial responses to health issues
Published Emerald, 2014.Table of Contents: “…Wilmoth -- Work-family conflict and depression for employed husbands and wives in Japan : moderating roles of self and spousal role involvement / Tetsushi Fujimoto, Sayaka K. …”
Full-text access
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Climate change, media & culture : critical issues in global environmental communication /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.Full-text access
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Environmental Geotechnology Proceedings of EGRWSE 2018 /
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Role of Geochemistry in Sustainable Geotechnics -- Development on the Technology for Offshore Waste Final Disposal in S. …”
Full-text access
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Handbook of Quality of Life in African Societies
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Adolescent Resilience in the Face of Relentless Adversity: The Role of Strong, Black Women; Linda C. Theron and Michael Ungar -- 6. …”
Full-text access
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Critical Dietary Factors in Cancer Chemoprevention
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Preface -- Commentary (Translational insights into the role of dietary agents in cancer chemoprevention: Lets walk the talk)-Expert opinion -- iii. …”
Full-text access
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Transparent Data Mining for Big and Small Data
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Full-text access