Arama Sonuçları - chemistry, analytical (quantitave OR quantitative).

Sonuçları Daraltın
  1. 1

    Analytical chemistry and quantitative analysis / Yazar: Hage, David S.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Prentice Hall, 2011
    Konular: “…Chemistry, Analytic Quantitative. 41191…”
  2. 2

    Analytical chemistry and quantitative analysis / Yazar: Hage, David S.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Prentice Hall, 2011
    Konular: “…Chemistry, Analytic Quantitative. 41191…”
  3. 3

    Quantitative chemical analysis / Yazar: Harris, Daniel C.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi W.H. Freeman, 2010.
  4. 4

    Kantitatif Analiz Ders Kitabı / Yazar: Gündüz, Turgut

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Gazi , 2011
    Konular: “…Chemistry, Analytic Quantitave. 46557…”
  5. 5

    Foundations of Analytical Chemistry A Teaching-Learning Approach / Yazar: Valcárcel Cases, Miguel, López-Lorente, Ángela I., López-Jiménez, Ma Ángeles

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…1.Principles of Analytical Chemistry -- 2.Analytical properties -- 3.Traceability: Reference materials -- 4.Generalities of the analytical process -- 5.Quantitative analytical processes -- 6.Qualitative analytical processes.-.…”
    Full-text access
  6. 6

    Green Analytical Chemistry Past, Present and Perspectives /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…History and Milestones of Green Analytical Chemistry -- Teaching Green Analytical Chemistry -- Analytical Laboratories: Trends and Future Perspectives -- Evaluation of Impact of Analytical Activities on the Environmental and Human Health -- Direct Techniques of Detection, Identification and Determination of Trace Constituents -- New Achievements in the Field of Extraction of Trace Analytes from Samples Characterized by Complex Composition of the Matrix -- "Green" Nature of the Derivatization Process in Analytical Chemistry -- Passive Techniques of Sampling of Analytes -- Green Sorption Materials Used in Analytical Procedures -- New Types of Solvents in the Field of Analytical Chemistry -- Green Chromatography and Related Techniques -- Fast Tests for Assessment of the Wide Spectrum of Pollutants in the Different Types of the Medium -- Remote Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants -- Comparative Greenest Evaluation -- Quantitative Assessment -- Future Trends and Perspectives of Green Analytical Chemistry.…”
    Full-text access
  7. 7

    Quantitative Infrared Spectroscopy for Understanding of a Condensed Matter Yazar: Hasegawa, Takeshi

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Japan : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Full-text access
  8. 8

    Analitik kimya : Temel ilkeleri / Yazar: Skoog, Douglas A.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Bilim Yayınları, 2004.
    Konular: “…Chemistry, Analytic Quantitative.…”
  9. 9

    Kantitatif analiz laboratuvar kitabı / Yazar: Gündüz, Turgut

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Gazi Kitabevi, 2012.
  10. 10

    Analitik kimya : Temel ilkeleri / Yazar: Skoog, Douglas A.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Bilim Yayınları, 2004.
    Konular: “…Chemistry, Analytic Quantitative. 41191…”
  11. 11

    Kalitatif analiz ders kitabı / Yazar: Gündüz, Turgut

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Gazi Kitabevi, 2005
  12. 12

    Analytical Methods for the Assessment of Maillard Reactions in Foods Yazar: Singla, Rajeev K., Dubey, Ashok K., Ameen, Sara M., Montalto, Shana, Parisi, Salvatore

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Full-text access
  13. 13

    Lactic Acid in the Food Industry Yazar: Ameen, Sara M., Caruso, Giorgia

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Full-text access
  14. 14

    Ultra-High Temperature Materials II Refractory Carbides I (Ta, Hf, Nb and Zr Carbides) / Yazar: Shabalin, Igor L.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Full-text access
  15. 15


    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    Full-text access
  16. 16

    Energetic Materials From Cradle to Grave /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Full-text access
  17. 17

    New Horizons of Process Chemistry Scalable Reactions and Technologies /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    Full-text access
  18. 18

    Modern Magnetic Resonance

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…PART 1: Applications in Chemistry and Marine Sciences Foreword (by Gary Martin, Merck Research Laboratories) -- Amyloids -- Kinetics of Amyloid Fibril Formation of Human Calcitonin -- Polymorphism of Alzheimer's Aß Amyloid Fibrils -- Chemical Shifts and Spin-Couplings -- 13C, 15N, 1H, 2H, and 17O NMR Chemical Shift NMR for Hydrogen Bonds -- NMR Chemical Shift Map -- NMR Chemical Shifts Based on Band Theory -- Modeling NMR Chemical Shifts -- Ab Initio Calculation of NMR Shielding Constants -- Crystal Structure Refinement Using Chemical Shifts -- The Theory of Nuclear Spin-Spin Couplings -- Fibrous Proteins -- Investigation of Collagen Dynamics by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy -- Solid-State NMR Studies of Elastin and Elastin Peptides -- Structural Analysis of Silk Fibroins using NMR -- Field Gradient NMR -- NMR Diffusometry -- Field Gradient NMR of Liquid Crystals -- Field Gradient NMR for Polymer Systems with Cavities -- NMR Measurements Using Field Gradients and Spatial Information -- Theory and Application of NMR Diffusion Studies -- Host-Guest Chemistry -- Solid-State NMR in Host-Guest Chemistry -- Imaging -- Mapping of Flow and Acceleration with NMR Microscopy Techniques -- Industrial Application of In situ NMR Imaging Experiments to Steel-Making Process -- Biomedical NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging -- Electron Spin Resonance Imaging in Polymer Research -- NMR Imaging: Monitoring of Swelling of Environmental Sensitive Hydrogels -- Inorganic Materials and Catalysis -- Exploiting 1H to29Si Cross-Polarization Features for Structural Characterization of Inorganic Materials -- Solid State NMR Characterization of Solid Surface of Heterogeneous Catalysts -- Isotope Labeling -- Recent Developments in Stable-Isotope-Aided Methods for Protein NMR Spectroscopy -- Structural Glycobiology by Stable-isotope-assisted NMR Spectroscopy -- Lipid Bilayer and Bicelle -- Development and Application of Bicelles for Use in Biological NMR and Other Biophysical Studies -- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Oriented Bilayer Systems -- Solid-State Deuterium NMR Spectroscopy of Membranes -- Solid State 19F-NMR Analysis of Oriented Biomembranes -- Membrane-Associated Peptides -- Solid-State NMR Studies of the Interactions and Structure of Antimicrobial Peptides in Model Membranes -- Anisotropic Chemical Shift Perturbation Induced by Ions in Conducting Channels -- NMR Studies of Ion-Transporting Biological Channels -- Membrane Proteins -- Site-Directed NMR Studies on Membrane Proteins -- Structure of Membrane-Binding Proteins Revealed by Solid-State NMR -- Solid-State NMR of Membrane-Active Proteins and Peptides -- Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Studies of the Integral Membrane Protein Phospholamban -- NMR Studies of the Interactions Between Ligands and Membrane-Embedded -- Receptors: New Methods for Drug Discovery -- Photosynthetic Antennae and Reaction Centers -- Insight into Membrane Protein Structure from High-Resolution NMR -- New Developments -- Fast Multidimensional NMR: New Ways to Explore Evolution Space -- High-Sensitivity NMR Probe Systems -- CRAMPS -- Mobile NMR -- Rheo-NMR -- Analytical Aspects of Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy -- 3H NMR and Its Application -- On-line SEC-NMR -- NOE and Chemical Exchange -- The Nuclear Overhauser Effect -- Solute-Solvent Interactions Examined by the Nuclear Overhauser Effect -- Chemical Exchange -- NQR & ESR -- Separated Detection of H-Transfer Motions in Multi-H-Bonded Systems Studied by Combined 1H NMR and 35Cl NQR Measurements -- EPR: Principles -- Zero Field NMR: NMR and NQR in Zero Magnetic Field -- Organo Metallic Chemistry -- Organoboron Chemistry -- Organogermanium Chemistry -- Organotin Chemistry -- Paramagnetic Effects -- 1H and 13C High-Resolution Solid-State NMR of Paramagnetic Compounds Under Very Fast Magic Angle Spinning -- Paramagnetic Effects of Dioxygen in Solution NMR-Studies of Membrane Immersion Depth, Protein Topology, and Protein Interactions -- Protein Structure -- TROSY NMR for Studies of Large Biological Macromolecules in Solution -- NMR Insight of Structural Stability and Folding of Calcium-Binding Lysozyme -- NMR Investigation of Calmodulin -- Analytical Framework for Protein Structure Determination by Solid-State NMR of Aligned Samples -- Determining Protein 3D Structure by Magic Angle Spinning NMR -- 19F NMR Study of b-Type Haemoproteins -- Polymer Structure -- NMR in Dry or Swollen Temporary or Permanent Networks -- Crystalline Structure of Ethylene Copolymers and Its Relation to the Comonomer Content -- Isomorphism in Bacterially Synthesized Biodegradable Copolyesters -- Two-Dimensional NMR Analysis of Stereoregularity of Polymers -- Quantitative Analysis of Conformations in Disordered Polymers by Solid-State Multiple-Quantum NMR -- Polymer Microstructure: The Conformational Connection to NMR -- Solid-State NMR Characterization of Polymer Interfaces -- The Structure of Polymer Networks -- 1H CRAMPS NMR of Polypeptides in the Solid State -- Polymer Dynamics -- Dynamics of Amorphous Polymers -- Molecular Motions of Crystalline Polymers by Solid-State MAS NMR -- Dynamics in Polypeptides by Solid State 2H NMR -- Polymer Blends -- Polymer Blends -- Configurational Entropy and Polymer Miscibility: New Experimental Insights From Solid-State NMR -- Quantum Information Processing -- Quantum Information Processing as Studied by Molecule-Based Pulsed ENDOR Spectroscopy -- Residual Dipolar Couplings and Nucleic Acids -- New Applications for Residual Dipolar Couplings: Extending the Range of NMR in Structural Biology -- Refinement of Nucleic Acid Structures with Residual Dipolar Coupling Restraints in Cartesian Coordinate -- Conformational Analysis of DNA and RNA -- Solid-State NMR Technique -- Analytical and Numerical Tools for Experiment Design in Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy -- Homonuclear Shift-Correlation Experiment in Solids -- Two-Dimensional 17O Multiple-Quantum Magic-Angle Spinning NMR of Organic Solids -- A Family of PISEMA Experiments for Structural Studies of Biological Solids -- Structural Constraints in Solids -- Rotational-Echo, Double-Resonance NMR -- REDOR in Multiple Spin System -- Torsion Angle Determination by Solid-State NMR -- Secondary Structure Analysis of Proteins from Angle-Dependent Interactions -- Telomeric DNA Complexes -- Comparison of DNA-Binding Activities Between hTRF2 and hTRF1 with hTRF2 Mutants -- Optimization of MRI Contrast for Pre-Clinical Studies at High Magnetic Field -- The Application of In Vivo MRI and MRS in Phenomic Studies of Murine Models of Disease -- Experimental Models of Brain Disease: MRI Contrast Mechanisms for the Assessment of Pathophysiological Status -- Experimental Models of Brain Disease: MRI Studies -- Application of MRS in Cancer in Pre-clinical Models -- Experimental Cardiovascular MR in Small Animals -- Application of Pharmacological MRI to Preclinical Drug Discovery and Development -- Application of MRI to Cell Tracking -- Comprehensive Compositional Analysis of Fish Feed by Time Domain NMR -- Low Field NMR Studies of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) -- Water Distribution and Mobility in Fish Products in Relation to Quality -- Proton NMR of Fish Oils and Lipids -- Determination of Fatty Acid Composition and Oxidation in Fish Oils by High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy -- Resonance Spectroscopy to Study Lipid Oxidation in Fish and Fish Products -- Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content of Intact Muscle of Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Examined by 1H MAS NMR Spectroscopy -- HR MAS NMR Spectroscopy of Marine Microalgae, Part 1: Classification and Metabolite Composition from HR MAS 1H NMR Spectra and Multivariate Analysis -- HR MAS NMR Spectroscopy of Marine Microalgae, Part 2: 13C and 13C HR MAS NMR Analysis Used to Study Fatty Acid Composition and Polysaccharide Structure -- Post-mortem Studies of Fish Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging -- How is the Fish Meat Affected by Technological Processes? …”
    Full-text access
  19. 19

    Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Select Proceedings of ICACE 2015 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    Full-text access
  20. 20

    A Phenomenological Mathematical Modelling Framework for the Degradation of Bioresorbable Composites Yazar: Moreno-Gomez, Ismael

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    Full-text access