Search Results - space plant
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The Urban Gardens of Havana Seeking Revolutionary Plants in Ideologized Spaces /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot, 2019.Full-text access
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A Design for a Reusable Water-Based Spacecraft Known as the Spacecoach
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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New Wild Garden : Natural-Style Planting and Practicalities.
Published Quarto Publishing Group UK, 2021.Table of Contents: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- 1 Creating Naturalistic Landscapes -- Inspiring Natural Landscapes -- Naturalistic Planting Designs -- Making Habitats for Wildlife -- Creating an Eco-Friendly Garden -- Selecting a Natural Style -- 2 Planning a Wild Garden -- Make Your Garden Wild -- Assessing Your Site -- Basic Planting Tips -- 3 Creating Meadow Effects -- Meadows for Gardens -- Sowing Meadow Mixes -- Sowing Grass and Wildflower Mixes -- Sowing Perennial Mixtures -- Laying Meadow Mats -- 4 Naturalising Plants in Grassland -- Wild Lawns and Grasslands -- Decorating Turf with Spring Bulbs -- Naturalising Biennials and Perennials -- Establishing Trees and Shrubs in Grassland -- 5 Naturalistic Plantings -- Enhancing Nature -- Creating Prairie-Style Schemes -- Mediterranean Inspirations -- Creating Miniature Woodland Glades -- Making a Naturalistic Pond and Bog Garden -- 6 Wild Pots and Containers -- Containers for Wildlife -- Planting Annual Micro-Meadows -- Bijou Woodlands -- Wild Water for Small Spaces -- 7 Plant Gallery -- Using the Plant Profiles -- Annuals -- Biennials & -- Perennials -- Grasses, Sedges & -- Rushes -- Bulbs -- Climbers -- Trees & -- Shrubs -- Water & -- Bog Plants -- 8 Sourcebook -- Directory of Contacts & -- Suppliers -- Index -- Acknowledgments -- Dedication -- Copyright.…”
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Recent Advances in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic Systems Theoretical Aspects and Applications /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Construction of a Topological Degree theory in Generalized Sobolev Spaces -- Existence of positive solutions of nonlinear fractional quadratic differential equations -- Comments on fuzzy sets, interval type-2 fuzzy sets, general type-2 fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets -- Quotient Rings Induced Via Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals -- A fourth order Runge-Kutta Gill method for the numerical solution of intuitionistic fuzzy differential equations -- Task Parameter Impacts in Fuzzy Real Time Scheduling -- Framework for Optimization of Intuitionistic and Type-2 Fuzzy Systems in Control Applications -- Approximation of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Systems for Time Series Analysis in Plant Monitoring and Diagnosis -- New fractional derivative in Colombeau algebra -- Controlled fuzzy evolution equations -- Multiplication Operation and Powers of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers -- Intuitioinistic fuzzy Hilbert space -- On Intuitionistic fuzzy Laplace transforms for second order intuitionistic fuzzy differential equations -- Approximate Solution of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Differential Equations by using Picard's method -- Fuzzy Cross Language Plagiarism Detection Approach Based on Semantic Similarity and Hadoop MapReduce -- Existence results for an impulsive fractional integro-differential equations with a non-compact semigroup -- Existence results of hybrid fractional integro-differential equations -- Convergence on intuitionistic fuzzy metric space -- Graphical Representation of Intuitionistic Membership Functions for its efficient use in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Systems -- Existence of mild solutions for an impulsive fractional integro-differential equations with non-local condition -- Fixed point theory, Contractive mapping, Fuzzy metric space -- Common fixed point theorems in b-Menger spaces -- On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Vector Spaces -- Time-dependent Neutral stochastic delay partial differential equations driven by Rosenblatt process in Hilbert space.…”
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Handbook of Evolutionary Research in Archaeology
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Full-text access
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Saturated Control of Linear Systems
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Full-text access
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Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications Energy, Vibrations, and Modern Applications /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “….- Concentrated solar power plants capacity factors: A review.- Section 2: Vibrations and Automotive Applications.- Vibration Analysis of Oscillators with Generalized Inertial and Geometrical Nonlinearities.- Quarter Car Suspension Model with Provision for Loss of Contact with The Road.- Friction Coefficient of Pneumatic Tires and Bitumen Roads.- Solutions for Path Planning using Spline Parameterization.- Section 3: Modern Engineering Applications.- Diagnosis of nonlinear stochastic dynamics of active slider in nanometer spacing.- Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots using an Acoustic Sensor.- Nonlinear Size-dependent Instability of Hybrid FGM Nanoshells -- Section 4: Analytical-Numerical Analysis Applications.- An exact solution technique for impact oscillators.- A semi-analytical solution for bending of nonlinear magnetostrictive beams.- Limted Data Modelling Approaches for Engineering Applications.- Theoretical and Numerical Investigation of The Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Thick-walled Cylinders.- A Complex Variable Method to Predict an Aerodynamics of Arbitrary Shape Ballistic Projectiles.- Extension of substructuring technique in the nonlinear domain -- Index.…”
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Computer and Information Science
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “…Big Data and IoT for U-healthcare Security -- Retrospection and Perspectives on Pragmatic Software Architecture Design: An Industrial Report -- Distributed Coding and Transmission Scheme for Wireless Communication of Satellite Images -- Experimental Evaluation of HoRIM to Improve Business Strategy Models -- Combining Lexicon-Based and Learning-Based Methods for Sentiment Analysis for Product Reviews in Vietnamese Language -- Reducing Misclassification of True Defects in Defect Classification of Electric Board -- Virtual Prototyping Platform for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Hardware/Software Co-design and Co-verification -- A Data-mining Model for Predicting Low Birth Weight with a High AUC -- A Formal Approach for Maintaining Forest Topologies in Dynamic Networks -- A Multicriteria Approach for Selecting the Optimal Location of Waste Electrical and Electronic Treatment Plants -- Localization Strategy for Island Model Genetic Algorithm to Preserve Population Diversity -- HM-AprioriAll Algorithm Improvement Based on Hadoop Environment -- Architecture of a Real Time Weather Monitoring System in a Space Time Environment Using Wireless Sensor Networks -- Mobile Application Development on Domain Analysis and Reuse-Oriented Software (ROS) -- A Transducing System between Hichart and XC on a Visual Software Development Environment -- Development of and Interface for Volumetric Measurement on a Ground-Glass Opacity Nodule -- Efficient Similarity Measurement by the Combination of Distance Algorithms to Identify the Duplication Relativity.…”
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Complex Systems Relationships between Control, Communications and Computing /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Full-text access
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies IC3T 2015, Volume 1 /
Published Springer India : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Identification of the Plants Based on Leaf Shape Descriptors -- Chapter 11. …”
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Advanced Topics in Intelligent Information and Database Systems
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Part I: From Machine Learning to Data Mining -- Analyzing Accident Prone Regions by Clustering -- Analyzing Life Insurance Data with Different Classification Techniques for Customers' Behavior Analysis -- Classification of Product Rating Using Data Mining Techniques -- MASS: a Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Classification Algorithm with Specific Feature -- Parallel Self-organizing Map Using Shared Virtual Memory Buffers -- Parametric Optimization of the Selected Classifiers in Binary Classification -- Prediction of Academic Performance During Adolescence Based on Socioeconomic, Psychological and Academic Factors -- A Super-Vector Deep Learning Coprocessor with High Performance-Power Ratio -- Part II: Big Data and Collaborative Decision Support Systems -- Bi-temporal Database Model for Legal Merger Transactions and Late-arriving Information Problem: the Case of Polish Merger Market -- Breathing Movement Analysis for Adjustment of Radiotherapy Planning -- Measuring Improvement in Access to Complete Data in Healthcare Collaborative Dabase Systems -- Rough Set Theory for Supporting Decision Making on Relevance in Browsing Multilingual Digital Resources -- The Social Influence on the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Electronic Medical Records -- Stock Prices Growth Pattern by the Emergency Demand After the Great East-Japan Earthquake -- Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Novel Modulators of Human Orexin 2 Receptor with Cloud Systems and Supercomputers -- Supply Chains of Cross-Border E-Commerce -- Towards Personalized Virtual Customer Experience -- Towards Big Management -- Part III: Computer Vision Analysis, Detection, Tracking and Recognition -- Combination of Collision Detection and Visibility Algorithms in Simulation of Effective Placement of Anti-Air Elements -- A Combination of Deep Learning and Hand-Designed Feature for Plant Identification based on Leaf and Flower Images -- An Efficient Defect Classification Algorithm for Ceramic Tiles -- Parking Assistant - Prediction of an Empty Parking Space inTime -- Recent Advances in the Field of Foreground Detection: An Overview -- Tracking of Bone Reparation Process with Using of Periosteal Callus Extraction based on Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm -- Part IV: Data-Intensive Text Processing -- Automatic Post-Editing of Kazakh Sentences Machine Translated from English -- Complex Technology of Machine Translation Resources Extension for the Kazakh Language -- Enhancing Latent Semantic Analysis by Embedding Tagging Algorithm in Retrieving Malay Text Documents -- Exploiting Distance Graph and Hidden Topic Models for Multi-label Text Classification -- Financial Reports and Financial News - An Information Content Gap Analysis -- The Great National Photocorpus of 20th-Century Vietnamese. …”
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Smart Technology Trends in Industrial and Business Management
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…Chapter1: Designing Behavioral Changes in Smart Cities using Interactive Smart Spaces -- Chapter2: Industry 4.0: Preparation of Slovak Companies, the Comparative Study -- Chapter3: Transformations of urbanized landscape following the Smart Water Management concept -- Chapter4: Social Innovations in Context of Smart City -- Chapter5: Application of AHP Method in Decision-making Process -- Chapter6: Towards Creating Place Attachment and Social Communities in the SMART Cities -- Chapter7: A New Approach to Sustainable Reporting: Responsible Communication between Company and Stakeholders in Conditions of Slovak Food Industry -- Chapter8: An integrative spatial perspective on energy transition - renewable energy niches -- Chapter9: Can concept of smart governance help to mitigate the climate in the cities? …”
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Transforming the rural : global processes and local futures /
Published Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.Full-text access
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Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas : Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration (LRER 2017), October 20-23, 2017, Beiji...
Published Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Effect of the exploitation of mineral resources on the ecological environment in Jiaozuo -- Maximizing ecological services value of abandoned mine land using integrated simulation models -- Characteristics of runoff coefficient of abandoned mine land using the storm water management model -- Distribution and formation characteristics of karst collapse in major cities of China -- Reclaimed soil PSD and thermal property under machinery compaction -- Bacterial community structure in reclaimed soil filled with coal wastes in different reclamation years -- Research on caving deep ore mining without surface subsidence -- Aggregate stability and organic carbon distribution in reconstruction soil filled with gangue from coal mining areas -- Protection and tourism development of ancient villages in resource-exhausted mining areas-a case study of Mentougou district -- Solid wastes management, waste dump and tailings pond restoration -- Paste technology integrated solutions for effective management of sulfidic mine tailings -- An investigation of surface paste disposal for lead-zinc underground mine tailings -- Ecological restoration of coal mine degraded lands using a grass-legume mixture-a case study from India -- Study on plant selection of a mine park based on ecological restoration theory -- Phytoaccumulation of trace elements by Grevillea pteridifolia Knight growing on iron ore tailings: An implication of phytoremediation -- Characteristics of capillary water rise in coal-fired cinders by lab test -- Ecology analysis of invasive plants after 12 years of natural restoration in karst desertification area -- Old mine dumps recovery: An environmental and techno-economical challenge -- Quantitative study on the soil reconstruction of a root system in the coal resource-concentrated distribution of Shenfu mineral regions.…”
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Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2015) held i...
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2016.Table of Contents: “…Multiset Genetic Algorithm Approach to Grid Resource Allocation -- Secure Cloud Multi-tenant Applications with Cache in PaaS -- HAWK EYE: Intelligent Analysis of Socio Inspired Cohorts for Plagiarism -- Mechanism of Fuzzy ARMS on Chemical Reaction -- The Power of Hybridity and Context Free in HP System -- Enhanced Bee Colony Algorithm for Efficient Load Balancing and Scheduling in Cloud -- Robust Optimized Artificial Neural Network Based Pem Fuelcell Voltage Tracking -- Gravitational Search Algorithm to Solve Open Vehicle Routing Problem -- PIRIDS :A Model on Intrusion Response System Based on Biologically Inspired Response Mechanism in Plants -- Particle Swarm Optimization Method Based Consistency Checking in UML Class and Activity Diagrams -- Data Centric Text Processing Using MapReduce -- Request Reply Detection Mechanism for Malicious MANETs -- Ensemble of Flexible Neural Trees for Predicting Risk in Grid Computing Environment -- A Novel Approach for Malicious Node Detection in MANET -- Improving The Productivity In Global Software Development -- Prediction of Heart Disease Using Random Forest and Feature Subset Selection -- Software Requirement Elicitation Using Natural Language Processing -- Application of Hexagonal Coordinate Systems for Searching the K-Nn In 2d Space -- Locality Aware MapReduce -- Hybrid Feature Selection using Correlation coefficient and Particle Swarm Optimization on Microarray Gene Expression Data -- Resource AwareAdaptive Scheduler for Heterogeneous Workload with Task Based Job Sampling -- Generating Picture Arrays Based on Grammar Systems with Flat Splicing Operation -- Identification of Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction Using Combined Kernels -- Debris Detection and Tracking system in water bodies using Motion Estimation technique -- Debris Detection and Tracking System in Water Bodies Using Motion Estimation Technique -- Understanding the Consequences of Social Isolation Using Fireworks Algorithm -- Ant Pheromone Evaluation Models Based Gateway Selection in MANET -- A Review on How Human Aging Influences Facial Expression Recognition (FER) -- An Intelligent Approach for Diabetes Classification, Prediction and Description -- A Novel Algorithm for Utility-Frequent Item Set Mining in Market Basket Analysis -- Exact Computation of 3D Geometric Moment Invariants for ATS Drugs Identification -- D-MBPSO:An Unsupervised Feature Selection Algorithm Based on PSO -- Delay Scheduling with Reduced Workload on JobTracker in Hadoop -- Reducing Travel Time in VANETs with Parallel Implementation of MACO (Modified ACO) -- FS-EHS: Harmony Search Based Feature Selection Algorithm for Steganalysis Using ELM -- A Hybrid Dimension Reduction Technique for Document Clustering -- 2D Image Reconstruction After Removal of Detected Salient Regions Using Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting -- Solution to Constrained Test Problems Using Cohort Intelligence Algorithm -- Placement Strategies for Faulty Cells in Module Relocation Based BISR Approach -- Fetal Heart Rate Variability: Multiple Regression Models Using Autoregressive Analysis and Fast Fourier Transform -- Restricted Boltzmann Machine based Energy Efficient Cognitive Network -- An Overview of Computational Intelligence Technique in Drug Molecular Structure Identification -- An Effective Bio-Inspired Methodology for Optimal Estimation and Forecasting of Co2 Emission in India -- Conceptual Voice Based Querying Support Model for Relevant Document Retrieval -- Online Pairwise Ranking Based on Graph Edge-Connectivity -- Fuzzy Variable Stiness in Landing Phase for Jumping Robot -- An Extended Study on the Association Between Elicitation Issues and Software Project Performance: A Theoretical Model -- Compact Design of Rectangular Patch Antenna With Symmetrical U Slots on Partial Ground for UWB Applications -- Compact Design of Rectangular Patch Antenna with Symmetrical U slots on Partial Ground for UWB Applications -- Big Data Challenges And Solutions in Healthcare: A Survey -- Experimental Study on Bound Handling Techniques for Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization -- Role of Bio-inspired Optimization in Disaster Operations Management Research -- Optimal Reservoir Release for Hydropower Generation Maximization Using Particle Swarm Optimization.…”
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Vibration Control of Active Structures An Introduction /
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2018.Table of Contents: “….- 1.5 The various steps of the design.- 1.6 Plant description, error and control budget.- 1.7 Readership and Organization of the book.- 1.8 References.- 1.9 Problems.- 2 Some concepts in structural dynamics.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 Equation of motion of a discrete system.- 2.3 Vibration modes.- 2.4 Modal decomposition.- 2.4.1 Structure without rigid body modes.- 2.4.2 Dynamic °exibility matrix.- 2.4.3 Structure with rigid body modes.- 2.4.4 Example.- 2.5 Collocated control system.- 2.5.1 Transmission zeros and constrained system.- 2.6 Continuous structures.- 2.7 Guyan reduction.- 2.8 Craig-Bampton reduction.- 2.9 References.- 2.10 Problems.- 3 Electromagnetic and piezoelectric transducers.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 Voice coil transducer.- 3.2.1 Proof-mass actuator.- 3.2.2 Geophone.- 3.3 General electromechanical transducer.- 3.3.1 Constitutive equations.- 3.3.2 Self-sensing.- 3.4 Reaction wheels and gyrostabilizers.- 3.5 Smart materials.- 3.6 Piezoelectric transducer.- 3.6.1 Constitutive relations of a discrete transducer.- 3.6.2 Interpretation of k2.- 3.6.3 Admittance of the piezoelectric transducer.- 3.7 References.- 3.8 Problems.- 4 Piezoelectric beam, plate and truss.- 4.1 Piezoelectric material.- 4.1.1 Constitutive relations.- 4.1.2 Coenergy density function.- 4.2 Hamilton's principle.- 4.3 Piezoelectric beam actuator.- 4.3.1 Hamilton's principle.- 4.3.2 Piezoelectric loads.- 4.4 Laminar sensor.- 4.4.1 Current and charge amplifiers.- 4.4.2 Distributed sensor output.- 4.4.3 Charge amplifier dynamics.- 4.5 Spatial modalfilters.- 4.5.1 Modal actuator.- 4.5.2 Modal sensor.- 4.6 Active beam with collocated actuator-sensor.- 4.6.1 Frequency response function.- 4.6.2 Pole-zero pattern.- 4.6.3 Modal truncation.- 4.7 Admittance of a beam with a piezoelectric patch.- 4.8 Piezoelectric laminate.- 4.8.1 Two dimensional constitutive equations.- 4.8.2 Kirchhoff theory.- 4.8.3 Stiffness matrix of a multi-layer elastic laminate.- 4.8.4 Multi-layer laminate with a piezoelectric layer.- 4.8.5 Equivalent piezoelectric loads.- 4.8.6 Sensor output.- 4.8.7 Beam model vs. plate model.- 4.8.8 Additional remarks.- 4.9 Active truss.- 4.9.1 Open-loop transfer function.- 4.9.2 Admittance function.- 4.10 Finite element formulation.- 4.11 References.- 4.12 Problems.- 5 Passive damping with piezoelectric transducers.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Resistive shunting.- 5.3 Inductive shunting.- 5.4 Switched shunt.- 5.4.1 Equivalent damping ratio.- 5.5 References.- 5.6 Problems.- 6 Collocated versus non-collocated control.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 Pole-zero flipping.- 6.3 The two-mass problem.- 6.3.1 Collocated control.- 6.3.2 Non-collocated control.- 6.4 Notch filter.- 6.5 Effect of pole-zero flipping on the Bode plots.- 6.6 Nearly collocated control system.- 6.7 Non-collocated control systems.- 6.8 The role of damping.- 6.9 References -- 6.10 Problems ..- 7 Active damping with collocated system.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Lead control.- 7.3 Direct velocity feedback (DVF).- 7.4 Positive Position Feedback (PPF).- 7.5 Integral Force Feedback(IFF).- 7.6 Duality between the Lead and the IFF controllers.- 7.6.1 Root-locus of a single mode.- 7.6.2 Open-loop poles and zeros.- 7.7 Actuator and sensor dynamics.- 7.8 Decentralized control with collocated pairs.- 7.8.1 Cross talk.- 7.8.2 Force actuator and displacement sensor.- 7.8.3 Displacement actuator and force sensor.- 7.9 References.- 7.10 Problems.- 8 Vibration isolation.- 8.1 Introduction.- 8.2 Relaxation isolator.- 8.2.1 Electromagnetic realization.- 8.3 Active isolation.- 8.3.1 Sky-hook damper.- 8.3.2 Integral Force Feedback.- 8.4 Flexible body.- 8.4.1 Free-free beam with isolator.- 8.5 Payload isolation in spacecraft.- 8.5.1 Interaction isolator/attitude control.- 8.5.2 Gough-Stewart platform.- 8.6 Six-axis isolator.- 8.6.1 Relaxation isolator.- 8.6.2 Integral Force Feedback.- 8.6.3 Spherical joints, modal spread.- 8.7 Active vs. passive.- 8.8 Car suspension.- 8.9 References.- 8.10 Problems.- 9 State space approach.- 9.1 Introduction.- 9.2 State space description.- 9.2.1 Single degree of freedom oscillator.- 9.2.2 Flexible structure.- 9.2.3 Inverted pendulum.- 9.3 System transfer function.- 9.3.1 Poles and zeros.- 9.4 Pole placement by state feedback.- 9.4.1 Example: oscillator.- 9.5 Linear Quadratic Regulator.- 9.5.1 Symmetric root locus.- 9.5.2 Inverted pendulum.- 9.6 Observer design.- 9.7 Kalman Filter.- 9.7.1 Inverted pendulum.- 9.8 Reduced order observer.- 9.8.1 Oscillator.- 9.8.2 Inverted pendulum.- 9.9 Separation principle.- 9.10 Transfer function of the compensator.- 9.10.1 The two-mass problem.- 9.11 References.- 9.12 Problems.- 10 Analysis and synthesis in the frequency domain.- 10.1 Gain and phase margins.- 10.2 Nyquist criterion.- 10.2.1 Cauchy's principle.- 10.2.2 Nyquist stability criterion.- 10.3 Nichols chart.- 10.4 Feedback specification for SISO systems.- 10.4.1 Sensitivity.- 10.4.2 Tracking error.- 10.4.3 Performance specification.- 10.4.4 Unstructured uncertainty.- 10.4.5 Robust performance and robust stability.- 10.5 Bode gain-phase relationships.- 10.6 The Bode Ideal Cutoff.- 10.7 Non-minimum phase systems.- 10.8 Usual compensators.- 10.8.1 System type.- 10.8.2 Lead compensator.- 10.8.3 PI compensator.- 10.8.4 Lag compensator.- 10.8.5 PID compensator.- 10.9 Multivariable systems.- 10.9.1 Performance specification.- 10.9.2 Small gaintheorem.- 10.9.3 Stability robustness tests.- 10.9.4 Residual dynamics.- 10.10References.- 10.11Problems.- 11 Optimal control.- 11.1 Introduction.- 11.2 Quadratic integral.- 11.3 Deterministic LQR.- 11.4 Stochastic response to a white noise.- 11.4.1 Remark.- 11.5 Stochastic LQR.- 11.6 Asymptotic behavior of the closed-loop.- 11.7 Prescribed degree of stability -- 11.8 Gain and phase margins of the LQR.- 11.9 Full state observer.- 11.9.1 Covariance of the reconstruction error.- 11.10Kalman-Bucy Filter (KBF).- 11.11Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG).- 11.12Duality.- 11.13Spillover.- 11.13.1Spillover reduction.- 11.14Loop Transfer Recovery (LTR).- 11.15Integral control with state feedback.- 11.16Frequency shaping.- 11.16.1Frequency-shaped cost functionals.- 11.16.2Noise model ..- 11.17References.- 11.18Problems.- 12 Controllability and Observability.- 12.1 Introduction.- 12.1.1 Definitions.- 12.2 Controllability and observabilitymatrices.- 12.3 Examples.- 12.3.1 Cart with two inverted pendulums.- 12.3.2 Double inverted pendulum.- 12.3.3 Two d.o.f.…”
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Proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices ICICCD 2016 /
Published Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2017.Table of Contents: “…Design of 10.24 Tb/s DWDM System Using NRZ Modulation Format with Narrow Channel Spacing -- Chapter 27. Validation of ANN Based Model for Binary Distillation Column -- Chapter 28. …”
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics
Published Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.Table of Contents: “…-- Studying of influence of the material anisotropy on the limit state of an orthotropic plate weakened by a periodic system of collinear cracks under biaxial loading, by Olga Bogdanova -- The Boundary-Element Approach to Modeling the Dynamics of Poroelastic Bodies, by Leonid Igumnov, Svetlana Litvinchuk, Aleksandr Ipatov and Tatiana Iuzhina -- Modeling Surface Waves on a Partially Saturated Poroelastic Half-Space, by Leonid Igumnov, Svetlana Litvinchuk, Andrey Petrov and Igor Vorobtsov -- Symposium on: "Elastostatic and Elastodynamic Problems for Thermosensitive and Nonhomogeneous Solids", by Roman Kushnir -- Residual Strength and Reliability of Corroded Pipelines - Monte-Carlo Approach for Consideration of Spatially Nonuniform Material Properties, by Alexey Milenin, Elena Velikoivanenko, Galina Rozynka and Nina Pivtorak -- Actual Problems of Structural Integrity Assessment of WWER-1000 Pressure Vessel Internals, by Makhnenko O.V., Kandala S.M. -- Vibration of Titanium Blades of Turbomachines for Nuclear Power Plants with Erosive Damage, by Yurii Vorobiov, Oleg Makhnenko, Nataliia Ovcharova, Anton Olkhovskyi -- Influence of Residual Stresses in the Cladding Zones of RPV WWER-1000 on Integrity Assessment, by Oleh Makhnenko and Elena Kostenevich -- Symposium on: "Dynamic Problems in Mechanics of Coupled Fields", by Roman Kushnir -- Damping of hydroelastic vibrations of the plate using shunted piezoelectric element. …”
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