Arama Sonuçları - hand sluga~

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  1. 1

    Health and Social Care Systems of the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors Proceedings of the Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety, HEPS, 3-5 July, 2019 L...

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
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  2. 2

    Advances in Italian Mechanism Science Proceedings of the First International Conference of IFToMM Italy /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
    İçindekiler: “…Part I Biomechanical Engineering -- Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Mechatronic System for Biomechanical Analysis of the Human Locomotion, by Paolo Boscariol, Alessandro Gasparetto, Nicola Giovanelli, Stefano Lazzer and Lorenzo Scalera -- A study of feasibility of a portable limb exercise device, by Giuseppe Carbone, Marco Ceccarelli and Candela Arostegui -- DARTAGNAN a self - balanced rehabilitation Robot able to work in active and passive modes on both sides of upper and lower limbs, by Guido Danieli, Paola Nudo, Michele Perrelli and Maurizio Iocco -- Dynamic Analysis of Handcycling: Mathematical Modelling and Experimental Tests, by Ghazaleh Azizpour, Abdelmajid Ousdad, Giovanni Legnani, Giovanni Incerti and Matteo Lancini -- A kinematic solution of a novel leg mechanism with parallel architecture, by Matteo Russo and Marco Ceccarelli -- Multi-target Planar Needle Steering with a Bio-Inspired Needle Design, by Christopher Burrows, Fangde Liu, Alexander Leibinger, Riccardo Secoli and Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena -- Development of an Active Force Plate for Testing Lower-limb Prostheses, by Cristiano Marinelli, Hermes Giberti and Ferruccio Resta -- Determination of the Human Arm Stiffness Efficiency with a Two Antagonist Muscles Model, by Daniele Borzelli, Stefano Pastorelli and Laura Gastaldi -- Design of a miniaturized safety clamping device for portable kidney replacement systems, by Paolo Boscariol, Giovanni Boschetti, Roberto Caracciolo, Mauro Neri, Dario Richiedei, Claudio Ronco and Alberto Trevisani -- Conceptual design of a mechatronic biomedical wearable device for blood ultrafiltration, by Giovanni Boschetti, Aldo Dalla Via, Nicola De Rossi, Francesco Garzotto, Mauro Neri, Luca Pamato, Claudio Ronco and Alberto Trevisani -- Design of an Underactuated Hand Exoskeleton with Joint Estimation, by Mine Sarac, Massimiliano Solazzi, Daniele Leonardis, Edoardo Sotgiu, Massimo Bergamasco and Antonio Frisoli -- Standard and natural motion protocols for the kineticmeasurements of the squat, by Nicola Sancisi, Marco Cocconcelli, Riccardo Rubini and Vincenzo Parenti Castelli -- Design and Simulation of an Assisting Mechanism for Arm Exercises, by Betsy D. …”
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  3. 3

    Haptic Interaction Science, Engineering and Design /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2018.
    İçindekiler: “…Reconsideration of Ouija Board Motion in Terms of Haptics Illusions (II) -Development of 1-DoF Linear Rail Device- -- Haptic Perception of Macro Texture -- Natural Human Movements in Geometrically Constrained Haptic Environments -- Expression of 2DOF Fingertip Traction with 1DOF Lateral Skin Stretch -- Perceived Hardness by Tapping: The Role of a Secondary Mode of Vibration -- Experiments on Two-handed Localization of Impact Vibrations -- Rubber hand illusion using tactile projector -- Colorful tactile stimuli. …”
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    Maillard Reaction in Foods Mitigation Strategies and Positive Properties / Yazar: Parisi, Salvatore, Ameen, Sara M., Montalto, Shana, Santangelo, Anna

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
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    Interfacial Bonding Characteristics in Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites : Fiber-Matrix Interface in Biocomposites. Yazar: Krishnasamy, Senthilkumar

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Singapore Pte. Limited, 2024.
    İçindekiler: “…References -- Effect of Interfacial Bonding Characteristics on the Tensile Properties of Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Composites -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Whole Stem Fiber -- 3 Chemical Treatment -- 4 Woven Kenaf Fiber -- 5 Kenaf With Polyethylene -- 6 Fiber Loading -- 7 Polyester With Kenaf -- 8 Conclusion -- References -- Effect of Interfacial Bonding Characteristics of Flexural Fractured Pineapple Leaf Fibre Reinforced Composites -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 2.1 Materials -- 2.2 Hand Layup Process -- 2.3 Mechanical Testing -- 3 Result and Discussion -- 3.1 Mechanical Strength -- 3.2 Absorption Studies -- 3.3 SEM -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Effect of Interfacial Bonding Characteristics on Impact Strength of Jute Fiber Reinforced Composites -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Polymer Matrix Composite -- 1.2 Jute Fiber Polymer Composite -- 2 Type of Impact Test -- 3 Effect of Impact Test on Interfacial Bonding -- 3.1 Short and Long Fiber Composite -- 3.2 Influence of Fiber, Matrix, Fillers, and Other Reinforcement -- 3.3 Low-Velocity Impact Test (Velocity-0 to 11 m/s) -- 3.4 Ballistic Impact Test (Velocity-Above 500 m/s) -- 4 Applications -- 5 Summary -- References -- Effect of Interfacial Bonding Characteristics on Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Cotton Fiber Reinforced Composites -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Interfacial Bonding -- 3 Effect of Interface Adhesion on Thermomechanical Properties -- 4 Conclusions -- References -- Effect of Interfacial Bonding Characteristics on Fatigue Behavior of Hemp Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Hemp Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite -- 2.1 Hemp Fiber -- 2.2 Polymer Matrices -- 3 HFRPs Fabrication Techniques -- 3.1 Hand Lay-Up Technique -- 3.2 Spray-Up Technique -- 3.3 Filament Winding Technique -- 3.4 Pultrusion Technique -- 3.5 Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) Technique.…”
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  6. 6

    Advances in Robot Kinematics 2018

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…A dual Lie algebra approach, by Daniel Condurache -- An Algorithm for Trajectory Generation in Redundant Manipulators with Joint Transmission Accommodation, by Bahram Ravani, Kristopher Wehage -- Evaluation of Dynamic Relaxation to Solve Kinematics of Concentric Tube Robots, by Quentin Peyron, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Nicolas Andreff, Pierre Renaud -- Iterative Method for the Inverse Kinematics of a 3-Limb Parallel Mechanism with 3-DOF Using a 6-Limb Mechanism with 6-DOF, by Xinghai Liang, Yukio Takeda -- Optimal Object Placement using a Virtual Axis, by Martin Georg Weiß -- The Forward Kinematics of Doubly-Planar Gough-Stewart Platforms and the Position Analysis of Strips of Tetrahedra, by Josep M Porta, Federico Thomas -- Six-bar Linkage Design System with a Parallelized Polynomial Homotopy Solver, by Jeffrey Glabe, John Michael McCarthy -- Algebraic Analysis of a 3-RUU Parallel Manipulator, by Thomas Stigger, Abhilash Nayak, Philippe Wenger, Stéphane Caro, Martin Pfurner, Manfred Husty -- Singularities -- Kinematic analysis of planar tensegrity 2-X manipulators, by Matthieu FURET, Philippe Wenger, Max Lettl -- Rotational Mobility Analysis of the 3-RFR Class of Spherical Parallel Robots, by David Corinaldi, Luca Carbonari, Matteo Palpacelli, Massimo Callegari -- Randomized Planning of Dynamic Motions Avoiding Forward Singularities, by Ricard Bordalba, Lluís Ros, Josep M Porta -- Analysis of Kinematic Singularities for a Serial Redundant Manipulator with 7 DOF, by Zijia Li, Mathias Brandstötter, Michael Hofbaur -- A Geometric Method of Singularity Avoidance for Kinematically Redundant Planar Parallel Robots, by Nicholas Baron, Andrew Philippides, Nicolas Rojas -- The 3-PPPS parallel robot with U-shape Base, a 6-DOF parallel robot with simple kinematics, by Damien Chablat, Luc Baron, Ranjan Jha, Luc Rolland -- On the singularities of a parallel robotic system used in elbow and wrist rehabilitation, by Iosif Birlescu, Bogdan Gherman, Calin Vaida, Doina Pisla, Nicolae PLITEA, Adrian PISLA, Giuseppe Carbone -- Kinematic constraint maps and C-space singularities for planar mechanisms with prismatic joints, by Seyedvahid Amirinezhad, Peter Donelan -- Transversality and its applications to kinematics, by Seyedvahid Amirinezhad, Peter Donelan, Andreas Mueller -- Control and Dynamics -- Lateral Stability of a 3-DOF Asymmetrical Spherical Parallel Manipulator with a Universal Joint Featuring Infinite Torsional Movement, by Guanglei Wu, Huiping Shen -- On the Use of Instant Centers to Build Dynamic Models of Single-dof Planar Mechanisms, by Raffaele Di-Gregorio, Guanglei Wu, Huiping Shen -- Normal forms of robotic systems with affine Pfaffian constraints: A case study, by Krzysztof Tchon, Joanna Ratajczak, Janusz Jakubiak -- Experimental Identification of Stress-Strain Material Models of UHMWPE Fiber Cables for Improving Cable Tension Control Strategies, by Philipp Tempel, Felix Trautwein, Andreas Pott -- Modelling -- A General Discretization-based Approach for the Kinetostatic Analysis of Closed-loop Rigid/Flexible Hybrid Mechanisms, by Genliang Chen, Zhuang Zhang, Zhengtao Chen, Hao Wang -- A pure-inertia method for dynamic balancing of symmetric planar mechanisms, by Jan De Jong, Yuanqing Wu, Marco Carricato, Just Herder -- Stiffness and deformation of mechanisms with locally flexible bodies: a general method using expanded passive joints, by Gonzalo Moreno, Julio Frantz, Lauro Nicolazzi, Rodrigo de Souza Vieira, Daniel Martins -- Kinematic Characteristics of Parallel Continuum Mechanisms, by Oscar Altuzarra, Diego Caballero, Qiuchen Zhang, Francisco J. …”
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    Advances in Manufacturing Technology Select Proceedings of ICAMT 2018 /

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2019.
    İçindekiler: “…-An Investigative Approach to Study The Corrosion Response Of Copper-Brass Tig Welded Samples Using Nitric Acid As The Corroding Agent -- A Review On Mechanical Properties, Tribological, Corrosion and Weldability Studies of Aluminum Composites Processed Using Stir Casting & Ecap Methods -- Characterization and Comparison of Functionally Graded Al/Mg and Al/Al 7075 Metal Matrix Composites Manufactured By Die Casting -- Statistical Quality Control of Torque Wrenches Used In Automotive Assembly Department -- Optimal Sequence Identification in Parallel Flow Line Environment Using Heuristics -- Design and Analysis of Stringer on the Chassis Frame in Load Carrying Vehicle -- Design and Analysis of Active Controlled Prosthetic Hand -- Bio-Degradable Composites from Leaf Wastes for Packing Applications -- A Comparative Study of Flow Characteristics of Bmw-M6 and Audi-R8 Commercial Sports Car Using Flow Design Software -- Mechanical Characterization of Glass Fiber Strengthened Balsa-Depron Composite -- Milling Cutter Flank Wear Prediction Using Ensemble of Pso Optimized Svm and Glm Regression Models -- Investigation on the Corrosion Resistance Characteristics of Automobile Lug Nuts -- Application of Taguchi Method in Optimization of Process Parameters of Electrochemical Machining Of Tic Reinforced Aa6063 Composites -- Performance Analysis of Ss304 Steel Hat-Stringer on the Chassis Frame.…”
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  8. 8

    Kinetic Analysis of Food Systems Yazar: Marangoni, Alejandro G.

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.
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    Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II

    Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.
    İçindekiler: “…Dai -- Design of Constant-Force Compliant Sarrus Mechanism Considering Stiffness Nonlinearity of Compliant Joints, by Guimin Chen, Hongye Chang and Geng Li -- Twin-Bennett Linkage and One Type of Its Mobile Assemblies, by Hongwei Guo, Zhongjie Li, Rongqiang Liu and Zongquan Deng -- Inverse kinematics and Kineto-statics of Metamorphic palm of the KCL/TJU metamorphic Hand, by Chunsong Zhang and Jian S. Dai -- Foldability Analysis of Cylindrical Origami Structures, by Jianguo Cai, Ruijun Ma,Jian Feng,Ya Zhou and Xiaowei Deng -- Workspace Analysis of aReconfigurable Mechanism Generated from the Network of Bennett Linkages, by Huijuan Feng, Rongjie Kang and Yan Chen -- Configuration Analysis of Loading Mechanism with Metamorphic Characteristics, by Lin Zhang, Ganwei Cai, Kaijun Zhu, Xiaochun Wang and Zhijie Li -- Dimension Relationship between Spherical Four-Bar Mechanisms with Same Couple Curve, by Jianwei Sun, Wenrui Liu and Jinkui Chu -- Part III: Reconfigurable Parallel Mechanisms -- Mobility analysis of non-overconstrained reconfigurable parallel manipulators with 3-CPU/3-CRU kinematics, by Matteo Palpacelli, Luca Carbonari, Giacomo Palmieri and Massimo Callegari -- Mechanism Analysis of Parallel Lifting Mechanism for Schnable Car Based on Coordinate Transformation, by Yan-Zhi Zhao, Xiang-Nan Wang, Xiao-Xiao Liu, Jie Zhang, Yang Li and Tie-Shi Zhao -- Reconfiguration and Static Joint Force Variation of a 3rRPS Metamorphic Parallel Mechanism with 3R and 1T2R Motion, by Dongming Gan, Jian S. …”
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